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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. I was ticked off about the sporting news, but sportsline ranking is horrific. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/powerrankings
  2. I saw this online, thought you might like to see it. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=458838
  3. I'm thinking its going to be a bit closer, perhaps Bills 21 and the Jags 20. But I think the Bills are going to have a SACK happy day.
  4. King must be on drugs. No way possible we are going to lose to a team decimated by injuries. http://fannation.com/peter_king_challenge/peter_king
  5. The Bungles should just change his number, which would prove even more hilarious. Ocho Cinco on number 84.
  6. If not Parrish, then Bobby April. The coaches coached. It was amazing.
  7. Bills 27 Seahawks 15 GO BILLS!
  8. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/pgStory?conte...p;photo=8357992 Bills are #8! We beat out the Bears and the Cowgirls
  9. Those are the same prices listed on www.nfl.com Here is the link: http://www.nflshop.com/family/index.jsp?in...63&view=all
  10. I always get my ass kicked every year, but I still love to play. At least last year, I made into the top 100 at the end, and for a brief period of time I was in the top 50! Keep up the good work!
  11. Don't you mean Orca? Or is that little green vegetable devouring the people who eat them again?
  12. I thought it was worse that that. The Redskins announcers would cut to the sideline announcers to interview Redskin players while the Bills had the ball. I don't mind Theisman yapping away about how great the skins are, but have the courtesy to show the game. The NFL network really ruined the game with all the interviewing and commercial breaks. They timed it so well that we missed an entire set series because of inappropriate commercials and stupid interviews. Somebody needs to put a sock in Theisman's mouth. He is just annoying. Perhaps the dumb blond sideline announcer might learn to talk to, or at the very least spit the gum out of her mouth first.
  13. Does that mean we can't throw snowballs at Brian Cox anymore?
  14. Palm E2: 320 x 320 Not the easiest to use, but very good resolution and clarity.
  15. I've been to Mile High, Giants Stadium, Arrowhead, the RCA Dome, the Metrodome, the Ralph and Texas Stadium. Of those, Arrowhead was the loudest. The sound just reverberates all over the place, even though the fans don't scream or shout as loud as they do at the Ralph. Arrowhead makes my head hurt, so guess what? I'm going back there on Nov 23 to see the Bills spank them. Should be a good game.
  16. 2-14 is way too good. Let them have a 0-16 and we won't have to hear about their perfect season again! SQUIST THE FISH!
  17. Point is, it's a waste to actually get a Favre Bills jersey even if he came here. I don't want Favre because you set this franchise back and alienate Trent Edwards by bringing him in. Its the dumb idea that brought Bledsoe to the Bills. Just enough to get by, but never enough to win. Give Trent a chance. We don't need a finger to stop the leak when the whole damn is breaking apart.
  18. My first trip was the last game of the season in 1975, and I and my three high school friends drove through a blizzard to get to the game from Rochester. We got there in time for the kickoff, but just barely. We had tickets way up on top, and there was several inches of snow on the seats when we got there that needed brushing off. The Bills were playing the Vikings, and it was a sad, sad day. The Vikings just kicked their ass and it never stopped snowing. When we came out to the car, the battery was dead, because I left the lights on! Thankfully, we called AAA and they were there in minutes. My friends bought me a set of jumper cables after that. The food was good, but the wind and the cold were brutal. Too bad the Vikes won.
  19. After leaving Buffalo/Rochester in the late 70's to join the Air Force, I have always had a Bills bumper sticker on my vehicle. I used to have a Bills flag that few out front of my house, but some kids stole it a couple of years ago, and burned it in the middle of the street! My desk has a Bills mug, that is used as my pen/pencil holder. I have my bills helmet pic on my cell phone wallpaper, and of course both my wife and I sport bumper stickers (she is from Iowa, but is now a dedicated Bills fan too) and license plate holders. We are always seen around town with our Bills sweatshirts, tee shirts and midweight coats. It really drives the Vikings fans crazy. They can't understand my obsession. Vikings fans are so fickle, when they lose, the highways are litered with those little car window Vikings flags, while I continue to sport mine with pride; no matter how bad their season is. All during my Air Force days, my friends could never understand my passion. Sure they had their favorite teams too, but not the passion. We Bills fans are a hardy bunch. We endured the 2-14 seasons back to back, and still have pride. We lost four straight super bowls and still we wave our flags. I remember coming back to see my parents who moved down to Elmira while in the service. My wife and drove down to see them, then up to Rochester to pick up 25+ pounds of Zweigels White Hots (something I crave), and then over to Buffalo for wings and Ted's. I couldn't get over the amount of businesses that displayed Bills flags and signs of support. There will literally hundreds of examples to view, and made me feel proud. You can't find that kind of support in Denver, LA, San Francisco, San Diego or even here in Minneapolis. The only towns I've seen with that kind of support are Greenbay and Dallas, but Buffalo is tiny compared to them. I certainly miss the food and people, but not the economy. I always thought they should have annexed off NYC and created a separate district, much like Washington D.C., leaving the rest of the state to make money, not to bail out the island. Unless the Bills leave, I will always wear my shirts, fly my flag and drive around with my bumper stickers. I certainly hope they never leave, and like Tim Russert said at the end of his shows (only during the fall season) Go BILLS!
  20. I attempted to purchase tickets from Ticketmaster.com but struck out. I found a website that scored me the tickets at nearly 30% off of ticketmaster.com prices: ticketsnow.com. I got two tickets in section 103, row 19 on the Bills side about the 20 yard line! See you all at the game! MN John P.S. You can also purchase parking lot tickets at ticketsnow.com. They are going fast. I have a friend who lives there who said when they sell out, the nearest parking lot is about 1 mile away and insecure.
  21. The cheaters didn't tape the Giants, so they didn't know what to expect. But the other teams in the AFC struggled with the Pats during that time. Remember what Flutie said, he heard the play in his backup headset. The Pats couldn't win the big one, cause they didn't know the play calling. Screw bellyache. I hope everyone puts the hurt on Brady this year, especially the Bills.
  22. Phil Hanson Reggie McKenzie Corbin Lacina
  23. Thanks for the heads up, now I got my wife agreeing to come down from Minneapolis. We plan on being at the KC game, but still deciding which area to sit in. I have listed the prices below: Field Level (Sideline Select) $94 Field Level (Red Zone) $89 Field Level (Touchdown Zone) $81 Club Level (Sideline Select) $115 Club Level (Red Zone) $110 Club Level (Touchdown Zone) $105 Upper Level (Red Select) $83 Upper Level (Red Reserve) $64 Upper Level (Red View) $41 Perhaps we could get a block sale if we got enough people to sign in. GO BILLS
  24. For those of you that remember back that far, this kid runs like the Juice. Juking and twisting, and finding the holes. He has the ability, and just needs some size and good blocking. Go Div II!
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