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Everything posted by judman

  1. Correct me if I am wrong. But wasn't there a time when Butch Rolle had 10 career catches, all of them for touchdowns.
  2. Lame entries this week from Graham, did not even go there today.
  3. Somebody will pick him up if he is cut. But, he will lose money. That's what happens when you are an average talent, think you are better than you actually are. His actions off the field are no different than those on the field. He dances around, spins, jukes, and looses either yardage or money. He looked great last year, something is missing now.
  4. The thing that made me laugh about the photo is the price $1.75. It is just pathetic. Maybe for a dartboard?
  5. It is truly pathetic. I cannot believe they still sell these! http://www.buffalobillsproshop.com/main_de...%208x10%20Photo
  6. fixed, may terminate.
  7. Good god no! Your preaching to the choir man. Cavuto mentioned the story on foxnews this afternoon and used the word 'signed.' Granted that could have happened since the initial post.
  8. When he signs it, my title will be just fine. Until then, a slight technicality. Can you edit the title, once it is posted?
  9. If Governor Schwarzenegger signs this exemption bill, it will streamline the process for stadium construction in LA. That makes a move easier. However the article mentions they want "quality football" in the area. Make what you will of that... Link: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local-be...l-64701932.html
  10. Here is the brady "RTP" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnmGSMccDuU...feature=related The commentator says it looked like he might have stumbled. Ya think? Here is what Tom Brady did afterword.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv0lMrtuJKU
  11. How many concussions is too many? Troy Aikman retired from too many, right? I think he had 5. Trent is almost halfway there. Whether he stays here for the long-haul, is traded, or is second string, that has to be a concern. I would think the NFL would be watching him more closely now.
  12. HE WAS TRADED! Can we move on yet?
  13. When the helmet stays on like that, I think concussion, or neck. Usually an injured player will remove the helmet as soon as possible.
  14. Voted... Was also sure to leave the patriots off the list entirely.
  15. I guess in order to get a RTP flag the following criteria must be met: 1. You must be Tom Bratty, or a Manning brother. 2. It must be a glancing hit. 3. The tackling player has to hit you by accident because he was pushed into you. 4. You have to beg for it. Number 4 is hard to do if you have a concussion, due to the fact that you were ACTUALLY HIT!!!!!
  16. I agree completely. It has to be tough to come in and take over. Sure you practice for it and have to be ready at a moments notice... blah, blah, blah. But when you know you are the guy running out of the tunnel as a starter, you will practice differently all week. Why not try it? Especially when you can make a change to make sure your starter has a week to rest after a concussion! Easy coaching decision.
  17. Any pics of the "Fire Dick Jauron" billboard for us out of town fans who would like to see it?
  18. Don't forget, Dallas has one hell of a mortgage payment.
  19. If TO was traded, would he have to turn in his key?
  20. We went all out this past sunday, pulled pork, stove, lots of sides. The remaining home games are going to be peanut butter & jelly with a side of pretzels. I got to cut my investment where I can. Our ticket stock on stubhub is nosediving.
  21. Here is another one. http://www.televisiontunes.com/Mr._Magoo_-_1964.html Thank you Rico for the price is right loser song... excellent
  22. I like the muted trumpet sound effect... wah wah wah wahhhhhhhhh.
  23. I would take Rush over Al Gore. Gore would make us buy carbon offset credits for the grills on the lots.
  24. Chant: Fire Dick! Fire Dick! Fire Dick! That way you don't have to decide if you want to clap or boo. You are just extending your opinion in a 73,079 face to 1 face meeting. We could turn this into a "shareholders" meeting of sorts.
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