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Posts posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. This is not entirely true. If you read Brohm's recent interview, AVP totally ignored him because he was overwhelmed with being thrown into the OC job last-second by Jauron. So I totally don't get where you get the idea he's had two years under his belt. In reality he's had about 4 weeks.


    This will be the first time anyone has seriously worked with Brohm. So let's wait until training camp before we run him out of town.




    I was't necessarily talking about his tenure with the Bills........He was with GB and I was drawing on 'THOSE' NFL experiences/training not just the 4 weeks in Buffalo.


    The point I was trying to make with that statement is that Brohm has at least 'some' NFL grooming and learning our new system should be easier as a '3rd year player' as opposed to a Rookie learning it. ----I do like the fact that Gailey seems to be keeping a real close eye on him, from the articles I've read.

  2. The general consensus of the expert fan population is that the Bills need to draft a first round franchise Quarterback and put our struggles to rest.


    Had the Bills drafted Brian Brohm in the second round of 2008, most would have cheered and thought 'he is our guy' especially after the admirable college career he had at Louisville.


    The Bills DIDN'T draft him, but fast forward two years.....Brohm is now a Buffalo Bill.


    He has already had two years of training camp, OTA's, watching film, exposure to game planning and has experienced 'limited' life in the NFL. He's on our roster and it didn't cost up a high end draft pick.


    Brohm knows that he would have never gotten any playing time behind Rodgers in GB and Buffalo was able to snatch him quick enough knowing of the sound mechanics/decision-making and high draft grade he displayed just a few years prior.

    (Remember, Jason Peters was once 'hidden' on the practice squad too!)


    So, In closing. If Brohm doesnt become our next starting QB, there is nothing lost! This aquisition should be supported by all. ----Had we drafted Brohm in 2008 and he didn't work out, then we would be calling for his trade OR would be 'hoping' that in another year or two he would pan out, thus hindering the team from making a move on another Big Name franchise QB for yet another year or two.


    Lets hope Green Bay eventually regrets this move. Go Bills!

  3. Jets - LEONARD

    Patriots - AIKEN


    Bills - SPILLER



    Titans - HENRY (Discontinued Jrsy)

    Jaguars - STROUD (Discontinued Jrsy)



    Raiders - LOSMAN

    Broncos - ANDRA DAVIS (Discontinued Jrsy)


    Ravens - MCGAHEE

    Bengals - FITZPATRICK (Discontinued Jrsy)


    Giants - K MITCHELL (Discontinued Jrsy)

    Cowboys - OWENS (Discontinued Jrsy)

    Eagles - PETERS

    Redskins - FLETCHER


    Falcons - COY WIRE

    Saints - HARGROVE or GREER

    Buccaneers - CROWELL

    Panthers - HANGARTNER (Discontinued Jrsy)


    Rams - KLOPFENSTEIN (Discontinued Jrsy)

    49ers - CLEMENTS

    Seahawks - OMON


    Packers - BROHM (Discontinued Jrsy)

    Bears - ANTHONY THOMAS (Discontinued Jrsy)

    Lions - KO SIMPSON

    Vikings - WILLIAMS


    I found a way to wear a jersey from Nearly every NFL team. See a pattern? :w00t:

  4. Why does it seem so hard to fathom a turn around season? ---New coaches, new leadership and new philosophies are often the driving force behind teams making a turn around. The other reason that often propels teams is the players having a chip on their shoulder and an 'us' vs 'everyone else' mentality.......which I am starting to see blossom, by the way.


    Off the top of my head; Last year at least 3 games got away from us. (the first NE game, the Cleveland game and even the Jacksonville game) These are games we should have won, but because of questionable coaching and lack of dicipline on the players part, we lost. If we would have made one more 'fundamentally' sound plays, we would have had a 9-7 season, and thats STILL considering we played with coaching changes, OC firings and 20+ injuries. ---Our Back-ups to the back-ups would have had us on the verge of a wild card when you think of it. ----I know, I know, the what if's......


    The thought that Nix/Gailey believe and preach fundamentally sound football (first and foremost) and are bringing in players with solid work ethics and football intelligence, show that this is the mind-set, the 'culture' of the new Buffalo Bills.

    These core values that are the focus of the new coaching staff were the very reasons why we lost many of our games.


