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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. Like you, I wanted to give the guy a chance, but his decisions and play calling have been hideous. Benching Moulds, and Adams is down right ridiculous. Combined with TD's releasing of Pat Williams the team seems to have no compass, just concern over filling seats and saving money. What as sham.
  2. We need to follow in Polians footsteps and stop recruiting from Division I schools. All you get is hype and BS from prima-donna's and not much of a human being. When Polian chose, he looked for great players in other divisions, such as Phil Hanson at little known North Dakota State, and Don Beebe out of Chadron State. We had Andre Reed from Kutztown State too. Leave division one for the other teams in the league and take the little guys with great attitude from the lesser divisions. Heart and desire go much farther than athleticism. In the long run and the short, a person with great desire and integrity will beat you everytime.
  3. Good question! I came back for the Bills Backers weekend and got the stadium tour and had to endure the 30 minute "briefing" that the hillbilly trainer gave us. All he did was tell us how great he was, and how much he did for the "EAST GERMAN" Olympic team. He bragged about his work over there and how much better conditioned the Bills are under him. I thought about Rusty Jones and how phenominal they were with the no-huddle. How much better they were, than they are now. So who cares about "fast-twitch muscles" if they aren't running or galloping along. Rusty Jones is a CLASS ACT and only an imbecile would have let him go.
  4. It's not so much the team, as it is the name. Buffalonians are proud people, and team has always reflected that...until recently. We endured bad weather, lousy politics, the 2 and 14 years and four super bowl losses, but the people and the team came through. If the Bills left Buffalo, I would stop watching football and start reading books again.
  5. Take the bean counter, his QB and the best back in the NFL and dump them somewhere else, maybe Green Bay of Miami. This team sucks, and its becoming an embarrassment to the rest of the league. I had high hopes for Mularkey, but even he seems to be coming apart at the seams. I've been a Bills fan since the Rockpile, but I don't remember this much kaos since the Bickering Bills or the Kay Stevenson era. The team is imploding and its only going to get worse. We let Pat Williams go, and now Minnesota is turning our loss into their gain. They may actually make it into the playoffs and beyond. Bring Teddy Cottrell back and make him the head coach. He is a great guy and knows talent without the hyperbole that Gray spouts. Hell, I'll take Wade and Greggie over the current numbnuts we have.
  6. Eric Moulds is nothing short of a Class Act. I hope he hooks up with a team that takes him to the big show, he deserves one shot which he never got in Buffalo.
  7. You are so right, Jerry Craft did suck big weenies, but he might be better than half our line now. I'd even take back Corbin Lacina.
  8. Worst free agent ever signed, hardly! Billy Joe Toliver might have anderson by a mile, or how about Porcelain Rob? The bills have sucked during the Donna HO era in signing great free agents. Give us back Pollian, that man new quality.
  9. Now all we need to hear is Joe THEISMAN spout off about how bad the Bills are, and how he would have done it differently if he was in charge. Still surprised Sharpe made good comments about the team in which he loathes.
  10. This old fart thought it was very humorous.
  11. I'm looking forward to it as well, heck I even beat out Tony P!
  12. The Jills aren't half bad to look at. Have you ever seen the snow pigs here in Minnesota? http://www.vikings.com/cheernews_detail_ob...eams101904.html
  13. Sick bastard! I can't take another major loss in the SB, three were enough. The first one was close enough for nuclear weapons, the rest we lost by a mile.
  14. Theisman is to sports announcing as Hillary is to politics. They both suck
  15. Dump all three and chose either of the Dakota's or Wyoming. Low taxes, great people and honest politicians (now that Tom Daschle has moved on). Unfortunately the winters are much worse than Buffalo; not as much snow, but DAMN cold. Bone cold, colder than a well diggers ass in January.
  16. I is 2, me get it ok form onlene. I garduated froom neu york stat edukaton
  17. Come to Minnesota, everyone here is so nice. We let our Level 3 sex offenders walk the streets at night, because even perverts have rights. They moved three into our neighborhood and didn't even bother informing us, even though its the law. I found about it, when I checked the website. The program director told me it was normal procedure not to inform the neighborhood residents, since it would make the pervert a marked man. No consideration for the residents, but we are certainly worried about hurting the a$$holes feelings. Suggestion: We should volunteer them for medical research. It would please everyone, even PETA, since technically they are not animals, and PETA abhors the thought that a lab rat would endure medical research. Or we could use them to detect radiation in nuclear power plants, since we can't castrate them. Thanks to Hillary and Pat Schroeder....even sex offenders have rights.
  18. I bet you can guess what my nickname was? Crash The Bison was by far the worst, the damn thing totalled the truck, cost me a fortune in deducted pay, cause it wouldn't stay dead.
  19. Here is the list of creatures I have hit while driving. Most of them were killed in a US Air Force vehicle, prowling the prairies of the Dakota's and Montana: Mule Deer -1 Bison - went over dashboard, pushed in windshild, flew over ladder rack and then got up and limped away. That cost me, no evidence to present to Air Force. Elk - 1 Plethora of deer Moose 1/2 it ran away too, but left antlers impregnated in the grill numerous rattlesnakes brown bear - took him home and skinned him, great steaks appossum badger -2hundreds of prairie dogs, too numerous to count Pronghorn antilope - 3 eagle (think it was a golden, not much left over to verify) 8 ft bull snake sheep - 2 hereford cow- great steaks, the sherriff and I divided it up evenly, if I promised not to say anything
  20. When he falls asleep, place his hand in a nice bowl of warm water. By 2 AM or so, he will pee his pants. Great way to wake up.
  21. I never had a mom, me and my dad shared yours.
  22. Seen and heard unexplained phenomena and scared the rectal probe right out of me. For those that have encountered this first hand, there is nothing you can say that will make anyone believe. I can't explain it, but the Air Force certainly can attest to the affects on missile sites. But then again, Tom Cruise might have just been dreaming. We all forget he has PhD in Psychology or is that Sciencefology?
  23. The Longest Day The Princess Bride Star Wars Patton National Treasure Animal House Hopscotch (Walter Matthau movie) Sneakers The Bedford Incident True Grit
  24. You are most certainly correct, the AT and the PCT are wonderful to hike. Other less grandios trails include the John Muir trail from Yosemite Valley to Mt. Whitney; the Centenial Trail in the Black Hills - from Spearfish to Edgemont; the Mid-Continent trail from Duluth, MN to Spokane, WA. There are wonderful trails all over America and few have ever ventured over them. Some of us have taken the road less traveled...and it has made all the difference.
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