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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. Wow you are dumb. You are either 10, or senile. You have made that abundantly clear. This board was better when you refrained from starting threads.
  2. If you're talking to me, I never said that we didn't need to worry about their TE's and Welker. I said that George Edwards does the defensive game planning. You're reading comprehension leaves alot to be desired.
  3. Shefter just said it is "likely to be postponed" on Sunday NFL Countdown. They can't handle a little snow? EDIT: Shefter just confirmed it too.
  4. Thanks for clarifying why you don't, and shouldn't, coach in the NFL.
  5. Love it when people make threads like this and then just disappear. firstngoal, congratulations on being the second person on my ignore list
  6. Chan is the offensive coordinator/head coach. I would bet anything that he has very little to do with game planning on defense.
  7. Flash to rcatty: George Edwards runs the defense.
  8. I can't add anything that The Dean didn't say.
  9. Your ignorance knows no bounds.
  10. So every player should use Jerry Rice as a blueprint for when they score a touchdown then? Different players have different personalities, and I am happy that we have a player on our team that can energize and excite his teammates around him. Why not let him have fun?
  11. And I have ventured into the knee fetish world. Still have to figure out what you can do with a knee, but if people can do it with feet, why not?
  12. It is a shared circulatory system, so I would have to imagine that they would both be over the limit regardless if only one of them is drinking. The complexities of such a situation are truly mind boggling.
  13. Money makes the decisions. It is a business.
  14. God forbid one of our WR's show emotion when they score a TD. That would be awful.
  15. What you changed it to is pretty contradictory.
  16. At least WVU can't close this thread
  17. I didn't think that the overall stupidity level could go down on this board, but wow, I was wrong.
  18. To each his own. Showing me a symphony of Christmas music is definitely not going to make me like it any faster But yes, the musical quality in that video is very good, but I still can't enjoy listening to that.
  19. Yes, Moats has a lot of potential. You do not understand football if you think Poz sucks. Period.
  20. The extra padding on the outside of the helmet really does nothing about protecting the brain from hitting the inside of the skull. Sure it may soften the blow just a smidge, but nothing to have any serious effect. The bottom line is, this is a violent, contact sport. Concussions are going to happen and it is a known risk every time a player puts their shoulder pads and helmets on. It's sad that this has happened to Austin, he has become a really good player. Just looks like the poor kid has been caught in the wrong spot at the wrong time about 3 times this year. The NFL has done a lot to protect the players, but I honestly don't know how much more they could do.
  21. Not sure if this is an attempt at humor, but its Collinsworth.
  22. This is really simple guys. The punter was told to punt the ball out of bounds. He didn't. It's the punters fault, period. EDIT: I don't mean the loss in the punters fault, there are many factors that contributed. I'm simply saying the punter didn't do the job he was asked to do.
  23. Call me a scrooge if you will, but I honestly like very, very few Christmas songs. So few that I have yet to find one. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but the music associated with the holiday rarely has any musical quality to it and I just cannot enjoy listening to it.
  24. I would imagine that a good amount of Bills fans would recognize them, but that depends on who it is. I bet that alot of the reason that Danny was hardly noticed is his size, he is a relatively average size human whereas most of the NFL players are freaks of nature.
  25. You honestly think that a professional athlete would post a picture of their penis on twitpic? Even Vince Young isn't that dumb...
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