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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. My wife and I are also returning to see the Bills squish the fish. All she has ever seen is when the Bills barely beat the Vikings here at the dome. The Vikings fans were pigs and constantly harassed us and threw beer bottles. It was lame. We are really looking forward to seeing great football, and being around great fans. Go Bills
  2. Just kiss your Mother in Law on the lips, with plenty of tongue, that will make them leave in a heart beat.
  3. You really think Disney will tell the whole story, without removing critical dialogue? Not possible, Disney is one the most anti Christian organizations in America. They were also one of the greatest detractors against the Passion of the Christ, so undoubtably they will cut the dialogue, or change it so not to offend anyone, thus eliminating the very essense of C. S. Lewis. If its just a cartoon, then Disney will do it. If it leads a person to another conclusion, they will eliminate it, or modify it.
  4. Rhinocort - was taking Actifed since I was a kid, but my doctor prescribed Rhinocort two years ago. Its like I don't have allergies, amazing stuff. Especially since I'm allergic to just about everything in the air and Vikings Fans too.
  5. I can give first hand account of the power of chiropractic. After herniating four discs in my back in 1990, the Air Force had me on bed rest, then scheduled me for surgery to cut them out. I spent the entire summer flat on my back, and the week prior to my scheduled surgery, friends came and picked me up (literally) and took me to their Chiropractor. The guy looked like Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future, but didn't say a thing. He just examined me, and prounced I had a torn hamstring. I obviously thought he was a kook, and demanded my money back. He ignored me and explained my herniation was the result of torn hamstring. He used the TENS machine on me for a few minutes, then adjusted me. The initial adjustment hurt like hell, and I was no better than when I came in. He of course made another appointment for me, for which I declined. He also told me I would feel great in about 30 minutes, but since I had to be carried back into the back of my friends pickup truck, I certainly didn't think so. However, after 30 minutes had passed, I realized I could move again. For nearly 4 months, I had no feeling in my left leg and only partial feeling in my right. I called back and made a second appointment. During the second appointment he re-adjusted me and asked me to come back one more time. I was scheduled to fly out to Minot the following Monday for the surgery. I came back in on Friday for the final treatment and walked out on my own. I never did have the surgery and its been 15 years since the injury. I have had another four herniations since then, but was well enough within a few days to return to work, through Chiropractic help. I did learn a few things from my Chiropractor, which happens to be one of my best friends. Question #1: If Chiropractic is so dangerous, then how come Chiropractors only pay $2500 per year in malpractice insurance, compared to $55,000 for General Practioners and over $200,000 for surgeons? Question #2: Did you the AMA was successfully suided by the American Chiropractor Association for slander and bias? It was proven in a court of law during 1997, that the AMA had lied about the validity of Chiropractic, and were openly opposed to homeopathic medicine, since it didn't rely upon pharmacutical or surgical methods (loss of income). Question #3: Why did the World Health Organization come out and give total support to Chiropractic treatments, and welcome them to the WHO, over the objections of the AMA? Question #4: What do you put on your ankle when you sprain it? Ice is the normal answer. Then why do doctors prescribe heat when you sprain your back? There are bad Chiropractors and there are bad MD's. If they tell you they can fix you by sensing your Chi force, hit the road running. I don't buy into the Palmer exclusionary concept. I have two friends that attended Palmer, and they prefer Northwestern Chiropractic here in Minneapolis. Another graduated from Logan in St. Louis. There are plenty of styles of Chiropractic, and for my back, I really enjoy the Sacral Obcipital Therapy (SOT) which doesn't require the reknown "cracking", but instead uses wedges under the body to actually move the body parts by gravity. My wife and step-daughter can attest to the affectiveness. My step-daughter had essophagial spasms for years, but when I was dating her mother I took her to see my Chiropractor. She was taking tons of medications prescribed by the MD, and none of it worked. After three treatments the problems were resolved and never returned. Her MD was outraged to hear that she had stopped taking the medications, and even more so when she found out why. MD's hate Chiropractors, and refuse to refer a patient to one, although Chiropractors often refer patients to Osteopaths and Surgeons when they feel they would be a better course of action. I trust my Chiropractor for everything, and when she says she can't help, I know she means it. Good luck
  6. Someone has to do the dirty work. Join the Air Force, we send our Officers to Die!
  7. The Thomas Crown Affair - with Pierce Brosnan. Much better than McQueen. Great ending.
  8. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? I left Rochester in July 1976 to join the US Chair Force (not a JARHEAD) and spent the next 18 years freezing my ass off all over the northern plains in Minuteman Missile Maintenance. 2) Where did you go? I lived in North & South Dakota, Montana and four horrible years in Lompoc, CA (rainy, cold and foggy). I chose to retire in Minnesota, because of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is only 5 hours away. 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? The economy in Minnesota is stable and booming. The housing market is way overvalued and the taxes stink like New York (too many democrats and they love to tax) 4) If the economy and job market were stable would you move back? I have family back there, and we don't get along. I'll stay out west, and we are thinking of maybe moving a tad bit south. Darn tired of the really cold winters. 5) What suggestions to you have to improve the quality of life here? Kill all the lawyers and the politicians, and start over. Maybe annex NYC and make it another state. Then when you flush your toilet in Buffalo, you won't mind it running south like your taxes do.
