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Everything posted by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan

  1. I'm not outraged. To be outraged at this is to be utterly oblivious to reality. Do I think Chan Gailey is the best HC available? Not at all. Do I think he is the best HC available that would actually accept the Bills job? I would hope not, but I have to believe that is the case. But to think that a premier HC would sign to coach in Buffalo is quite simply absurd. All I can say is I am happy we did not hire Schottenheimer.
  2. For one, I was born and raised in western NY, so perhaps my opinion isn't entirely misplaced. Secondly, I don't hate the entire fan base, just the sector of it who likes to blame Trent Edwards for being terrible. Also, I love the Bills as much as you or anyone else, and honestly, considering I could easily now root for a more local team, it could be argued that my love of this floundering and unsuccessful franchise is even greater than most. And yes, we all have the right to discuss the who's and why's of on-field failures. And I'm not even saying Trent didn't fail. I'm simply saying it is absurd to expect any QB in the league to be successful here. Your trumpeting of such is quite louder than mine, and the same is true of all of those fans who are of your ilk.. I'm glad that you recognize the irony and sarcasm of my statement and that you demonstrated as much in your response. So enjoy the comfort of your majority opinion. Just remember that the majority of people in society have no true capacity for understanding, and it is more than obvious on the forum.
  3. Our defense as a whole, especially considering injuries, is very good. Nobody should be complaining about the tampa 2- it is very effective for us. Fatigue shows up most greatly in running defense, which explains why teams gash us late (most teams have not ran the ball nearly as effectively in the first half). If the offense could sustain any drives, the defense, even riddled with injuries, would be among the best in the league. Our pass defense is superb. There is not stat or justification that can deny that. I think defensively we are set, and it is a fools errand to consider a switch to another base defense at this time. While the QB play could certainly be improved, had we had a decent O-line, our offense, even lead by Trent, would have been far more formidable. Trent did not play particularly well, but since we have seen him play far better, the only reasonable explanation is that his play regressed due to poor blocking, which lead to big hits, which lead to injuries, which lead to fear, which lead to the dark side. All that being said, the team as a whole sucks. Most of the blame falls squarely on the o-line. Don't let your biases cloud your judgment to that simple truth.
  4. Using Peyton Manning to make your argument is beyond inane. There was never such an obvious future star. If there was a player of Peyton Manning's stock in the draft, then yea, the #1 pick would be a big thing. But since I've been watching football there has only been 1 player of Peyton Manning's caliber coming out of college. It does not take a genius to realize to draft Manning. It also does not take a genius to realize there is no Manning in this draft or in any draft since. You should base your line of logic as if Ryan Leaf had been the #1 QB in the draft that year, because that is the situation that teams usually face when drafting a QB with a high pick. Peyton Manning is an anamoly, and everyone has always known it. The question is do you want to lose games for the chance to draft Ryan Leaf? Alex Smith? etc. Because that is the gamble. There worst thing for me would to see the Bills spend a top 5 pick on Colt McCoy. That would epitomize the poor drafting that has affected the state of this franchise for the past decade.
  5. LOL. Philster you are the hypocrite. You want to scream about Vick not having character while you sit here and call him names on this MB. Shut up. Vick > Losman. Period. But really, please, keep it up on your anti Vick lobby. We all care what you think. I feel like Jesus would prefer Michael Vick's company to yours.
  6. The idea that you can make yourself better by losing is absurd. Any free agent is less likely to join a 1-15 team than they are to join a 7-9 team. I'm not sure where you think picking a few slots higher on guys that may or may not ever be any good is better than having a team that free agents might actually want to come to. So just shut the hell up with the "we should lose" crap. The best teams in the league pick at the back of the draft every year, but they still seem to find talent (see Patriots). No matter where you pick there are impact players to be had. The problem is the Bills can't recognize talent, and thus it makes little difference where we pick. I would rather make at bad pick at #11 than make a bad pick at #2 and have to pay more for that bad pick.
