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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. I damned near choked myself to death watching it. Whoever made that did a wonderful job!
  2. Yeah, I got my Bills sweatshirt on, but I don't have the swagger. I wore my stuff when we were 2-14 back to back. But these days, I wonder what is going on over at 1 Bills Drive. We prided ourselves on the high character guys we had. Now we let Jimmy Leonard go, and we make excuses for Marshawn's behavior. We hire TO and say it's okay, its all business. We make other excuses and tell each other "look at the Dolfelons, and the Bungles" they are worse than we are. Marv was right, character matters. Playing from the heart wins. We haven't had any of those players in a long time. Now we will have caos and that will sell tickets. Perhaps the Bickering Bills will return and we can laugh it off and look forward to another draft season. I'm getting tired and old, neither of which I have any control over. I'm tired of losing, and I'm tired of seeing stupid moves at 1 Bills Drive. This is going to turn out poorly, just like Drew, but worse. TO is going to make Willis look tame, and the Bills might as well move north, only Toronto doesn't want our problems either.
  3. Depending on when the KC game is, I'll bet my wife and I will be there again, especially since KC got a new stadium.
  4. One Hour, 28 minutes to go! GO BILLS!
  5. I've got my carry permit and advanced weapons training from the military. If you purchase a weapon, please, please learn how to use it safely. Too many kids die because they imitate hollywood and have no idea how their weapon works. And all those punks with the gangsta one hand side hold is the reason why innocents get killed. You have no control on the weapon when it goes off. Learn how to do it right, and you will kill the right person, some innocent kid.
  6. You can say whatever you want to about Tom Donahue, but Dick LeBeau was one great pick that we let go. His defense was intimidating while he was here in Buffalo, and he showed that last night he got even better. Pittsburg was unabelievable and it he should still been with us.
  7. That was outstanding! ROFLMAO
  8. I left NY State when Hugh Carey promised NOT to raise taxes to bail out NYC. I kept my residency there, until I was stationed in South Dakota which doesn't have an income tax. When I attempted to change residencies mid year, NY State decided they needed my income more than I, and refused to refund the money I didn't owe. If the Legislature wanted to fix the state, they could. Cut off NYC, make it a district much like Washington D.C and be done with it. Let them rot in their garbage and corruption, but it is very unlikely that cronyism will change much in the future. Hell, even arrogant politicians like Carolyn Kennedy didn't know a thing about the blight of western NY, or have any idea on how to fix it. By the Way, when the did the governors start residing in NYC, and not in Albany? I thought they loved it up there in Nelson Rockefeller land? All the beautiful abandoned buildings. That might be when the state started on the decline, spending billions to build a ghost town. I live in Minneapolis, and its true, they changed their identity and it took off. We pay a pretty good tax here ourselves, but the legislature isn't as corrupt spending it. They don't have 6.5 million NYC voters telling them what they need, while the rest of the state suffers. It's the squeeky wheel syndrome. You guys are left in the dark, while the money you earn is spent on someone else. One suggestion, is get Iran to nuke NYC, and the problem is fixed, at least temporarily.
  9. As bad as it is now, it could be worse. 84-85! I'm old enough to remember the AFL Championships, and winning records. I endured the Dolfelons rein in the 70's and early 80's. I cried with the 2-14 years, but never gave up. Thankfully, along the way we won a few, and even went to the Superbowl a few times. So matter how bad it is, as long as its not 0-16, I can endure it (its getting tougher, the older I get). I don't blame Ralph, I blame prime donna players who won't play or practice unless their contract until they are holding a city hostage. The Bills talk about character, but where has that gotten them? Which players play with Character anyway? Where have the real Character players gone, I don't see them. And our coach has been drinking the purple Koolaid a bit too often, or has overdosed on Prozac each Sunday. I've never seen anyone with so little emotional expression, except at State Hospitals...those that use Thorazine anyway. I'll take old Lou Saban and his ranting to Emotionally void Jauron. I think when things are going poorly, a good old ass kicking is in order, not a sleep session. Scream, yell, rant, swear...that is football and people understand you are mad and not going to take it anymore. Don't cajole players, they aren't smart enought to understand you. B word at them, yell and scream and perhaps even the most egotistical player will realize you are disappointed in them. There is always next year! I've been saying that for over 45 years. It really is getting old.
  10. How much worse can the CHROISE be over JP? Lostman is terrible and getting worse every week. Sit him down and let the 3rd stringer at least bring some new laughs. Its got to point where I can't bear to watch any longer. I purchased NFL direct ticket this year and now find myself wanting to do things like shovel snow or do chores around the house rather than watch him play. One question I have, does it appear to you that Jauron is on an antidepressant? I swear his is flat in all emotions, which would be indicative of either an SSRI or an anti-anxiety medication. Nobody is that flat, unless they are severely medicated (I'm a mental health counselor). If he is, he should drop the meds and try something different. GO BILLS, Get a good draft pick this coming year!
  11. Part I was 98% Part II add additional 78%. My neck is still sore looking around those damn poles, and that is invariably where my dad got his seats. Behind them, not in front of them. Thanks for the memories, and faint smell of Genny. I also remember the rockpiles rest rooms; I think they are more like latrines in the military, than rest rooms in civilian life. NASTY!
