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Posts posted by Tommy

  1. If taking a 2nd QB in a draft after taking one in the 1st were a common practice, I'd say that I could see doing it. So far I can only think of one team doing it, twice (the Skins last year and in 1994).


    I wasn't advocating taking a 2nd QB. My post was simply aimed at those in this thread who said things like "The Bills didn't take Nassib because they didn't like him/didn't think he could be a successful NFL QB."

  2. I can see both sides to the argument of drafting two QBs, so I'm not going to comment on that. But can people please stop saying that because the Bills draft Manuel, that this somehow means they think Nassib isn't any good? The fact that they drafted Manuel just means he was the #1 QB on their board. For all we know, Nassib was a close second, and they would've been happy to have him. Or maybe he was much lower on their board; the point is that we don't know, so stop saying matter-of-factly that the Bills didn't like Nassib. Yes the Bill's staff should've known the most about Nassib compared to other teams, but this doesn't mean they didn't like him just because he wasn't the #1 on their board.


    If I asked you to name your #1 favorite restaurant, does that mean that you DON'T like every other restaurant?

  3. What have you done with Mike from Syracuse and how dare you steal his avatar?!?!?!?


    Hahaha, don't worry. I'm sure Mike from Syracuse is perfectly safe.


    I don't post often so you haven't seen me much in here, but I've had this avatar for a while. I went to SU, so I've got to show my school some love. Plus it seems pretty appropriate as the Bills become more and more like Syracuse West :thumbsup:

  4. Just an FYI about the article in the original post: Kiper states very clearly that it is NOT a mock draft. Unlike his evolutionary Mock Drafts (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc), Kiper states in this article that "This is not really a mock draft. In this case, I'm the GM. In a mock I project picks -- here, I make them." The title of the article is even "Kiper's 'Grade A' Draft," which implies it is something like an ideal scenario for the top three rounds. Kiper knows Nassib won't be there in Round 3; he was just trying to stretch reality to make an entertaining article (whether or not it was actually entertaining is another subject).


    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Kiper hair gel jokes as much as the next guy :D, but I just felt the need to put his picks in some context.

  5. ill take a shot at it. Because Freddy is 30+ years old coming off 2 seasons where he's been injury riddled and if he goes down along with not knowing if CJ can handle a full workload were screwed. Freddy maybe has 2 years left if were lucky. This year could be a bad hit away from being it for him.


    I guess my question to this would be why do we need to draft a RB right now? As of right now, we have Spiller, Jackson, and Choice. Given that we only have 6 draft picks, can we really afford to use one of them on a 4th RB? If we really want to bring in another RB right now, why not just look to UDFAs? I agree that Jackson may not have much left, but he's on the team right now and is planning to play this season. If he breaks down this season and we need a new #2, look for one next year. We can't afford to use a draft choice on a RB this season.

  6. Trade back to a late 1st round pick and get 3 picks in the first two rounds. Using those three picks we grab from among this group.


    WR - Hunter, DeAndre Hopkins LB – Minter, Te’o . Only if they are very confident they have a Franchise QB from among them, not just a starting QB – Manuel, Barkley, Wilson If no QB in the first two rounds, then OT - Lane Johnson, Jonathan Cooper


    Maybe I misunderstood your post, but if you are implying that Lane Johnson and/or Jonathan Cooper will be available late in the first round, I think that is highly unlikely (especially on Lane Johnson, who should easily be a top 15 pick). Just for the sake of conversation, if both of those O-Linemen were gone, who would you take instead?

  7. The draft is just going to be about plugging holes they created after the end of last season, with players no better and likely worse. You draft and develop a guy like Levitre, then just let him go. Same story as Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, Ted Washington, Marshawn Lynch, Jason Peters, yada yada yada.


    Let's also try to remember the difference between not re-signing an unrestricted free agent and trading a player for some compensation. Jason Peters was not "let go;" he was unhappy about his contract and we received some solid compensation for him (1st, 4th, and 6th round picks. The 1st turned into Eric Wood). Marshawn Lynch was traded for a 4th and a 6th. Granted, he is doing well in Seattle, but at the time, we had Spiller and Jackson, and Lynch seemed one misstep away from a suspension. I liked Lynch too, but I wouldn't count him in the same category as UFAs that we didn't re-sign.

