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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. Actually, I do feel quilty for not capitalizing. I know we have the grammar, spelling, and punctuation police roaming the tsw board. But it was such a damn long write that I said screw it! I've been to Nickel City a few times. Actually met a guy from Buffalo there that took me claming in St. Pete somewhere. It was pretty cool waiding out in the water, digging up the clams, and actually shucking them right there with lemons and hot sauce to boot! I guess $500 was the going price at the time. I should have done it. Though it WAS fun outside the stadium. I made up for it and went to the superbowl in Pasadena. Snuck in a video camera (back when they were huge and not on everyones cell phone!). Come to think of it, I recorded M.Jackson at half time. Maybe that's worth something now? hmmmm?
  2. ...but do you feel guilty about not using paragraphs? lol good story, glad you made it out alive. i know Miami can get crazy. my sisters dead man. but thanks for your wonderful reply!
  3. OK, ...so we are probably in the slowest part of the season or close to it right now. And I am bored with the lack of things to talk or read about. I have never started a thread before as I have never really thought of anything original to say. But I was thinking the other day, I have some great Bills memories. And as much as some of you guys get on my nerves sometimes and I may disagree with you, you just might be cool in your own way and I just don't know it. so here is a chance for all of us to get to know each other a little better and share some good tales and just enjoy the comaraderie for a change. After all, though it doesn't always seem that way, we ARE ON THE SAME TEAM! Go BILLS! So obviously, i have to start. I've got 2 I'd like to share. The absolute coolest thing I have ever done as a Bills fan takes me back down to Tampa, Fl for the first superbowl against the Giants in 91. I was a young lad of about 21 and had just moved down to tampa in october of 90. I had started a furniture moving company up here in Rochester a couple years earlier and hated the snow so much, or working in it anyways, that I wanted to try my luck in Florida. So anyway, I had a 24' moving truck with no lettering on it sitting in my front yard. And then one day, a brilliant idea came to me. why not paint the truck up with Bills stuff and drive it down to the stadium for the game. So I proceeded to go buy some red and blue window paint(didnt need white as that was the color of the truck), the kind they use at car dealerships and such. I grabbed a yard stick and some tape and went to town on the truck. On one side, I painted a huge blue charging buffalo with a red stripe and wrote AFC champs next to it. And on the other side, I made a huge flag that took up a good portion of the side. I even made sure there was the right amount of stars on it. And next to that, I wrote "Our Hearts Are With You Troops". It came out awesome I really must say. And on the back I think I just wrote the bills, afc champs. Come Superbowl sunday, I drove that sucker on down to the stadium. I can remember watching the helicopter gunships with machine guns at the ready circling around. It was just a surreal day. As I got closer to the stadium, I can't tell you how many Bills fans, and even a few giant fans, stopped to take a picture in front of my truck. It was just an incredible, once in a lifetime moment and I am pretty sure nothing is going to top it. I almost bought a scalped ticket but it was 500 bucks and a little too much for me at the moment. So I watched the game outside on a huge screen they put up at the mall next to tampa stadium with about 5,000 people, about half bills fans, half giants fans. I can remember holding hands with people at the end, waiting for history to make itself. And well, we all know how that day ended. I think i cried, but not really sure. I was so damn drunk at that point. don't know how I got the truck home either. But alas, I am still here to tell you about my best Bills day ever. I know noone likes novels(but at least I am using paragraphs!), so I'll make # 2 short and sweet. ...a few years back, the last times the bills swept the Dolphins, or the time before that (it's all a blur), i was sitting with my buddy in our season seats, corner endzone Bills side near the scoreboard about 12 rows up. Anyway, I tell my buddy, i really wish i had a broom cuz we're gonna sweep these fu##ers!. now we are at the ralph. No way will I ever get my broom. So halftime, or sometime cuz I'd be lieing if I said I knew when, my buddy goes to get us some beers. When he gets back, lo and behold, he has a frigging broom with him! How the Hell? don't ask me how, but he found a janitors closet and stole the broom. How cool was that?! Needless to say, we swept the phins that day. After the game, we stayed and partied it up in the parking lot like good fans do. And then,.....the dolphins bus came rumbling towards us down the road. I ran up next to it and started waiving the broom back and forth. oh man they had to of been pissed! that was AWESOME! what a day! ok boys, and girls(at least cablelady and lori-are there more?), those are the coolest Bills things i have done. sorry so long. Have at it. and go BILLS!
