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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I can't remember, Is he a natural Right or Left tackle? Jeff
  2. You are correct sir...this is the dead zone for us football fans. Once the draft is over, things will heat back up. Jeff
  3. Hey, stay on topic... That's more than three words! Jeff
  4. Envirojeff becomes Grandpa JP-era touches Jackson bowl lost again Beer all gone Jeff
  5. You'd think with the boat load of cash that the NFL brings in that they could throw a little more into a better site? I hit 7 pop-ups a few minutes ago when I opened the page....WTF! Jeff
  6. I know that Zach is married to Taylors sister, I havent heard that one. Jeff
  7. At this point the guy that puts the hotdogs on the rollers in the concession area must want out too! Jeff
  8. They should put it in the same place that those two chimps eat that guy (or almost..I'm sure he wishes that he was dead). We know that the security is good there... Jeff
  9. I have tried VERY hard to watch Carnivale but just can't. I love the dark mood and the mystery with the gypsy/fortune teller/taro card ...whatever she is! The writing is just great, but it's kind of like watching paint dry. You find yourself glancing at a clock, at least I do. Jeff
  10. Now that he's been displayed to the media in Oakland, how long before he gets himself into legal trouble? I say before the football season for sure! Jeff
  11. Are all these owners and GM nuts? What the hell is going on ?? Jeff
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