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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I can't believe no one has thought of : The Doors first LP! Jeff
  2. I think the Bills would have lost as well, but they would have played alot better! Jeff
  3. Your friend is lucky to have a friend like you! GREAT NEWS Jeff
  4. I thought that myself, If I were an owner I think that I would try to get something that resembled hockey on the ice. 5,000 fans in the seats is better than 0? Jeff
  5. I'm not so sure that they can get it back...we may be eye witnesses to the death of Pro Hockey! Jeff
  6. You have Daytona (E), Treasure Island (Tampa area) (W) and Kennedy Space Center (SE) in Coco Beach all about an hour away. I sure wouldn't tie myself to Disney...in fact I wouldn't even go there, Universal is much better IMNO. Jeff
  7. Not if you like looking at crack whores? Jeff
  8. I work for the City of Orlando so I have to drive by the P-House all the time...even that's to close! Yeah, Rachels is still in business. I wouldn't waste my time with that place. Jeff
  9. Watermania on international drive is fun and doesn't cost allot compared to the other parks. About an hour up the road is Silver Springs in Ocala, FL. Worth visiting! Natural Florida. Also I think that the Manatees are running at that time. First check with a local, if they are - go to Crystal River, FL. It's about and hour or so NW of Orlando. They hang out near the Nuke power plant discharge. It's warm water and they love it. There fed cabbage and lettuce from park rangers, quite an experience. I'll come up with some more stuff later Jeff
  10. Yup, and for the best steak in town go to Charlie's Steak House. It's kinda pricey, but you will never have a better steak in your life. Jeff
  11. Well, I live in St. Cloud Florida and work in Orlando. There is plenty of stuff to do. Be prepared to dish out the cash around spring break time, they realy rape the tourists then. Jeff
  12. I agree 110%. If you have never had the pleasure of being drunk off your a** and baking in the sun all day in that stadium, your realy missing out! Jeff
  13. Come home fast and safe...that goes for all our brave guys and gals over there! Jeff God Bless
  14. Isn't this just alittle over-reaction? Come on, all he want's is pub and it worked! Jeff
  15. How about African Loin Safari in London Ontario? Jeff
  16. I remember those stupid commercials for Marineland and Game Farm. Jeff
  17. I worked at Bells in Lewiston, NY from '82-'85. Not a bad store but Tops was always one step above. Jeff
  18. I do remember that now. It also had a "crooked House", Right? Jeff
  19. Good one Steve! I like Publix the best. There is a Win Dixie near my house (A new one) that's clean (honest!) with good friendly people working in it. I sometimes go there. Jeff
  20. Good point! Trust me I would love to see him start. I just don't think it's going to happen. Jeff
  21. Great topic! I remember riding the "Devils Hole". It was a round chamber and people would stand against the wall it would start to spin and the floor would drop out, holding you on the wall with S (I'm not even going to try this one) force. I was on it one day and the kid across from me puked. It stuck on his face and covered his head... I almost pissed my self! Jeff
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