    Gaileys ability to build an offensive scheme around the talent available on a team is the second reason why we'll be better. One of his skill sets that constantly get mentioned was what Gailey did offensively with QB's like Thigpen. If we play sound football, get consistancy from the QB position (even at the smallest level) and stay healthy (the third area of focus Gailey established) we can win 10 games. Heck, I'd even say we're ready for an upset or two and that would qualify us for a 'turn-around' season.


    I'm optimistic. --Teams will soon find out that they have to pack a lunch when they play the Buffalo Bills.

    Just my thoughts. :)



  5. Not sure if this was posted but...... Today Serius radio was mentioning Donte Witner as potential 'trade bait' for Baltimore.


    Ed Reed had surgery and Baltimore may need a veteran Back-up to step in and fill a void until Reed fully recovers (or if he never fully recovers)


    It makes some sense therefore we may not need to give up anything higher than a 3rd or even a fourth next year if coupled with the Witner trade.

  6. I think your assessment of our RB's is insane.


    I agree Metzelars! --Also, two years ago our RB tandem was #1 in the league for combined catches by RB's, in essense and 'extension' of our WR corp. Now add a dynamic player like Spiller and we not only have solid RB's but well 'above average' pass catchers on the field.


    Sidebar: If Trent Edwards is 'Captain Checkdown' then put all 3 RB's on the field and everything gets caught. :w00t:

  7. Correct if I'm wrong.


    We speak of how Brohm was placed on the practice squad and reduced to a 3rd stringer on the depth chart.


    He was then offered a contract by Buffalo and Green Bay tried to match the offer, but Brohm took Buffalo's offer where he actually has the possibility to start.


    Didn't the Bills do somehing simular to 'shield' Jason Peters from other teams? --He went to the practice squad and other teams instantly figured he was a bust or not worthy of a pick-up? Why would GB try to insntly match Buffalo's offer if Brohm was only worthy of a practice squad spot?


    Brohm was never going to play behind Rodgers. ---Few starting QB's could! This made Brohm an instant 2nd stringer. Maybe the coaching was trying to get a 'feel' for Matt Flynn and get him some 2nd team reps to see what they had in their newly aquired QB.---Or simply tried to lead other NFL teams to believe Brohm was was not worthy of keeping on the roser. I'm just speculating but I wouldn't discount Brohm just because we was on the Practice squad.


    Go Bills! ---I cant wait to see Spiller light up the field!

  8. This is one of the downsides to the current work of professional sports (and collegiate, to an extent). I gave up on spending a good chunk of money on a replica jersey after pitching a white Bledsoe to a buddy of mine when Drew went to Dallas. I personally buy Buffalo Bills merchandise (especially ones with the standing buffalo), but I'd consider DH Gate if I want to get a jersey.


    I bought two of the Chinese 'knock off' Lynch Jerseys for about $35 a piece. --All sewn, look authentic, really nice.


    I'm gonna miss wearing those to the bar weekly. I live in Vegas and Bills gear is very difficult to find out West, so all purchases usually come via e-bay or online shopping. ---Who knows, after another run-in with the law in a few years Lynch might be playing for an arena team or a UFL team and he'll be more accessable for an autograph on one of those jerseys. I'll get them framed for my 'man cave' lol


    Thanks for the tip. :wallbash:

  9. I'm urked.


    I can't seem to buy a jersey of a Bills player that stays with the team longer than a few years. McGahee, Losman and now Lynch.


    I was able to 'resurrect' my Losman Jersey and wear it to a Las Vegas Locomotives game last year, now he's not even with the Locos. 0:)


    I recall seeing an old Bledsoe #11 Jersey at St John Fischer a few years back, but the kid wearing the jesey put duct tape over the name and scribed 'Parrish' ----I laughed at the time but now I'm actually giving it some thought.


    On the positive side, I am an football card collector and stockpiled Lych rookie cards when he was drafted. They have value, but in comparison they never seem to hold as much value as well as notable players of other teams. Perhaps they'll increase in value now.


    Lets hope these rumors of trades, swaps and compensation all make sense the morning after the draft....or better yet when Gaily hoists the Lombardi over his head while being showered by red, white and blue confetti. :wallbash:


    Go Bills!

  10. Like I told Him, that is not offensive to me or my people, and Im not trying to mock anything, just thought it was a funny picture, but I have changed it.



    What was the Avatar that offended someone? --Surely it was not that Spider Man imposter Avatar you have now?


    Did it offend Muslims? -- OOh, OOh Now I 'REALLY' have to see it. :doh:

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