A guy I work with is a huge Seahawks fan (has been all his life). He sent an email to the PR people in Seattle around Christmas telling them he was a lifetime fan of the team, etc. and that he planned on coming west sometime with his family to see a game in Seattle.
The next day a woman from the team called him, took down some information and was going to send him a gift pack with some t-shirts and other swag. During the conversation with her she asked him about his favorite players. He mentioned Steve Largent and a host of other old time players along with Russell Wilson.
He assumed that was the end of it and was impressed with the response... until this past Monday. The woman called him again and asked him if he wanted to come to the Panthers game on Saturday. They flew him and his wife to Seattle, put them up in a hotel, gave them 2 club seats on the 45 yard line, limousine transportation, and a bag of stuff at the hotel (which probably has jerseys and stuff in it).
I figured people on this board might appreciate the story, so i thought I'd share it with you all. It's neat to see something like this happen to someone you know.