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Stone Cold 3:16

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Everything posted by Stone Cold 3:16

  1. I don't care which damn number he wears as long as he comes out ready to kick some ass on Sundays. I know I'll be in the parking lot, wearing jean shorts, drinking beer, looking to kick some ass myself. And I'll tell you another thing, Hulk Hogan better stop running his damn mouth cause I know exactly where to find him at the Stadium.
  2. I don't really care who the quarterback is. The Bills need to go out there and whoop up on the rest of the league like I did to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14 and again to The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. I had a bum knee and was coming off a broken neck in an Intercontinental Championship match vs. Owen Hart and I went out there, put on my jean shorts, spewed beer all over the place and whooped up on those guys. I don't want to hear about some concussion keepin nobody out of the damn game. I don't want to hear anybody runnin their damn mouth, I wanna see wins. And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so.
  3. I don't really care who gains the most as long as the damn team wins some games and I drink some beer. If you think the Bills are gonna whoop up on the AFC East this year give me a hell yeah!
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