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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I agree Steve, but how better to F the Jets than give them hope then yank it away! Jeff
  2. You don't agree that Losman needs to be game tested? All I'm saying is that if they had more of an opportunity to get him valuable playing time, it would be easier to get rid of Bledsoe. We can both agree that the string of wins will give them confidence for '05 and rightfully so, I'm just saying that it would have been nice to have seen more of Losman last year. Jeff
  3. The only reason in entertaining the thought of pulling for the Jets is to see them absolutely slaughtered by the Colts in the AFC Champ game! Jeff
  4. I might not even watch this game, I'd hate to see either win. I am pulling for the Colts though. Jeff
  5. I don't understand your question? My opinion on the topic is not to start JP. Jeff
  6. IMHO If Losman starts, we all need to be prepared to make '05 another "rebuilding" year. The growing pains could cost the Bills a few early games if he pans out like we all hope. If I were GM, I'd start Bledsoe and keep a short leash on him. I've said in an earlier post that the fact that they went on a big winning streak instead of being eliminated early hurt more than it helped. Valuable time for Losman was lost and we may be paying for it in '05? Jeff
  7. I voted Bledsoe because Losman still isnt ready for fulltime duty. Bledsoe should start the first 5 or so games then Losman. MM should have a quick hook. Jeff
  8. I don't understand how anyone can still put Moulds on there list? He has sucked the last couple years. Jeff
  9. Just got back from vacation that included the game on Sunday. It accrued to me after the game that we will have to keep Bledsoe or another vet QB because I don't think that Losman is Ready. It also made me realize that the worst thing that could happen to us was to put together that win streak. If we would have been eliminated early, Losman would have had plenty of time and we would have a good feel on his progress. Now the QB spot is- for the most part- up in the air!!! Jeff PS: My plane was delayed yesterday morning from a 6:00am take off to a 10:00am take off with out prior notice. While wondering around the airport I saw this HUGE guy at a side security check point and thought right away that it must be a player. I was worried that it might be Jennings or someone like that who I wouldn't recognize. He turned around and it was Mike Williams getting out of Dodge. I'm 6'6''-335 and he was a monster! I stuck my hand out and he shook my hand. MY HAND COMPLETLY DISAPEARED! A little chit-chat, didn't want to hold him and his female friend up. Nice guy!
  10. I was very worried about a San Fran letdown, I'm convinced that MM won't let that happen. Jeff
  11. I'm not sure where I'm going to be. What we will do is party then wonder around. I'll try to get to that area and ask for Flomoe. Jeff
  12. If everything falls into place for us - Jets lose vs Rams and we win and Denver lose - we get the 5th seed and a wildcard playoff game in Buffalo? Jeff
  13. Gottcha, the Rams need to win out also, right? Jeff
  14. Are you going to the game? There's about 10 of us going - lets hook up and tailgate together! Jeff
  15. Are you saying that if the Rams lose tonight and the Vikes lose at the Skins, the Rams/Jets game is a win-your-in game for them? Jeff
  16. Well, Im going up on Wends and staying through the 4th. I'm looking forward to hearing him. Had the foresight to get Buf/Pitts tickets in October.... Everyone thopught I was nuts, now everyone wants to buy them from me. 8 rows up on the 20 - Bills side! Jeff
  17. Would love to hear what he has to say. Damn you to hell Empire! Jeff
  18. I know that this is a stupid question, but is there ANY scenario that Buffalo gets in with 9-7? Jeff
  19. excellent! Thanks alot. There's so much other stuff floating around... Jeff
  20. Clear this up please. Assuming the Jets pick up one WC... Jeff
  21. Your right Spikes and Adams do suck and there has been no production out of them since they got here.....Jackass! Jeff
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