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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. www.stuffmagazine.com/cover_girls/girl.aspx?id=468 try this: Jeff
  2. Sorry pal! Tried to link from my PC. Not the computer master you are? Jeff
  3. I just saw some pictures from the July '05 Stuff and There she was, Winnie Cooper all grown up. HOLY CRAP !!! TOO HOT!!! Jeff
  4. I have a buddy that gets me great tickets (he has corporate connections) and I'll be up for that one. CAN'T WAIT!! We should all get together before the game, maybe the Saturday night before! Jeff
  5. Unbelievable??? Do I really need to think for you too? It doesn't take much effort to find out for yourself. Dude, take the extra step! Jeff
  6. Translated to: Accompanies king Jinping □□Li?? to be very low □ □guards against □Li?? 21 □to travel by with the Legislative Yuan □king Jinping □□patrols □the sea □□□, □□conservatively is low □, one in □□on all □has all day makes an appearance. Li?? □□is because □□the person carries out the government policy, not convenient □too are many, but □□□line □□no matter what □is □□the most bottom □, has the need □□sentiment □□to send □□□□□the people □profit again. More than 100 □□travel by with the Legislative Yuan □king Jinping □□patrols □the sea □□□, only □king Jinping also shouted the mouth □also declared the host □, □the awn is extremely dazzling, but □guards against □Li?? the beginning □□to have makes an appearance. □guards against the □matter □word person □will □few □solutions □, Li?bu □as soon as waits right up to in □the official restroom and □good lawmaker □passes the matter, but whether took advantage of □□passes □□the document, a Li □myself □otherwise □□□□this time □□□□□document □has any □□. Li? indicated that, □the person carries out the government policy, not too □gathers accompanies the prince's metal' gentle legislation committee □, shouts loudly the mouth in □□the deck □. In addition, □impeaches □to Japanese □Kyoto county magistrate Shiyuan cautious Tarou □to send □□□□, □also □□does not hesitate one □, Li □basic disdains one □. But □line of □□Japanese new □□Zhuang Sizhe also □, □a □□travelling schedule very is every day interesting, he □□□□and □the family □□one □, cannot mix □one □. □□□doubts king Jinping as for the people □to build □□□□radically is a □political Xiu, Li? □the law disclosed as if □are many □奈. Not □Li?? □, □□□non- sea □mainly no matter what □, but □the people □the profit, sea □□Italy □side □has helped, □the sea □□□quantity has not approached □the ship to provide the essential support, Li??, □□□□is □□a line of □most bottom □, if □will have the need in the future, the sea □□□sentiment □□will send □□□to give □helps. Writes a draft: Cao Yufan □□: □□Ling is new □directs □: □□□□
  7. 8/17/05 Buff @ Indy 3pm 8/22/05 GB @ Buff 4pm 8/27/05 Buff @ Chi 1pm 9/04/05 Det @ Buff 2pm These are airtimes Later, Jeff
  8. I have heard the "How to win friends and influence people" CD’s and they are great! I would recommend them to everyone. They really give insight. You can most likely find them in your local library. Jeff
  9. As I said in my post, I would have flipped on the guy! Jeff
  10. I agree! It seemed like when he was jumping up and down on Oprah's show he was saying "I'm not gay!, I'm not gay!". I'm not sure if everyone else knows, but he fired his PR man about a month and a half ago and replaced him with his sister? If this was under the surface for the last umpteen years then his guy was the best PR man in the business! In this case he handled himself very well. I'm kind of surprised. I would have flipped on the guy. Jeff
  11. No,no,no! I'm not saying that Jax is better than Buffalo!! There better than Tenn. If these are the two choices, I'd go with Jax. Jeff
  12. He's featured on page 2 of the Bills website. I've never heard of this guy, but he looks like a monster! Jeff
  13. Another ingredient in the mix should be that Jax is a much better team. If I were him I would go Jax. One other thing, Florida has no state tax. Jeff
  14. I coached YMCA basketball one year for my sons team and I'd never do it again! I love the kids and enjoy teaching them the game, but even at the YMCA the parents were A-holes. Make sure that you draw that line with the parents and don't let them effect you. Good luck! Jeff
  15. Thank you, Someone gets it! It's the "Pile-on" mentality that I hate. You won't see a Miami pole like this. Jeff
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/index Bottom right corner. Cheap shot ESPN! Jeff
  17. Shot them, hang them, THEN LOP OFF THERE HEADS! Jeff
  18. Campy, my best friend sells cancer drugs to Roswell Park and knows many doctors. His company has doctors doing studies with a number of drugs also. One was profiled on a local Buffalo news station http://www.wivb.com/global/category.asp?c=2745. My friend was directly involved with this doctor on this study. I'm sure he could help you out or get you in contact with the right people. Please PM me if you want further info. Jeff
  19. WHAT??? Don't post this kind of thing without links or a quick explanation to catch everyone up! My wife does this kind of thing to me all the time "So what do you think?" completely out-of-the-blue. Art, don't be my wife! Jeff
  20. Interesting article, but Pompei still blows! Jeff
  21. I don't understand the fascination with these "Jean Dixon" rags? They don't know any more than you or I do. All it does every year is piss everyone off! I have a great idea....let's all wait for the season to start. What kills me is that these mags are never held accountable for there horrible accuracy? Jeff
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