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Everything posted by EastRochBillsfan

  1. This thread is funny. it's cool to see some of you guys say you were wrong. I almost feel like we are all on the same team again. Except for maybe the most negative posters. nothing seems to make them happy. I was one of the stevie lovers. he just always looked good in pre-season to me and Im happy he finally is getting his chance and doing something with it. This is how I feel about Brohm too just for the record. But in the spirit of this thread I must say, Hi my name is Dan and I didn't think Fitz would be anything more than a backup. I was wrong. I hope he continues his awesome play. He's leading this team right now and is actually becoming fun to watch. If only we had a defense.
  2. i don't think he's trying hard to be a miserable jerk. It just comes naturally. Thoner, while you were spending so much time watching Howard how could you possibly have time to count how many seconds Fitz took to throw the ball? There were some long throws and though Fitz does get rid of the ball quickly(a good thing), many of those plays took more than 2 or 3 seconds to develop. The bottom line is the o-line gave him time to throw against the #3 ranked Baltimore defense and this undrafted rookie did hold his own in his first start. We finally play an exciting game and you see no good in it. Just go away.
  3. OMG I thought I was the only one who thought this. I've been wanting to say that for weeks! It's funny how mpl suddenly dissapeared and this napolian guy appeared. Same style, same mo, same frequency. Good call! But back to Fitz, I have to say he changed my mind today. I've been wanting Brohm to get his chance but Fitz has been playing well, steadily getting better, and he had his breakout game today. Good for him! and the Bills! Finally we break 300 yrds passing. I feel the curse has been broken today. And I am willing to back Fitz until he shows me different. If only this game will quiet the doom and gloomers for awhile. Not likely, but one can dream can't he?
  4. Wow, a nice, well thought out thread. Did it take awhile to come up with it? Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest? Not a fricking chance we lose the next 11 games. What is it senator always says? oh yea, 11-5 baby! Go Bills!
  5. Well, welcome to the board! I'm not a big poster here but I do read most everything. But Fitzy hasn't been too bad. Better than I expected that's for sure. Maybe he'll even get better with time, who knows. I'd still like to see Brohm get a few games though so we can see what he has. Maybe it'll be this week with Baltimores D so strong.
  6. I'm with you on this. I would really like to know who to blame. Everyone always calls for Modraks head and I don't want to say I defend him, but I just can't condemm him until I know who made the call. And that goes for maybin as well. I happen to believe it was marv/jauron who made the boneheaded move and bypassed Ngota but that is just speculation. Someone reading tsw should be able to find this out. maybe some of the local writers like sullivan or mathews read here? That would be a great question for someone to find out for us. get on it guys!
  7. Other than the original post, I pretty much like this thread.
  8. are you serious? That's your rebuttal? oh my...
  9. OMG reading your drivel is annoying. First of all, the draft was in april and you're STILL biatching about it? I don't know how many times it has been hashed out here but you only get so many picks in a draft. We had/have so many holes on this team they just couldn't draft every position. So they drafted what they thought was the best value for what was needed. Countless times it has been said this isn't a 1 year rebuild so why in your infinite wisdom would you think we can draft everything we need in 1 draft? Its just not possible. i'm pretty sure they will adress the OLine this year, but again, we still have so many holes, like linebacker for instance, or a good pass rusher, possibly/probably qb so who they draft will depend on who they really like and where that person falls. So with all this being said, just let it go man. It really is quite annoying to the rest of us readers to hear this stuff for the 10,000th time as you should be able to see by the responses you are getting.
  10. The fact is you were wrong and can't admit it.
  11. Nice 7th post! Some guys make you want to reach through the screen and choke the hell out of them, don't they?!
  12. And you know this HOW? If only we actually knew who picked what we'd really know if Modrak should be canned or not.
  13. Why you got to call me a homer, man?? That ain't cool. I guess we all should bow down to you. you were right, we were wrong. we're not worthy ...douche.
  14. what is the purpose of this thread?? just to start crap that doesn't need to be started? Peters ran his own damn self out of town. and Langston would be better than we have but isn't the answer either.LW was overpaid anyways. If Ralph was pinching pennies he wouldn't have signed langston to that god awful contract in the first place. this thread sucks.
  15. Thats BS. We got 2 3rds and change for McGahee to the ravens. Surely Marshawn is worth more than him. and as for Freddie, he is not the normal 29 year old. He just doesn't have the milage on him that other rb's his age have. I say he;s good for another 4-5 years.
  16. Albany, I can't stand your hate for Brohm. Your whole premise of him sucking is he cleared waivers and went on a practice squad and no qb has ever made it back from there. or something like that cuz I really can't even read your hate posts through anymore. If its good for the team for him to become good, why not just have a little hope that it'll happen. After all you are a Bills fan, right? Isn't it in the best interest for the team if our qb is already on the roster? But you insist he sucks when you really don't have much evidence that this is so. An honest judgement CAN'T be made until we see him play in a good 3,4,5 live games. Until then, can't you just temper your hate for the rest of us? You state he sucks like it's fact and it is just being ignorant.
  17. Other than this comment above, I think this thread sucks. All the doom and gloomers in one thread. wonderful. You guys really are depressing. If it hurts SO much, just don't watch the game this week. that'll show the Bills.
  18. ummmm, C ?? maybe you should ask Spagnola. and I 2nd the crockpot idea. If you put it on high for an hour or so before you leave you should be good to go! and thanks, now I know what to make this weekend! and Matty T, gonna try your recipe. I'll thank you now, as I may be too buzzed to remember to thank you later. (got a dd!)
  19. I just want to know if this spagnola azz's avatar is actually his mug shot? and I'm with you guys, GREAT THREAD!.....go figure.
  20. Are you mad(as in insane)? a 4th rounder for Lynch? I'm a freddie fan but Marshawn is a very good back. I would tell any team offering a 4th to go take a sh*t for themselves. We got two 3's and change for McGahee.
  21. we haven't played the jets yet. and we are moving forward without someone that was holding us back. this is a good thing.
  22. No Lindell or Moorman?....oh, it was only 5. ok. nevermind.
  23. first of all, let me say thanks for your service. many people take for granted that they can go to games safely . So seriously , thanks. However, if it's that bad for you being a Bills fan, why not just step away? I honestly can't understand why people hang on to something that doesn't make them happy. Just pick another team and all will be well. It's like hanging on to your wife that you once loved but things just aren't the same anymore. Do you live unhappily or just get the divorce? Sounds like its time to move on to me. Billsphan, I'm usually swearing at you but i now have a new found respect for you. my favorite saying during the superbowl years was "we're # 2 ! " Damn Dean, you always say some good sh*t.
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