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Everything posted by judman

  1. I was always a fan of the throat slash. I can understand why they don't want it. But I still liked it.
  2. At the conclusion of that game a guy in our section took off his Trent Edwards #5 jersey, tore it in half, and threw it toward the field in a rage. That is my fondest memory of that game.
  3. I'll echo that. Anything to knock the pats* down. I'm so sick of watching them get stroked. I'd like to see Buffalo and Miami back on top of the AFCE again. I'd also like to see the pats* go back to the 2-14 team that they used to be in the Dick MacPherson days.
  4. He would be no help as to insight to the pats* playbook. He never learned it.
  5. At least the Bills took a look at him.
  6. Just don't let anybody forget this fact when we beat the pats* in Fagsboro this year! F**k the pats* and their sissy-pants schedule. They've had theirs... THIS IS BUFFALO'S TIME!!!
  7. Not a big Walker fan. Too much love at the pats* and Jets. Losing respect for ESPN too. Are you listening NFL? Do the NFLN/Time Warner deal, people will watch!
  8. Week 17: Bills, Browns, Chiefs, and Jags locked in with the Raiders and Bengals sure bets for the wild card spots. The Pats have been out since a week 10 injury to Brady during the Buffalo game which all but sealed the deal for their disappointing 3-win season. Hey, a guy can dream, right?
  9. Last time I watched the Bills and Browns play it was a 6-3 loss. What a terrible game. I get the feeling this one will be better though.
  10. At this point I think they would make the show with any team. I would watch it with any of the 32 teams, no matter how good/bad they are. I like to see the behind the scenes stuff that the players, coaches, and front office people do. I actually found myself enjoying Hard Knocks-Jets. Certainly not because it was the Jets, but because it was interesting. And they served up that little Woodhead kid to Billy B on a platter.
  11. If the Bills were asked by HBO to be this years Hard Knocks team, they should say no. By my best recollection the Seahawks, Jets, Falcons, and now Redskins have said 'no.' My reasons: 1. a huge distraction 2. Belichick provided with legal film 3. They would be the 5th or 6th team to be asked Any other reasons?
  12. We were watching it on TV in Syracuse, I was 16. During the second half commercials my dad kept switching the channel to some old Humphrey Bogart movie. As soon as he did that, the Bills started scoring. During every commercial break we would switch back and forth. The "remote" was one of those old cigar box-sized jobs with a cord that ran to the cable box. It had 3 rows of 13 channels. You had to use big buttons and a toggle switch on the side to reach the desired channel. Seemingly low tech for 1993, but that is really what they gave us then.
  13. He needs to stay healthy beyond the end of the tunnel this year with his "lights out" dance.
  14. Was listening to Duran Duran today on the lawnmower... Yeah, I'll admit to it. "Hungry Like the Wolf" came on and I thought of Dareus's quote "I was just thinking telling myself, ‘The Buffalo Bills are going to eat!’ The Bills have been hungry for a while, but we’re going to be eating now,” I formed an image of Dareus bearing down on Brady to the lyrics: Burning the ground I break from the crowd I'm on the hunt down I'm after you I smell like I sound. I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf
  15. Because we have Time Warner... and no NFLN
  16. Yeah, stubhub is usually the way we go. We only go to one or two games a year. I'm too far for seasons anyway (3.5 hours). I know there are people on this board who drive further than I do, but I just cannot afford it all season long. Thanks for the input y'all.
  17. I've never sat in the Rock Pile. I always assumed the seats were so cheap there because the view of the scoreboard sucked. But on the other hand, the tix are quite a bit cheaper, and most fans say there is really not a bad seat at the Ralph. I was thinking about buying tix in that area, more or less just to do it. My crew of guys has hopped around the stadium a lot over the years, but always avoided that area. Good spot, or not?
  18. Terrible officiating and terrible commentating. Those guys should be in politics, talk about reversing yourself...
  19. "Wes, you know ladies wear hats to the derby, right?" "Yes Rick Astley, but call me Wessy."
  20. Would OBD seriously consider Ochocinco if the pats* gave him marching orders? Should OBD seriously consider Ochocinco if the pats* gave him marching orders? ESPN had some video yesterday with Stephen A Smith, & Co. suggesting NE was just not the right fit for him, etc... Would Buf work? Thoughts...?
  21. Let's hope it's produces Kutztown-like talent!
  22. Dude, you're way out of line. What you said is like walking into a dive bar in the deep south and saying "this place reminds me of New York."
  23. Back to back west coast games can be good IMO. As long as they don't come home between. Find a place, set up, and camp out for a week.
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