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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. PS: I'm also a HUGE Buckeye fan! Spent many hours in Drake union. Jeff
  2. I agree with allot of this, good post! What bugs me is that Everyone is dooming JP but no one has a REALISTIC alternative? Who would you rather have? Bledsoe, come on! Flutie at 42? I'm sure that some would. No one can come up with a better QB than JP and I can't either. Go JP burn it up!! Jeff
  3. Since your new, a couple observations - 1.) Have a SPORTS opinion? We try to talk sports here! - 2.) Have you noticed that no one has responded to this post??? The regular season is about to start. Jeff
  4. Am I the only one that remembers the "Massage Parlor" incident involving Mr. Rice??? I'm not saying he's not the greatest WR ever, I'm just saying that If someone want's to throw around the "Class" word.... Jeff
  5. Hey, it's football season now - STOP WASTING SPACE ON THIS BOARD! Jeff
  6. Am I the only one suprised that NE cut QB Rohan Davey? I always thought he was a good QB. Jeff
  7. That is a funny story! First computer crash in history that was worth it. Jeff
  8. I went ahead and got the package. A little spendy, but I'm looking forward to it. Jeff
  9. OMG first good laugh I've had in a week. Jeff
  10. Its a great idea but not practical. Imagine yourself with out food or clean water for two days. Now imagine that you catch a wafting of BBQ.... what do you think happens next....? The ones with guns eat first! The government needs to stabilize everything first and unfortunately people will be killed because of lack of judgment from living through this mess. Ugly Jeff
  11. Even if they would be able to resume the season at the Superdome who's going to go?? Do they really think that Saints fans went running through there house - OK, I got all the cash in the house.....the important papers and some pictures.....Oh, yeah where are those GD Saint's tickets?? Jeff
  12. That's not nice to talk that way about your new Grandmother! Jeff
  13. Now, before I get flamed off the board, In no way am I comparing what happened to those of us that lived in Florida last year - but - The inconvenience of being without electricity and gas last year (for about a week and a half each time (3)) was very difficult. In that respect we can understand - to a VERY small degree – more than others how completely helpless a feeling this must be. Now add in loved ones, property and your life as you know it gone........... Jeff
  14. All looting is bad, but I don't have as much of a problem with people walking off with food as I do with someone taking money, TV's or jewelry. Perishables like bread vegs and meats are just going to spoil anyway. Jeff
  15. Soon the Government will be handing out gas stamps. Jeff
  16. That SOB! I understand that 1/4 of the nation's gas resources is temp out of service, but it seems that - for any little resason over the past 8 months- the gas prices jump $.10? Jeff
  17. Can he play O-line? Jeff Beat you to it Frez! Jeff
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