  8. Agreed. But, he's not elite in that respect, nor does he play special teams. He was fortunate to have a QB like Nassib or he may not have produced the numbers he did. Kind of makes me wonder if Nassib had a Tavon Austion, Robert Woods, C. Patterson or Cobi Hamilton, would Lemon have had anywhere near the numbers he had?


    Well, I'm assuming you mean if Nassib had one of those other receivers instead of Marcus Sales, to play on the other side of Lemon...and I think the easy answer to that is no, he wouldn't have had the same numbers. Lemon was really the #1 target at Cuse, although Sales got his fair share. With one of those other big-name players, Lemon would definitely fall to #2. I still think he would've done well though. I'm with you though in that Lemon is not elite in anything, and it's for that reason that I think he would fit well as a #4 WR somewhere. I don't think anyone should expect the kid to come in and take a #2 spot, and I think the Bills still need another threat opposite Stevie. As a Syracuse grad that has seen every game of Lemon's career, I can say that I'd be thrilled to have him as our #4, provided we don't spend anything more than a 6th rounder on him.

  9. Sales has a checkered past. He was even booted from the team for about a season and a half. I don't see him getting drafted and I don't see the Bills picking him up as a FA.


    Lemon may get drafted late, and again, I can't see the Bills being a player for him. He has about 4.7 40 speed. For a wr that really doesn't offer much in the physical gift dept. or special team ability, I don't know how he'd end up playing on Sundays.


    I've alluded a few times as to the pathetic talent Ryan Nassib had surrounding him... and these two wide receivers illustrate that.


    To be fair, Lemon ran a 4.59 40 at the NFL Combine. He's never been considered a burner. He's a possession receiver.

  10. According to this Buffalo News article below, on Saturday the Bills hosted FOUR Tennessee players, namely QB Tyler Bray, WR Justin Hunter, WR Zach Rogers, and TE Michael Rivera. Is anyone else as surprised as I am that Cordarrelle Patterson wasn't one of them? Especially considering that they brought in two other Tennessee WRs for a visit....wow. What do you guys take from this?




    CORRECTION: The Buffalo News article must be mistaken. Looks like the Bills went to Tenneesee (which makes a lot more sense since you only get 30 in-house visits).


  11. For the record, I'm not a Nassib guy. The OP's question was which of this year's QB prospects were the best "in the clutch." Being a Syracuse fan, those last second drives by Nassib for wins against Louisville and Missouri stood out to me. Nassib took the reins when the games were on the line, and he led his team to victories. That is clutch to me.


    You had the right idea here, but just to clarify for everyone, the two last minute drive wins this season by Nassib were against South Florida and Missouri, not Louisville. (Although it should be noted that because of Nassib, the Louisville game was pretty much over by halftime, as Syracuse won big).


    Against South Florida, Nassib had to come back from a 23-3 halftime deficit. With 1:23 left in the game, South Florida kicked a FG to open up a 5 point lead. After the kickoff, Nassib drove down the field and threw a TD on the last play of the game to win.


    Against Missouri, Syracuse gave up a FG with 1:52 left in the game to give Missouri a 3 point lead. Nassib proceeded to drive down the field and throw a 17 yard TD pass to Alec Lemon with 20 seconds left to take the victory.


    One other "clutch" performance to point out from Nassib this past season was the first game of the year against Northwestern. Syracuse was down 35-13 in the 3rd quarter. Nassib then threw 4 unanswered TDs to take a 41-35 lead with 2:40 to go in the game. All the defense had to do was hold Northwestern out of the endzone. Unfortunately, the defense didn't do it's job, so Nassib didn't get the win. But it was an incredible 2nd half performance to say the least.


    I don't know if Nassib is the most clutch QB in this year's draft, but I'd certainly say his performances speak for themselves in terms of showing the ability to lead a team down the field to win a game. I've seen every game of his career, and can say with certainty that he is a tough guy who is going to give you everything he has. He was the reason Syracuse had a decent season this year, and I'd be happy to see the Bills take him in the 2nd Rd. I think #8 overall is too early for him, but he won't last past round 2.

  12. OK Bills fans chew me up !!


    You asked for it :nana:


    But there again there is the Brady factor ? Which should also prove unless there is a Luck or RG3 coming out WAIT & choose a good prospect later !

    :wacko: What?



    But in all seriousness, I agree with your general premise, which I believe is to not reach for a QB at #8. I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that Bills are absolutely going down that path, so I wouldn't worry about it too much yet. However, I do expect the Bills to draft a QB between rounds 2-4, and would encourage them to do so.

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