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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. No they don't. The standard that you will find at nearly all professional soccer stadiums (I've always found it interesting that there are virtually no domes, but that's for another conversation) are right around 120Y x 75Y. Here's a site that details the minimum and maximum sizes set forth by FIFA and the requirements for a field hosting an International Game http://www.soccer-fans-info.com/soccer-field-layout.html
  2. I'd rather him play for my team than against my team twice a year.
  3. The Islanders have a solid squad this year actually.
  4. This is pretty appropriate for this thread
  5. Any area that's getting tattooed needs to be shaved, similar to surgery. Very strange that was what you noticed and questioned...
  6. Really good post. You raise some intriguing points. My feeling on this class of QB's is an odd one. I have a feeling that everyone is underestimating this class. It's just a gut feeling with no basis or facts to support it. I could very well be terribly wrong, and that's fine, but I can't shake this feeling that people will be surprised how this QB class shakes out.
  7. Wouldn't he actually have to have looked for the ball on occasion to make this point have any validity?
  8. 49ers - 28 Ravens - 23
  9. So Vegas doesn't think we are going to the Super Bowl next year with the first year of the new regime? Shocker!
  10. Come on now, we are at least getting McRibs out of them.
  11. FYI, the link only appeared for me after I quoted your post. And why would they use so many damn shades of red? It's impossible to tell the difference between the shades of red in areas without a team close by.
  12. Kinda like they did this year??
  13. Do you think we could trade Mario for a sack of potatoes? Idaho potatoes only though...
  14. Do you want to start up a petition with me to end all petitions?
  15. Who's organizing the protest in front of OBD? I'll supply the tar and feathers, you guys bring the pitchforks and whatever else sounds good to everyone.
  16. Whoa... who ever talked about banning Canadians from the Ralph???
  17. Good news! I'm excited to see this kid develop.
  18. And again we have a thread where the OP says his bit the disappears into the sunset. Why don't people come back to defend their position? Isn't that the point of starting threads?
  19. Those that are calling Manti sick need to gather a little perspective. Lance ruined people's lives to shield the truth. Manti just wanted someone to love and let himself believe some pretty incredible things. Naive, yes. Sick, no way.
  20. I just came across this video involving the girl whose pictures were used under a false name. Pretty interesting perspective to the situation.
  21. Well, the documentary that spawned it ("Catfish" as well) involved a woman around 40 that had over a dozen fake profiles, would send Nev who is in his mid twenties I'm guessing (the creator and subject of the documentary) pictures that her little "sister" would paint, care packages, etc. She also claimed that they were opening a gallery for the girls paintings and that she just moved to a horse farm. The girl that this woman was claiming to be was a relative that she no longer had contact with. As soon and Nev and the crew showed up, this woman claimed that the girl was in rehab for alcohol and wasn't around. The ending is pretty eye-opening. Most of these cases involve people that have low self esteem and are filling some sort of void in their life. Here's a YouTube vides so you can get a gist of what the documentary is all about since I'm not that good at explaining it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq_Ha99qXdc And the Wiki page for the show: https://www.google.c...-XAx5B4kXWnhPNg EDIT: I tried finding a video of the interview at the end of the documentary explaining how they came up with the term "Catfish" but I couldn't find it. If i come across it, I'll definitely post it here. I'd recommend watching that documentary if you get a chance, it'll really help everyone understand Manti's situation a little bit better.
  22. I was sure this was a Peter Pan link. That said, yes.
  23. As long as she had less than 7 bubbles in the gun it's okay with me.
  24. Do ya mind hooking a fellow Bills fan up with a phone number? I have no reason to doubt that you are actually talking to her if that's who she said she is.
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