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Everything posted by judman

  1. Totally had the hots for that girl from Len. Waaay cute.
  2. Mine is the head under the tinfoil cap!
  3. As OP, I’d like to redirect your attention to the thread title which includes the term “rumored.” I wasn’t implying that it was true, and was unable to find a link. The whole purpose was to see if this was anything at all. Most of us got a few good jabs in at the pats* and their misguided fans. Relax, bruh.
  4. I had the same thought this morning
  5. I sure did! You’v never heard something in a bar?
  6. I was told that Dennison moved from the booth to the sideline at Gillette last week after a suspicious “beer vendor” was spotted. The vendor in question wasn’t selling any product, never moved, was watching Dennison and was constantly on his cell. Apparently, the Bills decision to put Dennison on the sidelines in the second half was due to this. I was unaware that Dennison had moved. I have no reason to believe, or disbelieve the guy who told me as I don’t know him. We were just two guys at the bar... but I got to wondering about it and saw nothing written up anywhere. Anybody hear this? I’m doubting it, but thought I’d dust off the tinfoil hat on a cold day.
  7. I’m kind of pissed too. We have had dinner plans for a while. Now I’m going to be the guy checking his phone and pissing off the wife.
  8. I’m a big fan of the grazer. I’m surprised to see all of the shade about it.
  9. Thank God Vince McMahon is gonna make football honest again.
  10. It’s gonna be interesting to see if this “he should be released” thing gathers steam.
  11. Incognito has been taken in twice by the Bills if memory serves. He seems to avoid all of the BS here that he’s cultivated elsewhere. This town seems to be good for him.
  12. This sky view is great for replays, but not the primary view. Making me dizzy.
  13. Get ready for even more frustration... the master beneficiaries of bad calls will swoop into town in one of their cusom birds next week. It’s been hand-wringing frustration ever since “the tuck rule call.”
  14. I was a TT supporter. Then I went to the game against the Saints.
  15. I think it means headache. Because when you drink Budweiser products a headache is damn near guaranteed. It's the rice!
  16. Beat the Jets first. Then we're onto New Orleans... The NO game is my game to attend this year. I'm looking forward to seeing what should be one of week nine's best games in person.
  17. I dont own much in the way of Bills gear. If I see something I REALLY like, I get it. That said... if they sell it, I pounce.
  18. Do you know him well enough to ask him if they are gonna put those suckers in the store?
  19. I called the Bills and asked them about that hoodie today. It is a sideline exclusive, not for sale (at least not at this time).
  20. If I find one Ill wear it daily
  21. Grey throwback hoodie is f-ing awesome! Cant find one to buy. Anyone know how to procure one?
  22. Sounds like he gets that based on his post game presser
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