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Everything posted by BillsFanInLV

  1. Jacoby Jones? He is a sound #2 or #3 receiver as well as a dangerous returner but has had some maturity issues over the years. I've followed this guy's career and always liked him.
  2. I suppose we finallly get the question answered on why Brian Brohm was relegated to the GB practice squad amd eventually let go. Flynn obviously WAS the better Quarterback of the two.
  3. Gotta agree. Swistons in Tonamanda. - My parents used to eat Beef on weck there many, many years ago and Ive carried on the tradition for over 15 years myself.
  4. I just blew coffee out my nose. Hilarious!
  5. I find the mocking of Plaxico quit funny. Not only Plax land a Federal firearms convicton but showed he has no understanding of some basic firearm safety rules. Tucking a loaded pistol (with a round in the chamber) into the waisteband of a pair of sweatpants is ridiculous! I'm a professional military firearms instructor and have concealed carry permits for three states which allow me to carry in nearly 35 states nationwide. Carrying a firearm is a resposibility and 'in the least' require one to adjust their dress habits to compliment and facilitate carrying a loaded weapon. Not consuming alcohol is rule number one. Using a functional and concealable holster is a close second. Glad Plax didn't have to use his weapon in self defense the night of his accident or he'd probably be facing manslaughter charges for killing half a dozen innocent bystandards in the act. He deserved the insult.
  6. Cool story. I am stationed in Vegas and was visiting Buffalo the weekend of the Raiders game this year. After the game, I headed to the airport to fly out and decided to grab some wings and beer(s) at the Anchor bar while at the airport terminal. Sitting next to me at the bar, were some well dressed guys, drinking and talking football. Sort-of being loud and talkative. A closer examination (and a bit of eavesdropping) and I realized that they were the refs from the Bills/Raiders game from just a few hours earlier. I struck up a conversation about the game with the gents, and the lead ref made some interesting comments. First, he said that the Bills/Raiders game played that day was one of the most exciting games he (they) had refereed in a while. They all agreed that they just 'love' a great game, and love to ref a game that is thrilling with huge implications. Once again, they said that the game that day was incredible! Also, they all agreed that Fitz was a hell of a QB. Particularly noting the fact that he was consistantly putting the ball through "tiny windows" and was "the real deal" as they put it. ---It was great to hear this so early in the season. I asked how they all began their NFL officiating careers and they all stated that they began Refereeing little league, some moved on the High School and College football, while others went to officiating school and were eventually hired by the NFL. I asked if they had a favorite team......solely as men and fans of the game, not as refs. ---They all looked at eachother silently and uncomfortably for a moment before all saying "No, we don't have a favorite team" (probably the Politically Correct answer) After a brief silence, an official exclaimed "I'm a fan of the Zebras!" -- Everyone laughed and the uncomfortable moment was over. It's obvious they try to mitigate leakage of information such as 'favorite team' or 'favorite player' to the public. I also saw Solomon Wilcox at the anchor Bar with the refs that day and again in Detroit on a connecting flight. It seems the announcers, refs and NFL films crews all travel together and are somewhat 'close-knit' Just thought I'd share my referee story. GO BILLS!
  7. I agree. Bills beat the Pats and we were 'lucky' ---The Steelers beat them and they are 'rejuvinated' 'posess the bluprint to beat Brady' and are now 'the best team in the AFC' I suppose being 'unknown' is our M.O. and that's what makes the Bills fascinating. I've waited nearly 20 years to have my team in the limelight and now that we are, I get sick of STILL hearing about the teams struggling who 'SHOULD HAVE' been championship caliber this season.
  8. You are correct. Here and there commentators speak about the Bills, but not like they do about Phiily, the Pats and Dallas.---- Each wseek I hear "IF the BILLS win THIS week, they are for real" --- I heard that against the Raiders, the Patriots and against Philadelphia; however, here we are once again, and the commentators are squakling the same rhetoric once again. I anxiously have to 'wait' to hear a snip-it about the Bills and it's usually a 30 second piece about Revis or Rex Ryan....I'm sick of it. NOBODY has NATIONALLY mentioned that the two losses we DID suffer were by 3 points each and our 5-2 record could easily have been 7-0. (Of course, all the negative Sally's on this board will argue the fact that we could also be 3-4 minus the comeback games) We earned respect already! What will it take; week 17 with a 12-4 record for us to enter the playoffs where we can 'prove ourselve' yet again. F*#k the National media!
