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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. Thanks for sharing. Some really cool pictures in there!
  2. Wow, just wow. I really hope he gets his dose of prison justice. A scum like this doesn't deserve to live. Thoughts are with Adrian and the boys mother and their family.
  3. To answer a couple of your questions, the cheap places you are talking about are only garages, not apartments. Heists will be added soon via a game update as will the ability to purchase more properties (businesses, houses, etc). If you have a group of people just make a closed lobby through the online menu and you won't have to deal with other people. Passive mode removes the dot for your player so the guy killing you must have seen you before you did so and chose to pick on you. Hope some of that helps. Also, there just isn't the capability yet to have one giant persistent world where everyone always is. Logistically it wouldn't work either, not enough space, properties, etc. The individual lobbies are persistent but that's only until that lobby is no longer active.
  4. That's the way it's been around here since I've joined. For the first day or so after a loss there are a myriad of overly emotional, irrational posts and then it will subside usually around Tuesday night/Wednesday (on a Sunday game). My solution to that problem is to just not respond to the posts that seem emotionally driven, which is precisely the reason I post on occasion.
  5. Same for me big cat. I'm working til 9 tonight too with a half hour drive home so I'll be an hour behind. On the positive side, it'll shorten halftime for me!
  6. My manager is a huge Pats fan and as soon as he told me this this morning I couldn't help but be happy. I don't want players to get hurt, but Wilfork got his dose of karma.
  7. Surreal was the word that immediately came to mind for me watching the marathon. Seeing Walt as Walt and not Heisenberg is surreal. Hearing Hank talk about Heisenberg and seeing Hank with Walt is surreal. The contrast from 2-3 seasons ago to now is incredible, and to think that while we were watching this the transformation from Walt to Heisenberg (and the other characters from then to now as well) still all felt natural and not forced, gives you an incredible amount of respect for Gilligan, as if I didn't have enough for the man already. Amazing stuff.
  8. Not that it matters much, but I've found it odd that the Eagles are getting credit for being the pioneers of the fast paced offense in the NFL yet the Pats* have used a similar speed offense for a while now (on and off, admittedly). Also, the lack of coverage about our fast paced offense has been confusing as well. I understand that Chip Kelly has a bigger draw than Doug Marrone, but credit should be given to all teams running this style of offense. Nice to see something about this finally.
  9. This is a loser attitude. Why not be optimistic? It's just a hobby after all. I have much more important stuff in my life to get depressed about the Bills season while they are still 0-0.
  10. Haha oops. For some reason I was thinking it was last night. I'll look forward to hearing about it tonight then
  11. No updates yet from anyone that was there? I was looking forward to hear how this event went. I hope it was a good time for all!
  12. it's all your fault......
  13. It's apparently AWOL right now. We are now on something about normal pain vs football player pain vs concussions... Or something along those lines.
  14. EJ has clearly won this job. It's just a matter of when it's official
  15. What a fantastic throw. Second read too
  16. Terrible PI call on Robey. Great effort earlier by Stephon too!
  17. Yeah terrible throw by Kolb. He needed to out that a couple yards from where he actually threw it, if he even threw it at all, which was a bad decision to begin with.
  18. 2nd best DT on the roster behind Jay Ross. No championship now....
  19. Regarding the Garage Scene, that was definitely the most intense I've ever seen Heisenberg. The chills that went down my spine as he told Hank to tread lightly were probably the most intense I've felt coming from a TV show. Gilligan is absolutely brilliant, kudos to him and the staff for making this show as incredible and enjoyable as it has been so far.
  20. If anything, this thread is evidence to two things: 1. Misleading thread titles create very misinformed threads and 2. A good portion of people around here read the thread title and post a reaction without reading the thread at all
  21. I'm now refreshing myself on the first part of Season 5 now that it's available on Netflix and wow I cannot wait for Sunday. It's going to be nuts. Heisenberg is out of control it can't end well.
  22. Why does someone have to get put in their place? The Marine was clearly an Ole Miss fan and did what most of the fans in that portion of the endzone were doing. No one has to win this situation.
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