Yesterday, during one of his worst career rounds in a major, he had 106 yards in on a 468 yard par 4. That's a 362 yard drive. He hasn't lost distance.
Tiger's not done. He's just not back yet. What exactly he gets back to is really hard to guess, but I do think he will win on the PGA Tour again in the next couple years at the very least. Winning majors is another story and he appears to have a long way to go if he wants to get past 14.
Just noticed your signature and I really hope you mean the real Marcel. I mean, sure, I'd take the president job, but I'm not so sure where we would be in 4 years (if I made it that far).
Just throwing this out there so you are aware, you add literally nothing to any discussion around here. I know I'm not the best person to say this, but come on man, is everything in life really this negative for you?
You stating that the weather sucks is an opinion, not fact. Many people enjoy the snow and the cold. Just because it's what you think doesn't make it fact.
I haven't gotten anything since before the uniform unveiling. I don't believe you have missed anything.
EDIT: I'm surprised that I haven't gotten anything about the ending to the lockout yet.
We're just doing our best at keeping the trolls at bay. Hopefully when they see that someone has already covered the "Ralph is cheap" angle, they'll turn around and go visit another thread