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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. Thanks for saving me the time. and billsfreak, like another poster stated, you need to step away from the ledge. It's just not as bad as you always make it seem.
  2. I'm so sick of these Ralph is cheap threads.(no you didn't say it, but you sure did imply it) Yea, ralph forced schobel to retire so he could save his salary. PaLeeeeease.And just what "marquee" players are out there that you would like him to pick up?
  3. Well it's too bad we had to go through all this with trent to get to where we knew we'd get. Thanks for your service though. you tried. But it's time you went away. Don't go away mad, just go away. And now, my boy Brohm is one step closer to getting his shot. Wooooo Hoooo!
  4. I totally agree with you and the ops original thread, though I think Gailey is a good coach and the redneck wasn't called for. I understand you guys say take the points, but we never beat the freaking patriots. Gailey had a chance , like said above, to change the losing culture and gain confidence. If we make the first down, maybe we get the td. If not we still get the fg and leave them no time to come back and get those points back or the momentum back in their favor. The confidence they would have gained there would have paid huge dividends in this game and down the road. I do feel Gailey blew it there and lost a great opportunity to change this team for the better.
  5. Nice. I've done Bald Mountain over there but never Rocky. Enjoy!...wouldn't that make your day though to come back and find out the Bills won?! Then you'd have to go to Slickers for some wings and saranac!
  6. I LOVE the adks. where ya hiking??...... Too bad you're gonna miss our first win of the year and first against the patriots in a long while. But thanks for taking one for the team!
  7. Not for nothing cuz I was just having fun with you, wasn't really choosin sides. I just found it ironic someone giving English lessons spelled a word wrong. But our/are sound the same so it IS possible he just spelled it wrong but knows the correct context.
  8. If you are going to give him crap about spelling, you should at least spell opinion correctly!
  9. Senator, that was awesome! Thanks for a good laugh in this disturbing thread. Certainly hard to believe he's a Bills fan. I think this is a great idea. Who in their right mind wants their team to cheat as to show passion or will to win? That's just frickin stupid. Jim, this has got to be one of the worst threads this year. Seriously.
  10. Well I have to agree with your first line; another pathetic trade post.
  11. If we beat the dreaded patricheats, it won't mean anything? are you out of your freakin mind? It will mean everything. We've won like 1 game out of 18 or 19. Even if we didnt win another game all year, to get that monkey off our back would be huge and give us hope for the future and something to build on. ...... And for the record, I think we win sunday.
  12. Some of us feel this way. But then there are others, like Albany, who just hate the man and are absolute talent evaluators and know without a shadow of a doubt that he will never amount to anything. I'm happier with Fitz than Trent, but I'd really like to see Brohm get his chance so we can find out one or another if albany is right or wrong.
  13. Wow. This really says A LOT about you. What, did you get banned once? Shouldn't be long till it happens again. And just so you know, I'm sure most of have done things wrong but I'm pretty sure most of us haven't tortured animals. It's despicable. And so is your love for him. go have his baby.
  14. I'm with you my fellow diehard. This is my team, win or lose, and no matter the level of sucktitude, they will ALWAYS be my team. I'm sure I'll be buried with something bills with me. .....maybe it's time I got that charging Buffalo tat I have been wanting.
  15. Must be nice what? That he has a cool avatar and you.........have a kitty?
  16. First of all, I'd like to say- where's Darth? I thought he's be all over this. This is my wish as well. But I do think Brohm will be good. just my opinion. If only we didn't have to go through all this crap to get there. You'll hear it before the day is over, I'm sure.
  17. LMFAO! I'm with you there Asrtro! Nice post GL. Granted, Wilson has made his share of bad pics in the past, but I do feel he has it right this time though it isn't showing yet. I am confidant it will in a short while. To the OP, patience grasshopper.
  18. I wonder if they signed him because they think we might trade Marshawn and would have brought him up to the active roster?
  19. Too homerish. Get real youself. This crap has been talked about way too freakin much. They've got their plan and it's going to take some time to have it come together. Enough of the doom and gloom. If you don't enjoy the games, don't watch them. But please just stop coming here to spout your hate. A good portion of us here just don't want to hear it anymore. I got to know. are you really mpl? Actually, at least he got better as time went on. Your use of man, big guy, ace, get real, get a clue etc. really has cemented you as my new least favorite poster on this board. LOL. (yea, that's sarcasm)
  20. best post out of this stupid azz thread. you are classless. but i already knew that. If there's no draw, what makes you follow the team? Actually, you never have anything good to say about the Bills. Almost trollish I would say.
  21. Nice! Misery loves company.
  22. If that really is you Marv (Hey, ya never know!), please excuse this idiotic post. You may have made some mistakes as gm, but you were a great coach. No one will ever bring a team to 4 straight superbowls. We would have won the first one if not for a handfull of plays(can't just blame norwood imo) So please excuse this guy for being an azz as he is just a passionate bills fan who wants to win. I gotta agree with you. In fact, after reading everything after this first game I really don't know if i can take it anymore with some of you guys. It's getting so bad imo that it's just not that much fun coming here anymore. I wish I was around in the early years. I get jealous when I hear the old timers talk about how good it was. I'm seriously thinking about doing a TG or a Lori. It's just hard to believe some of you are BILLS fans.
  23. You seem to be quite pleased by all this. But let me ask you this one question. By this ONE game, you got Gailey pegged for the season? I just cant believe some of you super pessimistic guys, yea billsphan thats you, which really sounds like an oximoron to me, but i just can't believe how some of you react. One game and all your predictions are proved correct? Give me a freakin break. If you were SO sure we were gonna suck, why are you so surprised today that we lost this game?
  24. meangia, it's one freakin game. did it start out the way I had hoped? No. Is the season lost yet? Hardly. Just like a bunch of you freaked out when the bills got blasted by washington in the first pre-season game, no need to FREAK OUT now. We'll find out more next week. Either way, I'll still think your a douche.
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