  12. I concur. Give the 3rd stringer a chance, at this point what have we got to lose? Losman can't get rid of the ball, and Trent is like Porcelain Rob; too injury prone.
  13. I'd give Hamdan a chance. Losman has a great arm, but no brains. Trent has brains and can't see or throw, and well...Hamdan looks to have a great combo and what have we got to lose at this point? The season is just about over, give the 3rd stringer a chance.
  14. I'd take Cowturd over Holmgren, but for my money I'd take Marty. He was always consistent, and played here too.
  15. Outside of the quality or inequality of our players, would someone please teach them how to tackle? KC is a terrible team, and they ran right through us. Five guys grabbed TG and yet not one brought him to the ground. It was that way all year, it was like watching tag football. Touching without tackling doesn't count and the tackling has been abyssmal all year. Hell, its been bad for several years. Bring back Ted Cotrell, at least he knew defenses. When we ridiculed for playing the 3-4, while everyone else ran the 4-3, now we are one of the few in the 4-3 while the rest are playing 3-4's. Side note, did you guys see who got the ceremonial ball at the beginning of the game? None other than Walt Corey. I never realized he played LB for the Chiefs. It was a good omon for the Bills.
  16. My wife and I had seats in section 103, the 19th row and we next to four Bills fans from Norman OK. It was pretty cool, everywhere around us was KC fans, and they were surrounded by Bills fans. It was a circle the wagons moment. A female couple came down after the 1st quarter to find better seats and get away from some abnoxious Bills fans. They didn't look around and see who was who, and suddenly realized they were surrounded by four times as many Bills fans. They left soon after we scored again. I agree the KC fans were super nice and very hospitable and treated us very well. One family even offered free brats, but they got booed by nearby tailgaters. We politely turned them down. During the late part of the 3rd quarter, I took it upon myself to count Bills fans around the stadium. I lost count at 2755 and that didn't count the ones behind me that I couldn't see. The place was packed with Bills Nation and we were all wearing Bills gear. Even the KC fan behind us asked us for a spare jersey when they were behind by 2 touchdowns. Two KC fans with bags on their heads left early in the 4th quarter, giving a rise to jeers and laughs from the nearby Bills fans. Overall, it was a great game and terrific fans on both sides. In the beginning, the chiefs fans were like a college game, very in to the scoring, but as they were left in the dust, they left too. Reminded me of the 2-14 years at the Ralph. Sad to say, but Bills fans gave up back then too.
  17. My wife and drove from Minneapolis to see the game and it was terrific as you all know. What I didn't expect was how well we were treated by the Chief fans. Buffalo should take note, it was a drunken brawl, nor we were spit upon. However, that said the seats were nearly empty of KC fans by the beginning of the 3rd quarter. Looking around, there had to be several thousand Bills fans at the game. I never saw so many Bills fans outside of Buffalo and it was awesome. To the fans from Elma, howdy. and to ones I met from Alexandria, MN I hope you made it home safe through the snow squall. I ran into people from all over America that were wearing Bills colors and had never been to either the Ralph or Buffalo and that was pretty cool. But there were quite a few from western NY, and it was nice seeing people who love football. KC fans like football too, they really got into it in the 1st quarter, but when they got behind they left. I suppose it would have been different if they were 5-5, not 1-9. They were still pretty nice and friendly, and I didn't get hit in the head with beer bottles like at the Metrodome where Vikings fans were terrible. Go BILLS!
  18. My wife and I will be there too. We are driving down from Minneapolis, and staying at one of the Holiday Inn's, not sure which one. The better half made the reservations. See you all there. I just hope that the one game I get too per year, the Bills actually win. Last year it was squish the fish weekend, and this one KC. Go BILLS!
  19. I completely agree with you. While Lynch does show some flair at times, he basically runs across the grain rather than punching at hole in the line. Freddie runs into the hole, or the slice and makes a bigger hole. I'd put in Omon, what the hell. Lynch is too concerned about protecting his interests than to really play, while the lower draft choices want the time. At this stage of the season, but the lower ranking guys in. We have virtually no chance (Again) of making the playoffs, therefore what have we got to lose?
  20. It's going to be a close game. We haven't won in Foxboro in a very long time. It will be like beating the Fish at the Ralph back in 80 in we do. With last week's beating, I'm not sure we have what it takes to win in Foxboro. I'm pretty sure we will win the set in Buffalo, but not in Boston.
  21. The last time I was there was in the early 80's and Buffalo got killed. It was a brutal game, but the fans were respectful and pretty good about it. No fights, no drunken brawls, just good clean fun. My wife and I driving down from Minneapolis, and spending the night in Des Moines, then driving to the stadium on Sunday morning. Its only about 3 hours from Des Moines. See you there, and hopefully the Bills will wipe TG's ass and make him really sorry he didn't choose to come to Buffalo! Go BILLS!
  22. Happy Birthday Ralph! Maybe before you pass on we can win the big one. Either way, thanks for all the fun you gave us!
  23. Not everyone has a fourth grade education. There are plenty of articulate people on here, so ignore the ones that graduated from Detroit.
  24. I certainly don't condone his behavior, but alcohol dependence is a difficult addiction to overcome. The man needs help, and perhaps somebody will give it to him, not coddling, not millions of dollars, but treatment for his addiction and underlying hypoglycemia.
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