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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. The da Bills will be....in Buffalo this year!
  2. Not unless we can resurrect McKinley.
  3. You're right, 1987 - 1989 with Bill Polian was the best we had. The Biscuit, Bruce, Tasker, Hull...you can't do better than that crowd and Polian's work.
  4. This is awesome! It's fast, it looks great...if only we could get into the playoffs.
  5. Belicheat threw Brady under the bus so to speak. The NFL loves Brady, so nothing will be done and the Cheatriots will fire some equipment guy for doing what he was told to do. "Nothing to see hear. Move along, Move Along..."
  6. Exactly. I hated the old dome and the crappy conditions. The new dome looks like crap to begin with and you are correct, a sterile environment with no fun in the experience. I've been there often and parking within 3 blocks is upwards of $100 and out 5-7 blocks is more reasonable at $50+. If you take the Hiawatha train and park at the Mall of America or anywhere downstream for Minneapolis, it's only a few dollars to ride, but the trains are packed and full of gangstas and pickpockets.
  7. Watch and see it will end up like the Minnesota Vikings Dome. No tailgating, hugely expensive parking and long walks to get the stadium.
  8. It's not like the other tall glass buildings in town aren't doing the same thing. The IDS tower for example has regular bird hits, but the pinkos won't declare it to changed out, only the violent, masculine football stadium owners need to be careful.
  9. I'm with you on this. Bad decision choosing Rex. It will come back to bite them in the ass. The Bills destroyed his perfect defense with a subpar QB in Orton. The Bills ran through them and now we are going to put our trust in Rex, while letting Schwartz walk the plank. Rex is another screw-up with a famous father but can't produce the same results as his old man. No winning record, no ability to control his QBs and now wants to ruin a top 10 defense.
  10. Kiss off any playoff run for another five years, while Rex rebuilds to a 3-4 defense and totally destroys a top 10 NFL defense. Great, hire a losing record coach, and then send packing a terrific DC. Why not hire Malarkey back, that would just about freeze me out.
  11. I couldn't agree more. He is a clone of Marrone. No improvement and likely a bigger dumb ass than we just got rid of.
  12. Another losing record coach. He couldn't control the Jets, now he takes on the mess Marone left and wants to replace Schwartz with his guy Thurman. Great, the Bills beat the Jets twice this year, and he wants to replace a great DC with a limp dick. Here we go again, another 15 years before we get to the playoffs.
  13. How about we all just get a big pitcher of purple kool aid and have a party?
  14. Hire Hank Bullock! Anything is an improvement over him.
  15. Why don't we just hire ex-military people instead? They know how to lead, manipulate and construct an offense and defense. Better qualified too, but then again they aren't really people persons either.
  16. You can take the thug out of the hood, but not the hood out of the thug.
  17. Shanny can't win without Elway. It wasn't his coaching that won the superbowls, it was his QB.
  18. You have to drive to Iowa to get my goats, and they probably wouldn't mind. It's warmer in NY than here.
  19. Please Mr Pegula, don't strap us with another NFL loser. We don't need Shanahan, or Ryan or Austin. Pick someone with a winning record. We need a leader and someone who knows the rules and can coach. No more egotistical prima donnas and nobody that hasn't coached in the NFL as the lead time to get it figured out is too great.
  20. We had a playoff calibre defense with a high school level offensive. If only they could build an offense without losing the defensive people, then perhaps the Bills will make the playoffs and win.
  21. Same ****, different year. It doesn't matter who is in charge, we still suck each year. I've been watching them suck since 1963 and it doesn't get any better with age. The Superbowl years were an aberration, a fluke and only because of Bill Polian. Ralph fired him too and told Wade to play Porcelain Rob instead of Flutie. Here we sit broken hearted, another year wasted should have partied.
  22. Tebow and Flutie are still available and if we ask really nicely, we can probably drag Billie Joe Hobart out of retirement...Bledsoe too.
  23. The better question is, who is going to be our next Offensive Coordinator? The offense is offensive and terrible to watch.
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