  7. My gut feeling is they grabbed Brohm because Fitzpatrick blows too hard to be counted on even as a backup QB. Did they not also feel that Trent Edwards was a diamond in the rough type? I think it is time the Bills stop looking for cheap players to be the next Tom Brady and draft Tim Tebow. The guy has the personality that the Bills want. He has all the tools and can run the ball too. I don't think he will be ready to take every snap next year, but if there was ever a player that could revolutionize the game, it is him. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon late like we always do (see Tampa 2, west coast offense run by Trent, etc), perhaps we need to grow the balls to take a chance on a player that could forge a new paradigm of thought in the NFL. Tebow is the OBVIOUS answer that the Bills need. Is it a risk to draft the guy? Certainly. He could flop. But I can assure you that this franchise is so screwed up that only a gamble that pays off will ever turn it around. The Bills need a freaking miracle, and signing other team's trash is not how we should expect it to be delivered. So just shut up about Brohm. Perhaps the guy is a diamond in the rough. But I find it hard to understand why you would be more willing to take a risk on that guy than on a Heisman award winning national champion QB who has the kind of character that makes the Wheaties marketing department cream in their shorts. You people keep saying "we need winning attitude?" Well why not draft the most decorated college QB ever who personally accepted responsibility for his entire team's performance and guaranteed that they would never play a sloppy game during his tenure again? Maybe Brohm is the truth and Green Bay (the franchise willing to force Brett Favre into retirement to make way for another QB...which makes me wonder why you think they wouldn't do the same to Rodgers if Brohm showed potential) is just totally freaking stupid. Personally I don't see how it could hurt to draft Tebow and have 2 guys that could be all pros some day in the future. It seems like you increase your odds of hitting the QB lottery by purchasing more tickets, right? For that matter I would not be opposed to drafting 2 QBs next year. Since your chances of actually picking impact players are slim on each pick, why not spend more picks to increase our chances of getting guys who can actually help the team? Yea, we have lots of needs, but when you draft only 1 or 2 guys who can help you anyway per draft, how many positions are you really filling? That's just my unorthodoxed thought about it. The point being that this talk of Brohm is really just mind numbingly pointless. After watching this team for the past decade, how could you be willing to risk the future on a guy who didn't even beat out the 3rd string QB on a mediocre team? That just doesn't make any sense to me.
  8. Substantially better than Fitzpatrick.
  9. I'm not sure giving the guy a chance to throw interceptions or fumble it away is exactly what Fewell had in mind when he wanted Fitzpatrick to make something happen. Fitzpatrick is the WORST professional football player I have ever seen in 20+ years of watching the NFL. To pretend that TE is not infinitely better than this guy is a debacle of the highest magnitude and a flagrant insult to reason and integrity. Dog is right, Trent should be playing right now. It's pretty simple really. If you want him to throw it deep, run all of your receivers on deep routes and let your RBs stay home and block. It would not be that difficult to coach around his trepidation, even with just a modicum of coaching talent. Trent clearly has not performed up to expectations, but you simply cannot pretend that Fitzpatrick is better. Fitzpatrick is possibly the worst player to ever step foot on the field in the NFL. Put Trent back in the god damn game Fewell, you brainless POS. It is your only chance of securing the HC job for next year.
  10. You aren't really smart. The Bills are not even in the bottom 10 teams in the league. They are a long way from greatness but there are so many teams that are so much worse. Any team in the league could beat the steelers right now. Our defense is actually decent. We could be upgraded at LB, but injuries really have caused our weak play there. If our offense could keep those guys off the field once in a while the defense would be contention caliber. For the record, Trent Edwards is obviously and substantially better than Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  11. In Tim Tebow's case he *was* the disparity in talent. Anyone who actually watched him play realizes this.
  12. Good post. I believe we have a better chance of a playoff berth by winning the division due to a Pats collapse than we do of slipping into a wildcard spot. When 9-7 teams make the playoffs, there are almost always several such teams, and of the teams that appear to be in contention for that record, we have lost games head to head against too many.
  13. As opposed to bringing in coaches with "credentials" whom, with the exception of Cowher (whom thus far have expressed zero interest in coaching here) are only available because their previous teams didn't want them any more? I would be all for Cowher or Gruden, but other than that, I would far prefer to see Perry Fewell signed as HC. We need to stop looking for the "used to be big things" and start focusing on finding the next big thing. It is more likely that a young, inexperienced coordinator will take a HC job and lead a team to greatness than it is that a washed up has been will come to a floundering organization and return us all to glory. I'm not saying Fewell as done anything to make me think he is the answer or the next big thing, I'm simply saying that I'm not really fond of hiring coaches who are only available because no other team wants them.
