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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. I'm with you there. It went over my old gray hair head.
  2. At last a sane response to dumb ass postings.
  3. LMAO, what an idiot and making us white guys look ever dummer...We ain't well edumacated two well anyways, sew it don't meen much. Just teech him two keep the beat down better. He did not match the other guy.
  4. He deserves all the accolades. He was a terrific player, and apparently a very fine coach too. Too bad Buffalo didn't hire him.
  5. Who was the idiot who said "it couldn't get any worse"? Well, I think our current uni's are way better than the crap that Nike is pushing. We look like Pop Warner football now...if only we could win. As long as our QB can see the players, I could care less...Hey Fergie, thanks for the red helmet...not
  6. For us non-druggies, what in the world is "purple drank"? Anything related to purple koolaid and Jim Jones?
  7. Are they over-eating again?
  8. Speaking of Dicks, how's Jauron these days?
  9. Depends if they sign the CBA or not. Might be a very, very long offseason. But I bow to an obvious optimist.
  10. I've been to the following and here is my dime's worth of wisdom: 1. Lambeau - great seating everywhere, except downwind in winter. 2. Arrowhead - loud, and a rocking good time. Pretty nice seats, easy access and good tailgating 3. Old mile high before the renovations - great seats and they had seat warmers in winter. (back in 79). 4. Soldier Field - nice seats, resonable prices for a big city, good food and lots of urinals. 5. RWS - Would rate higher, but lack of latrine space is difficult when waiting with a full bladder. Worst 1. Mall of America field (formally the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome). Terrible seating, expensive beer and nasty fans. When the Bills played there a few years ago, we were constantly pelted with full beer bottles. 2. LA Coliseum (when Oakland played there). Place was a real shithole of the first magnitude. Limited parking, and even fewer rest rooms. 3. Browns stadium - crappy seats, and loud obnoxious fans. The place smelled like stale urine, even in the good seats. 4. The old Joe Robbie stadium- even worse than Cleveland and that is saying a lot. 5. Everbank Field (formally Alltel) in Jacksonville. I would be embarassed to be a van in an empty stadium. The place ain't so bad, but the fans never show up. What gives?
  11. Just ask Obama and his ilk. Or perhaps Gorbechev...it worked out so well for him.
  12. O.J. was my best 1st round pick ever. He was awesome to watch. He would be tied with Bruuuce for making the biggest impact. Worst, where you do begin? Maybin as of late, but the list is hidious and makes me want to puke thinking about it.
  13. I'm retired military, and I found it gravely disturbing. We view it as if its a video game and no one realizes that those are people. I realize its tough to pick out the bad guys from the civilians, but we seemingly are indiscrimate about who we are killing. Al Jazeera claims we are killing thousands of innocent civilians too. I was in nukes, and never had to get my hands dirty so to speak. But the exclamations of glee from the pilots seemed odd and callous to me.
  14. Corrent Leonard was indeed the Hitman!
  15. Then fans can pulverize the Fish sidelines with snowballs.
  16. I met Phil before the NFL when he played with the Bisons, and later on after he retired. If he is a juicer, it would be a real surprise. He is articulate, and just muscular, but without the standard excessive bone growth and rounded facial structures. I met Jesse the Mind Ventura, and that guy used steroids. Listening to him is just another proof how much the stuff screws with your logic centers. People who are juicers are often paranoid, and if you ever have seen his tv show...
  17. There is so much retooling to do, it's difficult to make a decision what to do with #3. I think Fitz is good enough to make it next year, but the defense is abysmal at best. We need another BRUUUCE or a Phil Hansen. A biscuit wouldn't be bad either. There are way too many holes that need fixing, and there isn't enough picks to go around.
  18. That TCU QB was really quick on the release. Couldn't tell if he could hit the broad side of a barn or not, but looked like Marino with the release.
  19. Where the lady-boys white or black? Where are the white women?
  20. Yeah, but Dobler bent the rules so often, they had to create new ones to overcome him. The STP he used to slide by people. The previous year he used motor oil, so the NFL created a rule that said no motor oil or other lubricants (STP is neither). He was just mean and is now paying the price.
  21. Good for the Bills! Now they just need to get rid of the rest of the driftwood...Poz needs to go too, or grow some badly needed balls.
  22. It's interesting that Mark Dayton exempts himself from the "tax the rich" theme. He has his funds tied up in "foundations" which exempt him and his family from paying any taxes. Between him and Al Frankenstein, the comedy of errors will continue uninpeached for a long time to come. But you're right, the Vikes are unlikely to get a new stadium, as they are already planning on repairing the Mall of America Dome (formally the Humphrey Dome...Hubert is turning over in his grave down at lakeside).
  23. Welcome Cheesehead! It must be humbling being a Packer fan, talking to us lowly Bills fans (bottom of the heap). But we welcome you anyway. I've been to Lambeau, and I think you have a great stadium, second only to the Ralph (sound you make after drinking too much beer). You will feel quite at home tailgating at RWS, much like Lambeau. Congrats on the SB win. You guys deserved it, even for Cheeseheads.
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