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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I'm with you! My buddies and I were talking about during the challange. Smart move. Jeff
  2. Your right about that! My weather forcast for where I'll see the game: Cool in the low to mid 70's, dry and a good chance of beer and wings served by hot chicks! Now thats a forcast that anyone would like! Jeff
  3. Very funny story....I wonder if Commander Tom's son was a pimp? Jeff
  4. It amazes me that so much time on this board is spent on posts wanting to trade TH. The Bills are having trouble scoring and lets get rid of our #1 RB? Sure his numbers arent good, but the O-line sucks. It's one of two things: 1.) The O-line can't open holes for him 2.) He doesn't want to work hard and he would like for the team to fall on it's face. GET A GRIP! Jeff
  5. ...does anyone know if the show Wings will be out soon? IMHO It's right up there with Cheers and Seinfeld. Jeff
  6. Jim Rome is a complete moron! I don't know how anyone can listen to him. I put him in the same league as Rush Limbaugh. Jeff
  7. What if we carry the momentium into this weeks game and beat Miami, what does that tell us about this team? My thought - Nothing! Jeff
  8. Dude, I'm one of the biggest defender of this club on this board, but my vision is 20/20. It's clear that they have no O. When Its 1-8 are you going to say " See, I told you there not that bad"? Jeff
  9. And replace him with JJ? Please, what a stupid post! Jeff
  10. It's getting sad. I now go to the bar to watch the game and wonder how we can lose this game? 4-4 Tom... This team hasn't shown anything to convince me that they can. It's impossible to blame Drew 100%, WE HAVE NO O-LINE! This is not a physical it's all mental! Jeff
  11. Saw a crawler on ESPN last night that said that he was out for the season
  12. Believe it or not, all I can use is dial-up. I quess I'm lucky to have that. I could have two tomato cans and a string? Jeff
  13. I live in the sticks, There's no DSL just dial-up. I guess the next question is would you take directway over dial-up? Jeff Thanks for the advice!
  14. Are you sure...the way it's been this year, a rodeo is the perfect word - someone is riding someone! Jeff
  15. That post was just to stur the pot a little. He was a tough SOB and the was consistant (something I wish we had now). I would love to find an old Talley jersey. Jeff
  16. Why? Thats like wanting a Billy Joe Hobart or a Chris Watson jersey? Jeff
  17. here's another point, Ive been kicking this around for a week or so and havent had the balls to put it out there. Expanding on your statement billsnutinhouston, what if Jax and Oakland are the best D's in the NFL? Maybe we arnt as bad as we look?Maybe we just drew the short straw?, Maybe I'm just screwed in the head??? Jeff
  18. O-line, it's that easy. If he has 8 seconds to through we are 2-0. Jeff
  19. I've about had it too! I still have clean-up to do in my yard from the last two and we still have a ways to go in the season....YUCK! Jeff
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