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Everything posted by envirojeff

  1. I've done a ton of research and I'm ready to take the plunge! It's a WISP targeted at dial-up customers who need speed and cable customers who want to cut there bill in half. I'm in a VERY rual area and it should fly. Jeff
  2. Not me Fez, I don't start rumors! Jeff Someone told me that Fez is gay
  3. Call me CRAZY, but I'm OK with JP being the second coming of Bret Favre! Another great post by JPera Jeff
  4. I agree with your post. With all respect to the Kelly family in this horrible time, Ralph is the most deserving. I think that a suite should be named after hunter, which would be great! The sport should revolve around the players, coaches and owners. Hunter has nothing to do with football, directly. I'm sure that many will flame me but I’m just looking at this realistically.
  5. I'm not sure what to say, but I want to be counted with the rest of my friends (ALL of you)! Jeff
  6. Nick in England is really JPera trying to get back on the board Jeff
  7. NFL.com survey at the bottom of the page What QB would you want in there prime http://www.nfl.com/ Jeff
  8. What kills me is why even have the webpage up? Now we know why the network folded, these same idiots that keep spending money on the non-productive website were the ones broadcasting the Western New York Tiddley-Wink Turny every 4 hours when it was on??? Jeff
  9. A little different view of the interview. He never said that he can't wait to play the Pats, they tried to put him in that corner but he said that there all big games. He said that he circled two games, but wouldn't tell what ones. He did say that the O was alot faster, but what was interesting was his comment about Bledsoe. He said that he loved Drew but he was too slow and by moving him it made the whole team faster. He also said that MM told the vets that he would take it easy on them and he was still waiting for that. He said that WM is alot stronger and faster. Jeff
  10. Well, thanks for your post! It just goes to show - and this should be a lesson to all you other rookies on this board - that you should just sit back and watch the board until you think you can contribute. Then, and only then, post! Jeff
  11. You just beat me to it! Isn't it great, it feels real now! Jeff
  12. The other day I tried to make a bet with two HUGE Fin fans that I work with that JP would throw more TD and less INT's than both Fin QB's combined. They would'nt go for it. What a mess that team is going to be! Can they come in 5th in our division? Jeff
  13. I can do it in one word... Jackass! Jeff
  14. If that's plastic surgery, then that doctor should be shot! Jeff
  15. Maybe they ALL made fun of him for not having a criminal record? Jeff
  16. I'm surprized that the flood hasent started yet? This is stupid!! Jeff
  17. You should have, at the moment that you realized it was country music, turned around and walked out! Jeff
  18. Hang in there bro! I'm pulling for you. Jeff
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