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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I'll be up for the Pitts/Buff game and would like to be there. Thanks Jeff
  2. When ever I see your avatar, I thing of the opening seen in Saturday Night Fever. Jeff
  3. You have got to check it out. The guy is very funny!! He tours a boat and show a bedroom that is on the boat. He flops on the bed and says "see, mirrors on the ceiling - Big pimpin' just like Eric Moulds!". Jeff
  4. The old "A Christmas Carol" with A. Sims in B/W. Jeff
  5. The only problem there is that 9-7 won't get you into the playoffs. Jeff
  6. Steve, whats the weather look like for the game on sunday? Jeff
  7. Here's some of my favs - but there not war movies. The Professional - Hired hitman with a heart T3 - the first hour is action packed Tombstone - A real mans movie Jeff
  8. A freind of mine (a Fins fan) made sure to call me at half time to rub it in. I remember Boomer E. Warning everyone that Frank R. has done this before and he was jabbed at by someone in the studio. I made sure that I called my friend back! Jeff
  9. I had the pleasure of shaking his hand as he was going to a Hunters Hope tent at Pro Player before a Bills/Fins Monday nighter. Bigger guy than you might think. Jeff
  10. I can't believe no one has posted the best of all time - Rocky Blier - not that I'm a Steelers fan... Jeff
  11. I'm not sure how much more details I can give until the bus is parked. I do know that having been going to this game for the past 8 years or so, there are tons of Bills fans that go. This year should be even bigger. Jeff
  12. I agree with you Corp, I don't think that he is anywhere near 100%. Once he gets there LOOK OUT! Jeff
  13. I'm going too! When I get my tickets, I'll let you know so we can meet! Jeff
  14. I'm hoping that your right! I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Jeff
  15. IMO this game was the New England, but with a bad team. That's the diff. Jeff
  16. I'm in the environmental field and my first name is Jeff, so....envirojeff Jeff
  17. A bus full of Orlando Bills Backers will be there. I would like to meet all of you. If you see someone from my group, ask them to point out Jeff (big guy, full beard, drunk!). I'm not sure what parking lot we will be in, but look for a yellow and black bus. We should have a banner, also Jeff
  18. I'm down here in Florida and I'm starting to go nuts around 3:00pm in the afternoon's. I have always (since they pulled the show) had a tick or two around then, but now it's full blown shakes. I can't belive that the show cost alot of money? and what there running in that time slot is stevestojan. Jeff
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