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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  2. Buffalo News- Jerry Sullivan Jerry Sullivan article 9/9/2010 www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article185119.ece I really can't stand his articles much anymore.
  3. I agree with this statement. And,........you wear panties???
  4. Well, not with that attitude they won't. Personally, I am taking Gailey's approach. I'm expecting to win every week. As for what I'd like to see, is for us to run the ball down their throats all day long!
  5. uuhhhh,.....NO. Why would I pic this thread to wake up to with my coffee is beyond me? I guess I am not as smart as I look. but thanks guys for setting him straight. wherever he disappeared to.
  6. what? No offense, but that's gotta be one of the stupidest things i have ever heard. What in the world ever gave you this feeling? Please, you must elaborate. Thats funny, that's who I think Merle Haggart is.
  7. i'm getting "flak" for saying "slack"!
  8. huh? No sh_t this is a Bills site. I'm calling out all the doom and gloomers who always praise Parcells and think he can do no wrong. We're on the same team here buddy, for what its worth. And SORRIEEEE if its old news, I just read it.
  9. Just read that the dolphins 2nd round pic last year Pat White was released. So for all you guys who bow at Parcells feet, just goes to show he's not perfect either. I know I'll get slack for this from some of you, but just felt like it had to be said. ok, now you can go about your day.
  10. LMAO ....but exactly what I was thinking. seriously though tgregg, after all the negative crap i had to wallow through to get to the end, that was cool. We got our team now good, bad ,or indifferent and hopefully all the doom and gloomers, realists, pessimists, and positive ones(me)can finally just come together and back our team. (and I pray we win some games fast or it'll all unravel so damn fast and the board will melt like just after the spiller pic)
  11. aw BillsPhan, you are nauseating with your "ralph is cheap" agenda. It seems like almost every thread that you respond to says something to this effect. Not only is it annoying, but it's just plain false. please stop. Read ptr's comment, I think this applies to you too. Unbelievable is right. makes me want to reach through the screen and choke some people. and as for the udfa- good for them and the fo. The fo gets blasted when they make a bad pic,and they should be commended when they find some good players.
  12. I am rather enjoying the silence. I mean, would you rather hear darth going off because we kept Edwards? no? me neither. as for me, I thought/hoped Brohm was going to win the job. But he only won third string. I wish he would have gotten more of a chance with the first stringers though. I liked his progression over the pre-season and thought he did well the last game. He had good reads and some good passes and runs. It's too bad a lot of his passes were dropped or he would have looked better. With that said, Edwards is the man for now and I will back him 100%. GO BILLS! my prediction 10-6 and we win the afc east
  13. give me a break. you ARE NOT correct. Doc here is correct. You need to chill the eff out if anyone.
  14. Man, you're going to have to grow some bigger balls if you wanna hang on this site.
  15. If trent is better because of those things that you mentioned, doesn't that mean those players are better than you expect too. I can't see how trent gets better because he has adequate protection, but the tackles and center suck. That is certainly your opinion. But one I don't share. I say we winn AT LEAST 7 games. all you realists are really just "cautionists" (yea, i started a new word) I think a lot of you are just afraid to be wrong about our team, yet again. I get that and don't really blame you. But all of us here see things differently. But i for one, and there will be a little luck involved, but I do believe we will be better than a good share of you believe.
  16. I'll drink to that! ( John, that was really cool. I take back some of those thoughts I had about you that involved your last name! ) ....wait, that doesn't sound quite right. Ah, you guys know what I mean....right? lmao Well, if we are building this team up the right way, can't Spiller be the start of the foundation? Yea we had other needs. still do. now we're all set at rb. next year we do bpa again and maybe we get our lt, maybe we get an end or linebacker. But if we keep doing this we will be built the right way and for the long hall. there's no rule that says the foundation you build has to start with a left tackle, especially when there wasn't one we really liked at #9. and same goes for the other positions of need,..er, foundation, as you said. I had no problem with this pick at all.
  17. Don't you know people around here don't like the word "swagger"?? Trent is starting to look different. We can only hope it continues. #3 is too much information. ....just curious, does it work for you? Who the hell are you to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do? I'll get my hopes up if I want to. It's posts like these that drive people away from here.
  18. My thinking exactly. If we need a qb in next years draft, 2 things can happen if we are picking in the middle of the pack. The guy we like will drop to us. Or 2, we trade up. But either way, we can get him if we want him bad enough. Also, if we want any chance at a decent free agent I would think someone would rather sign with us if they see that the Bills are headed in the right direction. huh? is my last sentence above what you are trying to say?
  19. And apparently you never will get it.(and aren't you whining about someones post now?) How does one know one won't like what is written until you have read it? To me with your lack of sympathy and the way you try to make yourself sound better than thou cuz you don't quit the board really makes you sound like a jerk. Die Hard, sorry to see you go. It seems lots of good people have been leaving as of late. It is really too bad. Buffalo rumblings posters seem to be more respectfull than tsw, try giving them a shot. Thanks for your contributions to the board. AND AS A BUFFALO BILL! ps- We WILL be a good team this year!
  20. man, I tried to stay out of this conversation. till you wrote. I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with you. The bills handled the situation just fine. Maybe langston walker was a mistake, but getting rid of peters was not. We will see if he makes it to the pro bowl this year. But it certainly isn't a given. But that won't change the fact that he was a douche to us and deserves to be gone. good f'in riddance! (and believe it or not, he was once one of my favorite players) and why I have to keep hearing/writing this crap 2 years later is beyond me.
  21. What is it with Shefter? It seems he twitters crap thats not true. Wasn't it him that twittered a trade was imminent with us and Baltimore for Gaither? This guy has no credibility with me.
  22. My link laughed laughed even harder! ....I just might like you yet Leonidas!
  23. I'm with tbone on this one. that was pass interference ALL DAY LONG. The defender grabbed his shirt and pulled him right before the ball got there. Even w'out that, the defender got his hands all over that ball. TO wouldn't have caught that and probably not even strong handed evans would have gotten that ball. other than the interference, that was a good play by the defender.
  24. I honestly can't believe we are having this discussion, especially with 2 of our top 3 rb's injured. This is now a strength of our team and should help us win a good deal of games. I just don't see the sense in weakening a strength. And besides, Lynch is always one blunt away from a long suspension so I am not sure that he is the running back I would keep. I have to respectfully disagree with this statement. Freddie is shiftier and a better pass catcher which I think makes him a better big play guy, lynch is more of a mauler. Either way, I want them BOTH on my team. injuries, more weapons, different styles, not gonna get a premier pick anyways-is it worth a 4th or worse?-I don't think so. but that's just me. I really hate when you guys bring this up. Hypothetically speaking, what if freddie was to get the same carries that Marshwn got when he scored a td. maybe we were in a better position to score, maybe the play call was better, maybe a blitz was picked up. There are so many factors that come into play on a touchdown. The fact is, freddie moves the chains. With out him doing that, it's quite possible lynch doesn't get his shot at the endzone. This is a TEAM game, why we gotta dog our own players is beyond me.
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