  9. The last Bills home game I went to was December, '75 when they got beat by the Vikes. My last Bills game was here at the Metrodome, and the Bills returned the favor. But the wife and I are coming home for the Fish game in October, after TD set up the backers tickets. She is from Iowa, and only knows college football, but is now a die hard Bills fan. It will be fun to be home again, and show her around my old stomping grounds, plus letting her see what real fans are all about, not like these lame ducks here in Minnesota.
  10. Don't piss down my back, and tell me it's raining! If it looks like a duck, and walks like duck, and sounds like a duck....it's a goose. (political viewpoint)
  11. AMEN! They should all be used for pharmacutical testing, save the rats and the mice, use humans instead.
  12. Depends on where you are on the planet. In NYC, I'd think 2 AM would be ideal. In Great Falls, don't you dare start the damn mower up before 10 AM, or you might get shot.
  13. The Juicy Lucy a the #10 Bar in South MPLS, best I've ever had. Close second, the Ground Pounder at the Elk Creek Steak House, in Piedmont, South Dakota. All the rest are ok.
  14. Dog Pile (aka Old Style) BUD and all its derivitives Black Label (do they still make that?) Balantine Grain Belt Hamm's Old Milwaukee Coors Leinikeugel Pigs Eye
  15. Minnesota Vikqueens - I feel right at home here in Minneapolis, they lost four times also.
  16. Genny Cream Wish we could buy it here in Minnesota, where all they sell is Dog Pile, Stroh's and Bud (horse piss). I forgot, Coor's dirty undewear too.
  17. Although there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of God, there is definitely enough circumstantial evidence to make a rational decision. In the past decade, several significant scientific findings have led researchers to conclude the universe was created, not accidentally formed. Until recently, the big bang theory held that all creation was formed from an initial explosion, hurtling matter to the four corners of the universe, coalescing over time into stars, planets and moons. This however, has changed within the past five years, where new evidence supports the theory of intelligent intervention. Previous theories on creationism have always fallen short in the scientific community, but new discoveries about the expansion of the universe appear to support such beliefs. Einstein theorized the universe was set in size, and could not change. Others believed it was collapsing, due to the original hypothesis of the big bang…in which the greater the distance between celestial bodies in motion, the greater the gravitational constant. In other words, the universe should be collapsing unto itself. However, recent data garnered from the Hubble Space paperweight, have proven the universe is not collapsing, but expanding, which disproves the big bang theory. The only option left is the universe was created simultaneous and put into motion, which could support intelligent design. Although not as scientific as astrophysics, the chaos theory has shown the existence of intelligence behind the chaos of life. In the September 2000 issue of Scientific America, MIT mathematicians had come to the conclusion the universe was no more random than bad weather, they concluded that someone/something had created life. No other rational explanation could be found to support the staggering evidence of non randomness. In the end, it’s a personal choice. As one close friend said years ago, “it’s better to spend your whole life believing in God and find out when you die, that he doesn’t exist, then not to have believed and find out he does!”
  18. Who's the maroon, you moron?
  19. Omaha steaks are great, but damn pricey. You can buy a hind quarter of organic angus for the price she paid. But for what its worth, if she is making that kinda of dough, keep her around!
  20. This show is getting more unbelievable each episode. First we are led to believe all nuke plants are connected together, and someone could over ride them and cause a meltdown, now we are told the nuclear football has the same information for the ICBM's and SLBM's. Yeah right. And we the public are told a small organization like CTU, which only has three (tops) analysts, control all other military organizations who employ hundreds. And of course, they have better graphics and all the codes for the football, military satelite imagery. Bull honkers! CTU can't find its butt with a flashlight and a magnifying glass, and no way possible would they ever be given the combination. As soon as the football is lost or compromised, the codes are invalidated. No freaking civilian is ever going to lay hands on it with the exception of the Commander in Chief PERIOD.
  21. After spending my entire Air Force career in the Strategic Air Command, I find "24" ridiculous at best. All the personnel are fratranizing with each other, and you have terminal pyscho's within the organization. The whole organization would never pass minimum background and personality tests, which would normally be required by any intelligence agency. Yeah, the show is semi entertaining, but no way would these emotional basket cases ever be allowed to work in such a stressful environment. And absolutely no fratranizing at all, that is a mandatory requirement in all classified ops. And in response to what Air Force 1 has, no it does not have an escape module built in, but it does have flares and radar jamming, which would be pointless in the scenario shown tonight. The odds of an authorized pilot gaining access to a F-117, with a cut off thumb are more improbable than winning the power ball. All classified aircraft are guarded by numerous security forces, and face recognition (its not like there are 1 million pilots that fly them). Everyone knows everyone else, and you must pass through numerous checkpoints just to gain access to the revetment. Total bull sh--! I recommend NUKING CTU! It would make for a better show.
  22. Sitting in my living room in Great Falls, MT, serving up a Buffalo Wings feast to a bunch of Air Force Bills Fans.
  23. Confucius say "Man who put soap on high shelf, will jump for Joy!"
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