  4. P.S.- Please, Noooooooooooooo more wood jokes! It was old when it was new. Thank You for your cooperation.
  5. Are you really a Doc? ....back to the post. this is great news, obviously. The sooner he gets back out there the better the line will be come opening day.
  6. As for the answer to the original question. A. I really don't think Ralph had anything to do with the pic. And unlike some of you guys, I don't think he meddles at all. He has hired people to make the pics and seems to let them do their jobs, good or bad. Now maybe he has made bad choices on the people who have made bad choices, but that's where I think it ends. As other people have stated, if this was a pic to sell tickets, then it surely would have been another player like clausen or tebow. Nix/Gailey stated that the first pic should be a difference maker. And I feel that was the bottom line with the spiller pick. He's going to give us the most bang for our buck (ralphs buck), so to speak. i think the amount of time they took to make the pic shows how much they liked him. For those of you who feel they should of taken the whole 10 minutes or whatever it was to try and make a trade, I really think these calls are made ahead of time. It really doesn't make much sense to try to hammer out a deal in only a few minutes with the pressure building up by the second. So if there was a trade offer, I think it would have been made already. would it have hurt to wait and see if anything new developed? no. I probably would have if it was my call. but its fairly obvious they got who they wanted. Now Bill, I totally understand you wanting us to grab a lt. but nix, or was it gailey, said something like you just don't pick a player to put at a position that can't play it. That just compounds the problem. And that sir, and i use that term loosely-jk!, is the bottom line. you said yourself you liked the rest of the draft with them going bigger on the d-line and stuff. Unfortunaletly, like they said, you can only make one pic at a time. And there where numerous wholes to fill. So it comes down to who you like better at what position that you need to fill. And besides, read below. I am actually with you on this. It seems they might have the tools to be good at the position if given some time to develop. I think we can get by this year with what we have, and be a damn good running team cuz these guys can run block. And with another full year in the trenches, maybe we'll have a good player at tackle. If not, then that is our #1 priority next year. So now we have two good guards but we picked them too high? just can't win with you billsvet. can't you just be happy we have two good guards, however attained? thats a rhetorical question. I'm sure you know what that means, but if not, i heard mpl knows what it means and can help!
  7. are you frickin serious Nostradamus? ....and we still think you're crazy.
  8. wouldn't go as far as to say keep posting.....but you are right on the belly laughs! mpl, you are learning a little bit. I'll give you that. but then at the end of your novell, you say "These last 5 questions are rhetorical....(San Jose if you don't now what that means look it up or I will assist you) San Jose, thanks for passing me the ball. You just got dunked on. Game over. Be a man and respond by not attacking. Lets hear some valid counter points. I welcome everyone's feedback positive or negative" you say lets talk football and you don't want attacking but then you call san jose stupid with the rhetorical comment (and san jose is not stupid from what I have gathered) . don't you possibly think that by ending with an attack, you may very well get the attack you don't want? When you suggest for him to be a man, I say you should first look in the mirror.
  9. Whatcha got for racoons and opossum? ....just curious.
  10. man that's great advice. But it seems that the right thing to do is always the harder thing to do....and I...just...don't.... know..... if i have the willpower. LMAO! side note: I feel special to be on a thread with so many oldtimers!
  11. To me, a troll is someone who just comes here to stir up s##t. probably a fan of another team posting under the guise of a bills fan. I may not be totally right but thats what I have gathered since I've been reading here.
