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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I can't believe I missed it!! I'll have to catch it again. Thanks! Jeff
  2. I liked it too, but I didn't see anything about the snowball speach in Cincy....The funniest damn thing I've heard in sports besides the "He was giving him the business" ref call. Jeff
  3. I mean no harm to TH and I hope he does well (except for playing the Bills), but how great would it be to give Jax back a little of that Rob Johnson trade sting. Jeff
  4. No Steve, just a general statement. I agree with your comment! Jeff
  5. I wonder, when TH is traded for a 3+ or a 2, if the TD haters will say anything? It amazes me that people still sell him short? Jeff
  6. I'm glad you made it through intact. I saw Emily earlier this AM, If it stays the course I'm in trouble this time! Jeff
  7. As far as the dryer hook-up - Your right, the main needs to be off and your safe. Here in Orlando we were cris-crossed with Charlie, Fran and Jeanne. We've only just begun! Jeff
  8. I know what you mean Fires, I'm on a well too and I was able to run a cord from my neighbors house last year. I picked up a generator this year and did the "Dryer plug" thing. Worked great! Well we're safe this time. It's funny how, all of a sudden, we have lost our summer. We have Fall, two weeks of Winter, one month of Spring then hurricane season. All you do is watch your back all summer! Jeff
  9. Yeah, the west coast is going to be a rocky road. please tell her to get home ASAP. It's about due west of Naples now. Jeff
  10. Stay low my friends. We're getting blown around alittle here in the Orlando Area, but it looks like Dennis will spare us. Remember that the season has just begun! Stay safe!! Jeff
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/07/07...tube/index.html Jeff
  12. What killed me was after the plane hit the house, the van was not damaged? give me a break! And then the three piled in and drove through this perfect path of debris?? Also the end sucked. How in the hell does his son survive that? If SS had balls, he would have killed him off. I tend to expect more from a SS film - maybe that's not fair, but I do. This was very disappointing. I didn't care AT ALL about any of the charters except D. Fanning and she carried the film! Jeff
  13. Well, I agree that's the other question that I have. I'm not sure why they need to know all that info? I don't think that there's anything shady, but it's questionable. When I had my first club in Ocala, Fl they were very helpful with the start up and sending things, now not so much. I'm not bashing BBI, I'm just saying that things have changed alot. Jeff
  14. I see? Well I dought that anyone has the time to sit down and register all there members. Between my family and work, there's very little time left. It's tough enough dealing with it during the season. Jeff
  15. We have about 150 now, There's something wrong with the reporting? The whole site is screwed up! I keep getting membership requests from other chapters? I think that it will be a good resource, but the kinks should have been ironed out before it was ever posted. Jeff
  16. Two possible reasons: 1.) There are less trailer parks in the country now than there were 20 yrs ago. 2.) Scientology, It's not aliens at all it's scientologists. Jeff
  17. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2093822 Word out of Jax Friday has Taylor hurt more than first thought? Looks like a good fit for TH. I wan't to see him, if he has to leave, go to a good team. I think that Jax would be a good home for him. TH and FT are alot alike. Jeff
  18. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/MIA/8589934 Jeff
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