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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. With out a dought the funniest thing that I have ever seen on a TV show! Jeff
  2. I'm going to eat myself if this GD electricity doesn't come on soon!! Wendy the Retard
  3. I didn't stay with it to see JP's start. I took some Pepto and hit the hay. Jeff
  4. I'll be the first to admit that I thought that we may have turned the corner. Even if it was a close loss, it would have been some sort of a positive. Now all hope is lost. I think that it's time to admit defeat and move towards building for next year by starting Losman. Like many of you I live and die on Sunday's, I'll continue watching this team for the rest of the season hoping that they play spoilers, but that's about it. Jeff
  5. You can stop the contest...the Butterface of all Butterfaces is ......Tori Spelling - YUCK! Jeff
  6. I was talking with a friend of mine who is a Fin fan and I agree with his idea. First, he is happier than a pig in stevestojan that Wanny is gone. !.) Trade off Thomas and Taylor and anyone else worth anything 2.) Stockpile draft pics In a couple 3 years they should start to see the sunlight What do you think? Jeff
  7. He said that Dave Wannstedt's luck is so bad that if he bought a cemetery that people would just stop dieing. Jeff
  8. 1.) McGahee quietly has 473 yrds 2.) Bills D is #3 in the NFL - vs the rush #4, vs the pass #3 3.) L. Fletcher is ranked as the #2 LB in the NFL 4.) E. Moulds is the #6 WR in the NFL 5.) D. Bledsoe has a 77.4 QB rating, the #1 QB in the NFL is...(Drum roll) ..Quincy Carter with a 156.3. Jeff
  9. Ladies and gents, I still think that he's not 100% yet. The last month will reveal the future of the Buffalo Bills! Jeff
  10. The game I watched yesterday, he was slipping all over the field...alot of players were slipping, I remember Martin slipping at least twice. Can't these equipment people see this?? Jeff
  11. I like Evans over Reed also, but my game ball goes to the O line. It's good to see a solid effort the last two games. BIG test next week for everyone. Jeff
  12. What bothers me is that we dump stupid $ into Israel and back them 100% no mater what, right or wrong??? Jeff
  13. What the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about buying the plate myself, mine! and doing it to my plate??? Jeff
  14. I was referring to the Israel/Palestine area. Jeff
  15. Great! Another place to send troops to. Jeff
  16. Yes, that's were this happend - on I-4 near the turnpike exit. I'm sure that I won't do it, but BOY WOULD I LIKE TO! Jeff
  17. I'm not sure about that, I see- all day long - plates with UF Gators stickers in the middle of the plates and others like that.... something to think about. Jeff
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