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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. I don't know, but she surely has GREAT LEGS!
  2. Now there is a way to look at it! God bless the cynics.
  3. Those GUYS are MY HERO's!
  4. I voted too, and when I got it on, it was up to 3%, God only knows how many relatives DJ has. You have think that TE is voting for him too. His job is on the line if DJ gets canned.
  5. I'm in the age group and do remember crying in beers. The first game I saw was in 63 and have watched in utter amazement how back we stink over the years. If you consider the Super Bowl years an anomaly, then we right on track. Go Bills
  6. He just doesn't have the good grace to lay down!
  7. As much as I like the Pillsbury Doughboy, he needs to gol. Throw out Fewell as well, his bend but don't break, is already broken...Oakland is hiring.
  8. And the worst part is, it ain't even winter yet. Don't you just want to fill those snow seats in December, when they are 1-12?
  9. So we can get another top five pick, and pay him millions to get injured in a meaningless game, run by an idiot coach, and QB'd by a Stanford man. Great.
  10. This team is going for the Hank Bullock and Kay Stephenson award for incompetance in the face mediocrity.
  11. That was one terrible game to watch. We don't want the ball, you guys take it. No, thanks we had, you take it back. They found more ways to give the ball away than even Joe Ferguson could do.
  12. It would make me cheer. Otherwise, I'm going to get sick and sleep through the rest of the seaon. Go Vikes
  13. I could only wish it was a disease, at least it would be curable. This is horrible. It's like waking up in the casket, buried in the ground and knowing there is nothing you can do about it.
  14. They need to dump Brandon and the rest. Bring in Cowterd, at least he can win.
  15. Will we sink to new lows and beat out our own 2-14 years? Our one win may be it for the season. They are not only inept, they god awful terrible. It's a comedy of errors. What happened to Bobyy April's vaunted Special Teams? Looks like the Browns beat us on special teams all day. They need to clean house. They need to bring in a winning coach, not someone else's cast off that nobody wants. Or perhaps give Jauron testosterone shots. He has no balls.
  16. That was great, I darn near choked myself to death eating dinner. Too bad we have to sing about the man, but it might be the only entertaining portion of the season to poke fun at em.
  17. I'm afraid you might have a long wait ahead of you. Ralph has only done that a couple of times over the years. But who knows, we are on the way to another 2-14 year?
  18. It's the second week in a row that I fell asleep watching the game. TO is look's distracted, and Trent has the deer in the headlight look. Captain checkdown needs to be benched and bring in Fitz. He can't possibly be as bad as TE at the moment. And what gives with the Center, is he even capable of doing his job, or blocking?
  19. It's the curse of William McKinley. Oh, and the CSM on the X-Files promised that Buffalo would never Superbowl. Even the snow dumps on Buffalo on regular basis. Any other questions?
  20. They didn't just lose, they got killed. The fish bit back, and we didn't even fight.
  21. Zweigles for White Hots - hands down! Regular hot dogs or Italian Sausage - Ted's By the way, if you ever end up Rochester, Zweigles gives great discounts for bulk purchases. My wife and I picked up 50 pounds of Red and White Hots (pop opens) and drove them back to Minneapolis. They were wonderful and had the order ready in advance. Plus, the deli attached to their store is worth the drive alone.
  22. Don't just blame DJ, toss out Fewell and that idiotic "Bend but don't break" defense. We have a head coach that can't win, or doesn't want to, and a defensive coordinator that gives up big plays. Our play calling is dismal. You are right, screen passes aren't cutting it and why did we sign TO if nobody can throw the ball deep? Dump Fewell, dump DJ and bench TE for Fitzpatrick. How much worse could it get? It's like watching high school players vs the NFL.
  23. I counted 13 dribbles to TE, and I was napping during some of the game. How is that an improvement over last year? And how many penalties will Bell rack up this year?
  24. Fire the Center too. I counted 13 low balls hiked to Edwards, and I was napping.
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