  14. Seriously, you think Lee is closer to Andre Reed than TO, or that TO is not vastly superior to James Lofton? Holy brainless monkey spam, batman! 2 games since DJ was canned and Trent was benched and TO is looking like, well, TO. Coincidence? I doubt it.
  15. I don't recall anyone ever saying that about Bruce Smith. It's perfectly obvious to me that Maybin was drafted in anticipation of DJ being fired and a defensive switch to a 3-4 scheme. They are letting him take his licks now at DE thinking that he will be prepared to be a dominating LB in the 3-4. At least, I would like to think that is the logic there. It has also been obvious to me that the guy was born to be an OLB and until we see him utilized in that way, I think it is premature to call him a bust. But it is more than clear that we can all forget about him ever playing DE at a satisfactory level in the NFL.
  16. Fewell wasn't while Thoner7 was, right? I am 100% convinced that Fewell is trying to demonstrate that the Bills under him are not the same as under Jauron.
  17. All that indicates is that his defense isn't getting off the field, which means that they aren't successful as a unit. To quote tackles as a measure of defensive success only illustrates your flagrant ignorance of the game. While it probably indicates that he is better than most of the players on his team, it speaks very little at all about how effective he is compared to other linebackers in the league. That isn't to say he is not effective, only to say that his tackles are not indicative of his performance one way or the other. Really this isn't a difficult concept. I don't know why so many people continue using this obviously flawed statistical argument. Wait actually maybe I do... I blame OSHA for the stupidification of society. They have unnaturally interrupted natural selection and now we have to deal with people posting on message boards whose ancestors should have been removed from the gene pool long ago via some giant machine press etc. The result is the proliferation of those individuals whom are incapable of critical thought.
  18. With our current offensive line, there is no coach and no QB who can make our offense successful. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can stop wasting time on meaningless banter. The number one difference right now between Trent Edwards and Drew Brees is that Drew has time to stand in the pocket and throw the ball. It's easy to say "throw it to the wide receiver". But let's see you do it yourself with the level of blocking we have. Hey Trent hasn't performed as well as he needs to. All I'm saying that he will not ever perform as well as he needs to until we can block, and until then, we won't know whether or not he ever can. There is not a QB in this league that could lead our offense to success. And let's not forget that TO just won't catch the passes he is thrown, which would have substantially helped our offense all season long. And Lee Evans really is not much of a threat unless you have time to throw to him down field, and since we DO NOT have that time, and have not all year, it's kind of absurd to pretend like we are just failing to get this guy involved in the offense. Lee Evans is a one trick pony. If you can't protect the QB long enough to throw it deep to him, he is a virtually non-existent threat. Thus he is having one of the worst seasons I can ever remember for such a highly touted player.
  19. It just illustrates that Edwards is substantially better than Fitzpatrick, and thus making it a reasonable assumption that both Fitzpatrick and Edwards are substantially better than their performances would indicate. The simple fact is that Johnny Unitas would !@#$ing suck playing for this team.
  20. It isn't even worth the few seconds you spent typing that actually. Tackles are the most completely useless statistic that has ever been tracked (except maybe pitchers' win-loss records in baseball). It means absolutely nothing, as typically, the more tackles defenders are making, the more plays they are defending and thus the less effective the defense actually is. In high school I lead the state in tackles in our classification for 3 consecutive years, by more than 20 tackles each year. If I was that much better than everyone in the state, I would be playing for the Bills instead of typing about high school on this message board. But the fact is our unbelievabad defense simply afforded me about twice as many plays and I was in on the tackle with probably at least twice the frequency as any solid defensive unit would have allowed.
  21. I certainly wouldn't give up any draft pick for him, period. I'm not sure why it is so hard to understand that ROSCOE PARRISH SUCKS.
  22. But then again, I'm quite confident that Marv has a far superior understanding of football and of current personnel in the league than any of us do. I'm also quite certain that it is absolutely absurd for any of us to think otherwise. Perhaps Marv isn't the most competent man in the business, but you have to realize he is still vastly superior in knowledge of dynamics of football and in general football and personnel knowledge than any of us could possibly be, considering his CAREER in the league, his extensive contacts with people who actually get paid for their knowledge, and his extensive resources in terms of contacts with other teams, other personnel people, and just general league resources. I love how people who work 9-5 at office depot somehow feel that their credentials and knowledge are superior to those of anybody in the NFL who gets paid for their opinions....it really boggles the mind that anyone could be so flagrantly ignorant.
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