  12. Bills vs Detroit ....and I don't want to pick a winner as I may jinx myself.
  13. that was f'in HILARIOUS! I have never seen that show but will look for it now. thanks! Man, you really do it to yourself. You wonder why you get so many negative responses? It's the way you come off and the way you say things. You've been on this board a month maybe and pretty much every post has been talking smack about the Bills. You are entiltled to your opinion, but when you say things like "you guys are living in Fantasyland" and stupid things like that, it's going to piss some of us off. Your latest rant, "Sounds like the new staff is searching for answers with lots and lots of question marks and holes to fill. Wow what a plan! All adds up to another loosing season and or seasons." The tone is condescending. WOW what a plan! do you realize how that sounds. We all know already that you KNOW the bills will suck. many of us like the new direction of the bills for reasons that are discussed here everyday and can see their plan. You are entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't make you right about what you say. None of us know how things will turn out. Many of us here just want good discussion about the Bills. And when a supposed "fan" hops on board and just talks crap and how the Bills are going to suck, well, you just aren't going to make many friends here. It really does seem like you are a fan of another team and are here just to piss us off, hence the word troll. Mickey, I usually like what you have to say. But not this time. He just said what many of us were thinking. Mpl even got San jose to say something negative the other day(but was deleted), and he never goes off on people so its clear that this guy gets under a lot of peoples skin. He is free to post like all of us. But till he changes the way he says things, don't expect many of us to like or respect what he says. Always being a downer or negative is not fun for many of us. Optimistic people can be realistic too. most of us aren't predicting superbowl or anything, just a markably better, well coached team that DOES have a plan. He can have his opinion but he sure and hell ain't taking me down with him. If he doesn't want to get attacked he should be more careful with the things he says. Certain people know how to push people's buttons, and he is one of them.
  14. wow. another negative post by wildrabbit. who would have thought? Personally, I don't think the Bills should make a move at wide reciever. early in the off-season, I wanted us to trade for Boldin. Obviously, that didn't happen. But I feel we will be fine at WR. I realize many here don't think well of Stevie, but I DO. He has looked good at every opportunity he has had and I think he will finally get his chance to show what he is made of. I saw jason peters and freddie jackson start like he did and become great players and I truly believe he will do the same. Will he suck? Possibly. But from what I have seen, I think there is more of a chance that he will be good. However, there are many other possibilities at WR. Maybe Hardy will step up too. After all, it is his third year. He's been banged up alot. He was a second round pick for a reason but it should (or could) start to come together for him this year. He sure has a good attitude(i'm not gonna bother finding the link). I am not going to count on Easly for anything, but we do have other people who can catch the ball. With some decent coaching, which we can all agree has been lacking as of late, Parrish will find ways to get open. And then we have Nelson the tight end who is like a receiver. And if need be, there is spiller and jackson that can and will catch the ball. Imagine Lynch in the half back position with evans and stevie on the outside and Spiller/Freddie on the inside and Nelson at tight end. To me , that has some potential. So, as far as I am concerned. We are fine at wide receiver. AND, in no way shape or form do we bring back owens. Don't get me wrong, he was ok last year and he even tutored hardy which was respectable, but he will just set the other guys back and I really want to see what they have given a full season to work. Now, I do agree we have to do something about left tackle. But if there is no one they like to put there, or the price is too high (trade compensation or player salary), I am ok with waiting till next year. Many here have pointed out that we didn't do much better when Peters was holding the position down. So if Nix/Gailey think the guys they have can hold down the fort, so be it. They are in a much better position to evaluate that than I am. Maybe Bell WILL be the answer. Who knows. But there is a good chance he will improve given another year of work. If not, we make sure we get one next year. If the bills do get a left tackle I would rather it be someone that will be there for a few years other than say , a flozell adams that will be a stop gap for one year. Certainly, if the Bills don't get a LT this year, it's not going to stop me from enjoying watching my team play this year. Which leads me to the last thing I want to say. Like you said wildrabbit, SADLY you will still come here to vent. You might not spend any money on games or merchandise, but you sure will watch the FREE games on tv of your team that will truly suck. Don't worry, the rest of us will spend our money so you can watch your games for free. Not a problem. And we'll have a blast tailgaiting at the ralph while you're home venting to tsw. your loss. lol
  15. a sincere apology. man that's nice to see on this board. maybe it'll open up the gate for more in the future?.........nah, but hell, 1 is good.
  16. I don't think the poster is in the minority at all. I know I'd show up if the nfl was my job. Lynch was one of only 2 players not showing up, and the other one has probably decided to retire but just hasn't announced it yet. So 2 players out of how many on the team right now, i don't even know, but yea, Marshawn is definitely in the minority. can't dispute the facts there. HEY, I actually agree with you!
