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Everything posted by judman

  1. At the risk of further enraging you... Dan Marino's 'downing the ball to kill the clock fake' was an impressive move. I Don't like the 'fins, but liked the creativity in that play. Does anyone know if that had been done before that?
  2. Beef 'n Barrel in Olean. Get the Tin Roof Sundae for dessert. Worth the ride.
  3. You deserved the concussion, F the cowboys!
  4. Dan Dierdorf, and his over use of the word athleticism.
  5. I drive in from the Utica area so the 3.5 hours makes perfect sense to me. My house to RWS is exactly 199.8 miles. But you are right, I did not factor in, as Alice Cooper calls it Mil-e-wal-kee, or, the great land. btw Milwaukee is about 3x the size of Rochester.
  6. The reason I chose BUF and GB is because of the size of their markets. GB and BUF are pretty close. And, they are similar distances from some of the largest cities on the continent. Toronto is the 9th largest commercial market in North America.
  7. Population of Green Bay 101k Population of Buffalo 275k Population of Chicago 2.8m Population of Toronto 2.5m Distance from BUF to TOR 100 miles Distance from CHI to GB 200 miles Chicago and Toronto are about the same size, Buffalo and Green Bay are similar sized (work with me here... as far as NFL markets go). Those two teams have a healthy rivalry with similar sizes, distances, etc. AND they are in the same division! A Toronto team may not cut into the fan base too much. However, stadiums are not similar sized. I am going to post this anyway because I did all the work for it.
  8. Rumors are swirling that Tom and Gisele are expecting. That baby would be due during the playoffs. http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/05/...r_bundchen.html
  9. Maybe Vick will move on and get into cockfighting.
  10. You drive in from Utica, yeah baby! How about those 4:05 starts this fall? See you on the thruway, or in jail... I'd break up some s#it too. Here's to calling in sick.
  11. Where is Lou Piccone?
  12. Give the 'Patties' a surprise for the opener. I hate the Dolphins, but loved how they screwed Billy in Foxboro with the 'Wildcat out of the bag" game last year. Go no-huddle, wildcat with the kitchen sink at left tackle.
  13. Missed that thread, sorry. Wow, tough crowd!
  14. "A team source says the Bills are gearing up to run a no-huddle offense in 2009. It would maximize their skill players and perhaps neutralize any offensive-line deficiencies by wearing out defenders." Hey, we have had success with this before... right?
  15. Had a conversation about this topic last weekend. I guess ATL is a nightmare for parking, and has very little atmosphere in the area around the stadium. I got my usual spot for tailgating that is a reasonable cost, and a great setting. Not too many other stadiums have that it seems.
  16. What time is the lot open for "business"?
  17. I dont like having the warm weather teams up here in september. I had hoped that the bucs or saints would have to play in the snow!
  18. Tim, Not too many of us like the idea of the Bills moving to Toronto (or god forbid, LA). I have a Canadian friend who does not like it either. Many Canadians, he tells me, don't like the idea. Do you have any contacts in Canada who might be able to comment on this? What ever happened with the legislation in the Canadian Parliament to block NFL teams from moving north? If the Bills moved to LA, does Buffalo have the muscle to pull off what Cleveland was able to do with the Browns?
  19. I thought they were going to wear the 1960 uni in the hall of fame game. If approved for that game, they could wear it in Foxboro, right?
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