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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. Number one, this is a business so of course he will try to turn a profit. He wouldn't be around now if he couldn't turn some sort of profit. However, I completely disagree that his highest priority is to turn a profit. What does a 92 year old man that has millions upon millions of dollars need to concern himself with making more money through the Bills for? For every single owner in the NFL, it is a hobby to them, not a primary source of income and is absolutely not the way they have accrued millions/billions of dollars. At Ralph's age, why wouldn't he want to experience winning a Lombardi trophy before he passes? Now, for the way he spends money, I won't even get into that because no minds will be changed either way. I just think it is incredibly pessimistic to say that Ralph cares about profit first and foremost, but you are who you are.
  2. It sucks having a car that can read better than I can
  3. I'm pretty sure you just mixed up the last two articles posted. The Giants kid was the one throwing a temper tantrum, the Brewers/Diamondbacks kid was just disappointed because he dropped the ball tossed to him. Unless that is what you meant and I just confused everything up myself...
  4. My car read 111 today in Orlando. Way, way too hot.
  5. Good points all around Todd. The kid that hits the ball the farthest among the players I know is only 5'9" and probably 140 soaking wet. He crushes the ball consistently 320-330 with accuracy and is a scratch golfer. Myself on the other hand, at 6'1" and 210, I usually get it out there 290-300 which I'm more than happy with. If you know how to coordinate the muscles used in the golf swing with the correct timing, anyone can hit the ball 300+ (okay, most people )
  6. For the last time, Maybin's problems aren't because of lack of effort. Gailey has said that he is a very hard worker and I can't remember ever hearing that he is lazy. Of course, being a hard worker won't make you a good NFL player. Some players have "it", other's don't. Maybin is the latter.
  7. Love it. It's so nice to not have plain green end zones anymore. It's a new era baby!!
  8. I do feel bad for the parking attendants too, they've got a lot they have to deal with now because of the pure stupidity of Andre and son. This situation gives a whole new meaning to guarding something with your life.
  9. Over a bottle of cologne? Seriously? It's hard to even feel bad given the stupidity of it all...
  10. Haha I did the exact same thing just seeing if it would work. I've been dying for it on here, it'll be hilarious to see the trolls get their fare share of minus'.
  11. Wow, that juts breaks your heart. That little kid is always going to have that memory of his dad falling for the rest of his life, I'll certainly be praying for his kid and the rest of his family. On the other side of the picture, Josh Hamilton must feel absolutely awful. It's gotta be tough not blaming yourself for this accident. I have always wondered why there aren't more safety measures taken around areas people are likely to fall in sporting venues. There was already another person (a firefighter too, ironically) in Colorado who died after a fall at the Rockies ballpark. There was also a 2-3 year old who fell and died from the luxury boxes at the Staples Center after a Lakers game recently. I know some may say it's overkill to try to make those areas safer, but if it saves even one life I'd have to say it's well worth it.
  12. That's what makes it funny when people try to discredit the "football is a team sport" argument and use stats to rebut it. Many people just simply don't understand how player roles work in football.
  13. As ridiculous as this is, what good would boycotting a PRESEASON game do anyways? If you want to hurt the NFL financially because you apparently are so upset over the lockout, boycott a regular season game. It's just about as plausible as your idea...
  14. I'm down here in Orlando and actually know two people that know Casey personally and because of that have tried to follow the trial but none of the events before the actual court proceedings. After watching the trial, they came to the right verdict. The defense only has to prove a reasonable doubt that Casey did not murder Caylee and they did just that by showing that Caylee could open her grandmothers sliding glass door and climb the ladder to the pool by herself through pictures of her doing such. They also got Cindy (Casey's mother) to admit to leaving the pool ladder attached around the dates that Caylee was last seen. Those were the keys for the defense in proving that there is enough of a reasonable doubt to avoid a guilty verdict. Now, something obviously happened to that girl that shouldn't have and it did get covered up by most likely either George Anthony or Casey. Like Baez said in his closing arguments, "Freedom does not equal killing your daughter." I came to the conclusion that the jurors eventually did too and feel that the jurors did their job exactly as asked. Regardless of what Nancy Grace has made Casey out to be and regardless of what your gut instinct may be, our justice system says that you are innocent until proven guilty and the State never proved anything definitive. The people that know Casey personally have called her both a chronological liar and "slutty." She does have her problems and I think Baez did a great job of acknowledging that and making it clear that although she may not be the best person in the world, she has never been violent towards anyone. In the end, karma will work it's way back around and if Casey truly did murder her daughter and it was more than an "accident that snowballed out of control," but for now, the right verdict has been reached and it brings the question if anything else may happen legally to Casey or her parents. On a side note, gotta give Baez a lot of respect for how he handled this case. He took a lot of slack for a while about this case but did a great job of building his story and sticking to his guns. His career is going to skyrocket now.
  15. I sure hope he wouldn't head to Dallas to talk to Richards. Mississauga, ON is a lot closer to both Buffalo and Brad Richards.
  16. I checked out the comments and apparently Stanford is blocking that documentary from being shown. Not really sure as to why they are doing that, but I can't imagine the excuse making much sense.
  17. Have you totally ignored the recent news about the negotiations? Why get so angry about something that is totally out of your control? Life is gonna be a real B word if you make a habit of that...
  18. That same picture has been on wiki for at least a month and a half now.
  19. And in other new news, using CAPS LOCK for the entire post is incredibly annoying!!
  20. Well said. I agree with everything that you just said regarding the bias that has shifted recently. Sure, a nicotine patch can be a substitute, but for a smoker, it won't ever be adequate for a cigarette. On your scale, I'd probably give it 20-30.
  21. Hate to break it to ya, but people have been smoking tobacco since around 3000 BC - 5000 BC Link (it's Wiki but if you don't believe that you can look yourself) And recreational drugs are far from out. The drugs of choice may have changed, but you are clearly just unaware if you think recreational drugs are "out."
  22. First saw that last night on Luke Donald's twitter. As a huge golf fan, that is hilarious and a great way to promote the game of golf. Ben Crane is such a goofball haha.
  23. A guy I know down here in FL who has played on 4 PGA Tour events in the past 12 months including The Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill back in March has told me that in his opinion, Tiger is done. He said that Tiger just mentally isn't in the game anymore and has stopped playing golf and started playing "golf swing." He's right on about what he's doing wrong, but I'm not totally sold on Tiger being done quite yet.
  24. Seriously, this was news about 6 years ago.
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