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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. Call me unsympathedic or a MSP, but I don't understand this one. I have no intrest in watching a woman get bloodied up and beat to a pulp. Jeff
  2. Can someone please tell me WHY women are boxing??? Jeff
  3. Somehow (don't ask me how) TD will get us another 2nd round pick, at least. We should get a DB and a DT with those two picks and with the rest OL, LB, PK, WR and another DB. Jeff
  4. My vote for "Who cares - post of the year" Jeff
  5. Plus, I'm not so sure that I dissagree with it. Jeff
  6. No, I ment that in responce to the "protest" the government i'm sure has plugged in more rangers than ever before. Jeff
  7. You can say one thing, It sure is drawing alot of attention to the problem. I'd guess that there hasn't been so many rangers and other security at the border in 100 years! Jeff
  8. RIP.....Frank and the boys could raise a strong bird! Jeff
  9. Ah....he was a project? Don't you remember everyone blasting us for this stupid move? Jeff
  10. Ithink that tey would give there collective left nuts for TH. They are just in such bad shape that they need there picks. they would have to make a deal with the devil (TD) to get him and that's not going to happen. Jeff
  11. When he says that 1300 yrds isnt @%^# I would have to dissagree. Jeff
  12. They cant make up there minds?? One retard says that 1300 yd season isn't @*$%??? Those silly Dolphin fans??? Jeff http://mb4.scout.com/fdolphinsfansfrm1.sho...cID=12447.topic
  13. It's not good karma to speak of the dead Darin! Jeff
  14. This has been naging at me for awhile now. With a green QB, a shuffled O-line (again) and a RB that’s expected to carry 100% of the load we all are in for a crap-shoot of a year. Real good - real bad or OK. If we end up with the same record as last year and miss the playoff's again, will you be satisfied? I feel that a 1st year QB is hurting us in FA. Jeff
  15. Call the Crystal River Chamber of Comm. to see if the Manatees have returned. IMHO that is the best place to see them. Crystal River is about an hours drive north of Tampa. When you get back, let us know how it went. Jeff
  16. Well look at last year, I was outside with my buddy and we traded up at got JP. I almost missed it. And I think that your right about Travis. Good post. Jeff
  17. Bottom line (FOR ME) is that she needs to slip away and those that want to selfishly keep her alive should be ashamed of them selves! This is my final thought! Jeff
  18. Since Terri's family is from your area and I know nothing about any of this, please tell me what she can do. Let me know what her average day is like. What is her favorite TV show???? I would just like to have all the details that you do. Jeff
  19. You would rather keep your sister/daughter/mother... excisting for 15 years to only breathe and eat? Sounds very selfish to me??? Jeff
  20. It's safe to say that I have NEVER had such a detailed responce to anything that I have ever posted on this board! And your right, She is being used as a political football. Jeff
  21. I don't know of anyone that would want to live like this. IMHO this Federal judgment is only to keep another taxpayer and voter alive! But seriously, let her go! Jeff
  22. Your right on! Clermont is booming. I have a friend that does construction work in central Florida (where the work is) and he has been in Clermont for the last 3 years steady! If your nature lovers, Wekiwa (pronounced - wakiva) springs is a must. beautiful crystal clear river with plenty of wildlife. Jeff
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