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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. I heard on the LeBatard Show this morning that Cam hasn't had a roughing the passer flag thrown for him in the last two seasons. Cannot confirm it's true but I tend to believe that show. Anyways, Cam does have a legitimate complaint. He's not complaining about the rules being the way they are, just about the blatant inconsistency that the refs have displayed. It definitely should be a topic for discussion and I don't believe calling Newton a crybaby is fair in this instance.
  2. Have you ever seen them both in the same room? Think about it....
  3. He didn't want to steal the spotlight from the Tour Championship and Ryder Cup the following week. Not really dragging anything out at all, just being respectful to the sport he spent his life playing.
  4. Reed is exactly what the USA team needed to finally get another victory. Hopefully he becomes a Ryder Cup stalwart for us for the next couple decades.
  5. You can't fix stupid
  6. And the ability to go through the full offseason program is huge too.
  7. No. Has nothing to do with whats considered "in style," has everything to do with them being ugly as hell.
  8. Didn't realize that. I lived in two different states in the past year that had it and used it incredibly frequently. I find myself not going out as much now that I'm back in NY
  9. The whole state of NY is Uberless. It's a small tragedy around these parts.
  10. Simply putting something in quotes does not credit the source. What you are looking for is called a citation, and I do not think that means what you think that means. Common phrases of speech do not need to be put into quotes. But if we're going to go down your line of thinking, might as well put quotes around everything because I'm sure nearly every phrase you've ever said has been said before by someone.
  11. Scooby just got scooped by the Browns dammit!
  12. I'm just meeting my production quota of 1 pointless post per month. Stocking up early for next month now with this post!
  13. It sure seems like you made a choice to not like any of these picks. You could literally give a one sentence analysis of every player that reads like the player is a bust waiting to happen. It's Buffalo Bills football here, it's supposed to be a hobby that we enjoy.
  14. Yeah I screwed it up a bit. Here's the link that has the odds for every team and every pick. Can't seem to get the picture to attach it here so I have to just leave the link. http://www.pensionplanpuppets.com/2016/4/10/11396278/2016-nhl-draft-lottery-final-rules-and-odds-table
  15. Scooby Wright is still available isn't he? Doubt he would amount to much but would like to kick the tires on him
  16. I've seen the chart before but can't find it right now. I believe we can't pick at 4 but odds for 1st 2nd and 3rd are: 3%, 3.5% and 4% respectively. Now I could be slightly off but that's close to accurate at worst.
  17. FYI this was a 6th rounder. That's all I have to contribute. Never heard of the kid. Carry on.
  18. The Bills went 2-0 against the Brady-less Pats* in 1995. Your point?
  19. You know I had that thought as well. The next thing that crossed my mind is that this is the straw that breaks the camels back finally and leads him to becoming Saul Goodman officially (even though we can tell he's almost there as a character just without the name). I am really interested to see where this recording leads. Chuck aggravates me more than Skylar ever did in BB and that's saying a lot. Chuck is !@#$ed up in the head.
  20. I know L.A. is a huge market, but why is it that every time I see a picture/video of the fans celebrating the Rams returning it is a max of 8-10 people. This even includes the live video they were shooting in L.A. immediately after the vote. There were like 6 guys out celebrating.
  21. Speaking of that, any of our resident Twitter experts have any insight on this?
  22. This is beautifully painful piece to watch. Wonderfully done and thorough but man does it hurt to see all of this.
  23. i appear to be in the minority here (although I didn't read the last few posts) but I do believe it is worth the money. Everything I've heard about the controller ($150 by itself) is that is the best controller made to date, period. It is supposed to be the real deal if he is into gaming. The SSD will run games smoother and install them faster than the normal drive. 1 TB is going to be necessary if he plays more than 6-7 games. Every game has to be installed to the hard drive to be played and unless he keeps up with deleting games he doesn't play/have he will run out of room. I know a lot of people that had that problem on the 500 GB verison. Also keep in mind, and I know you're into technology so you probably know, but ~200 GB will be taken already out of the box. I could be a little off on that estimate but it's a high figure if I'm wrong. So yes, it is quite a bit more but I do see the value for the price difference. If he will use all the benefits that it provides it's a no brainer, but not everyone will find that it's necessary for them.
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