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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. You have it backwards. The easiest schedule is the tiebreaker. The team that lost the same number of games against weaker opponents than the others gets the nod.
  2. Okay, I missed the part where you said you smoked, my bad. I still fail to understand how you can blame your panic attack on marijuana especially after smoking "many many" times. Other stress couldn't have been a factor at all? And I haven't smoked once during this whole debate, so good try. I'm well aware of Crayonz and his antics. Just making a statement. Trust me, I don't plan on getting into anything with Crayonz, nothing good will come out of that
  3. Well if you're going to argue something, shouldn't you be educated on the subject?
  4. Last year was Bradford then Tebow. This year wins.
  5. Let me explain this to you since you have never smoked and have no idea what being high is actually like. When you first smoke, its a completely new feeling. Your heartbeat increases and a lot of new smokers panic about this and convince themselves that they have a serious problem (when there have been precisely 0 deaths related directly to smoking marijuana). If you have smoked more than a couple times, you know the feeling and know what is normal and what to expect. Paranoia comes from the unknown when related to marijuana smoking. If you want to say that marijuana causes pure, unexplained paranoia, then you obviously aren't fully educated in the subject.
  6. Here's a question that I haven't seen asked on the board. If it has I must have missed it. Would it be worth a trade up to the #1 overall pick to get Luck? I understand the chances of trading up are slim to none, but IF it did happen, would you be okay with it?
  7. Luck just has all the tools you could ever ask for. He can make any throw he needs, has the athleticism to make plays with his feet, has incredible pocket presence, and IMO most importantly has the leadership intangibles that you cannot coach. He looks like the next coming of Peyton Manning and he keeps impressing me every time I watch him play.
  8. Nothing is life is a guarantee except death, taxes, and Luck becoming a Hall of Famer. Yeah, I said it.
  9. Some day during my era... some day...
  10. Plus, I'm sure he was in a fancy car which the cops always love.
  11. You cannot be educated?
  12. That is absurd. How can you even begin to justify blaming marijuana for someones panic attack? ESPECIALLY because it was not their first time smoking... On another note, the only reason that marijuana makes people paranoid is because it's illegal. If alcohol were illegal, people would be saying it had the same exact effect.
  13. please no...
  14. I'll throw my name in there. Not expecting to be picked, but it would be an honor.
  15. I've tried making this point before too but no one will accept it. People really underestimate how much losing Schobel hurt us.
  16. Can I nominate this for the "Dumbest Post of the Season" contest?
  17. You're missing all the draft picks
  18. One problem, Bell was playing LT and did a decent job against (arguably) the best DE in the league.
  19. I'm with you on this. And we will get flamed for not being a "good fan" because of this, but if you look at the reality of the situation and the long-term picture, having the top draft pick is a huge opportunity for us.
  20. I agree totally. We didn't lose the game because of Fitz or any one person in particular. On the positive side, we have shown a lot of promise in the recent weeks. I know we haven't gotten the results we are looking for and we are still winless, but I have hope for this team for the future, as that is all that really matters at this point.
  21. Why don't you just go visit the Seattle and Jacksonville boards and continue your bitching there? You're constant slamming of the Bills really doesn't make you look like a fan of this team anyways.
  22. Shhh. Don't slow him down, he's on a anti-Fitz rampage.
  23. He was referring to Kawika.
  24. First off, if you want to bother looking at my opinion of Ben you could look through my post history and find out. I'm not going to waste time going over that again. Second, Tila ADMITTED to being drunk, Shawne was only doing the right thing.
  25. There's also the fact where they cannot release the official substance he tested positive for.
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