  17. Can't say I really care what any of the media thinks about the Bills. Pretty soon our Bills will be better and everyone will jump on the bandwagon. He'd still find something.
  18. I second the NO THANKS. T.O. didn't put us over the top or anything and he won't this year. He dropped his share of passes and never came back after an underthrown ball. He will hurt the development of the younger guys and that is not something i am willing to sacrifice for a person thats not going to bring us any more wins. It's time to move on guys. This team is going in another direction.
  19. Not a friggin chance. MAYBE if he came to OTAs like the rest of the team he might have a chance, but highly unlikely as Freddie is the man! Because he's making millions of dollars and if the ultimate goal is to win the superbowl and the team has new coaches and schemes that must be mastered, the players gotta work their butts off. Bruce campbell? are you kidding me? Even if we did get a third for Marshawn, which isn't enough mind you, they wouldn't have gotten campbell because, frankly, he sucks. 1. I would go to every damn one if at all possible. Sometimes life gets in the way so I can see where guys miss some days, but it takes a lot of hard work to get to where these guys want to go and with the new staff and playing subpar last year, he should get his azz in there. 2. because it's always about what have you done for me lately
  20. Nicely put and I agree my fellow RUSH fan. Well now we HAVE a weapon. get over it already.
  21. I can't understand why you keep saying they are cheap. They signed dockery and walker to an ungodly sum. Stupid , yes. Certainly not cheap though. They didnt want to pay Peters what he was demanding and I don't blame them. Just don't see it the way you do. But that is as usual. I agree with the first part. But as for planning on starting Edwards, unless they are straight out lieing, they said it will be an open competition. and Gailey reiterated that it wasn't just lip service. i have to admit to being one of those that thought for sure they would trade him. And I still feel he may. But I certainly won't be mad if he stays. It makes us deep at running back in case freddie gets injured. and thats not a bad thing.
  22. I like you already whites bay. Oh Don't worry. You just started posting and your name is burned into my memory already and many others as well I am sure. Can't wait for the conversation at the end of the year. Most of us aren't predicting anything except that the bills made some changes that we are happy about and are looking forward to an improved season. for you to state you KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that the Bills will suck, shows me you know NOTHING! I am a positive guy, but I never liked Jauron or mularkey. I thought donahoe was good for awhile, but that opinion changed. Do I like NIX/GAILEY, you bet I do. The Bills/Ralph have made pleny of bad decisions over the years, so the odds are in favorof us positive ones that they may have finally gotten it right. And we did hold this franchise accountable. Duh, that's why there have been all these changes. Maybe not the ones you like. But I would estimate you are in the minority. If you don't like the Bills changes, it Is a free country and you can follow a team that makes you happy. why subject yourself anymore to the futility at one bills drive? Bills lover forever. what a joke.
  23. Why even apologize if you don't mean it? It's really sad that people wish for other people to get hurt in a game. This does say worlds about you. and it's not flattering.you are no one I care to even listen to what you have to say. I don't know how the ignore button works but when I find it , you'll be the first on on it. i know you don't care what I think. And i don't care. trolls like you need to find another place to chat cuz i'm pretty sure 99% of us don't want you here. preparing and executing are two different things. I appreciate your thumbs down in this, but it really isn't any better what you say afterwards. NO ONE deserves to get hurt just for trashing the bills, etc. Maybe you could say that about someone who murders or rapes or something really bad like that. but not for just being an ass.
  24. Dude, There is no denying that we have sucked for a long time, but there have been wholesale changes made. Enough changes that some of us like the direction the team is going. Many don't agree with the changes or don't think we have done enough. Fine. But only so much can be done in one off season and the new people in charge have to be given a chance to make their plan work. There will be no RESULTS till the the games are played. In the mean time, we have 2 choices. We can hope they do well, or we can say how much they suck. for me it is draining to be negative. It really gets you nowhere. So I choose to be positive. It's a much better feeling. and a more productive way to attain results. The only way all you doom and gloomers will shut up, and I really can't wait for this to happen, is for the season to finally get here and the Bills win some games and put out a better product. Till then, I guess, no matter what side your on, we'll just have to put up listening to each others crap.
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