  9. Sorta looks like Fitzpatrick.
  10. We all knew that there could've been several outcomes to a Bills win or loss as far as most ' experts' or media personalities are concerned. Here they are: Bills loss by large margin - Bills are not for real; NE still owns the division. Tom Brady and Billchek extend their consecutive wins against Buffalo to 16. Bills loss by close margin - Bills got really lucky for various reasons to even keep it a game; however, NE still owns the division. Bills failed their test of determining if they were ' for real.' Bills win by close margin - NE and/or Brady had an 'off' day; uncharacteristic of Brady; Buffalo got lucky; NE had the sun in their eyes two quarters; etc. The verdict is not out; still too early to tell if the Bills are for real...until then, the division still belongs to NE. Bills win by a large margin - Fluke game by Brady; NE injuries are the reason for the loss. Analysts will have to wait until the Bills play the second game against the Patriots before they are ready to declare the Bills a good team. NE still owns the divsion until then. Seems like, no matter what the outcome of the game was, the a Bills will have to continue living under the shadow of their 'big brother' of the division as far as the meathear analysts are concerned. Nonetheless, Monday mornings feel good lately. Go Bills! I sent this post from a phone while riding in a car.....on a bumpy road. Sorry for all the misspellings and errors.
  11. Scully mothered 3 of his illigitimate children.
  12. I love the media attention! I guess this is what it feels like to be a Cowbooys fan or Steelers fan. Turn on the TV, and the media is talking about your team! (only difference is the Bills are undefeated thus far)
  13. I BET this is a ploy by Billichek to force the Bills to gameplan around their status. Any time trying to 'figure out' who's actually playing is wasted time. I wouldn't put it past Billichek; remember, Brady was on the weekly injury report a few years ago for the entire season and he was not injured at all.
  14. I saw that as well. Billichek was telling him to 'step into his throw' and Tommy-Boy was making every excuse in the world on why he did what he did. He wouldn't step up and 'own it' ---He sounded like a girl. He's a tool!
  15. I agree. I believe Chan was trying to stay 'vanilla' for the first few games however being down 20-3 at the half against Oakland, Chan had to show a bit of our hand. The second half Bills Offense was near perfection! ---- This is the type of offense we'll open up with against new England. A tipped ball or a fourth and one stop for the Bills could be the deciding factor on whether or not we win. ----We played NE close last year in the first game and I believe it was Fitz's first game as a starter. A a last minute Int killed our hopes of winning that game. This time the outcome could be different and we'll be 3-0 come Sunday evening. Just my two cents. GO BILLS!
  16. I was going to post this article this morning but ran out of time before work. I'll make the point that J Bell was not or should not have been considered a replacement for Freddy or Spiller; however, the Bills used a 5th round pick in this years draft on Johnny White, who essentially plays the same type of role that Bell could have played. Maybe the 5th round pick could have been used adressing another area of concern. Just my 2 cents.
  17. We should just 'fake punt' over and over. --That trick play worked well.
  18. I liked what I saw and hope there is alot more of it during the regular season. ---However, nobody has seemed to mention that the Chicago O-Line was putrid last year and since have lost veteran lineman, Olin Kreutz. Last year the Bears O-line surrendered a league worst 56 sacks in regular season and allowed the Giants to claim an NFL record of 'most sacks in one half of play' If the Bills record at least three sacks in each of the remaining pre-season games, then I'd start getting giddy about what the regular season MAY hold. GO BILLS!
  19. Well then. That answers my inquisition. Thanks. Just great, now I have to make another Spiller jersey purchase. I hope this wasn't just a marketing ploy by the Bills to sell more uni's. Interesting
  20. I thought that too....normally those 'deals' are made a big 'deal' and publicized. They tend to be entertaining ie. trips to Disneyland, remodeling of houses, and purchasing of cars. Nonetheless; It caught my eye.
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