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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. McKelvin still remembers how to return a punt. Too bad that he filled his quota for the next two years now.
  2. 2 out of his last 5 FG's isn't bad right?
  3. So your theory is that Ralph is intentionally letting this team be sub-par in order to prepare the community for the Bills to leave after Ralph dies? I've heard it all now...
  4. As many of you probably know, I am one of the posters around here always trying to find the positive in everything. However, I have to say that there is none to be found here. I'm not going to give up on the team, that's just not who I am, but I am certainly starting to understand the people on the other side of the coin. 12 straight years missing the playoffs and we are supposed to have patience? C'mon man...
  5. Hahaha New England is a girl It all makes sense now.
  6. Barkley stays for another year...
  7. For me: Patriots Jets Dolphins Giants/Eagles/Steelers/Cowboys are all too close to call
  8. Since the region you are from clearly dictates your skill level as a QB and all...
  9. It is much easier for people to B word and complain than wait for an explanation (which would likely get discredited due to the fact that it doesn't support their assumption). As for your last sentence, it's a wonderful Catch 22. The Buffalo Bills don't spend money to get better, but we have to let Stevie walk because he is asking for too much money . But that is nothing new around here...
  10. It's hard to argue with the OP's point. The only significant additions to the 49ers were Donte and Aldon Smith. The reason that Aldon Smith is getting so much pressure on the QB is because Donte is now in the secondary and every QB does a double-take to see where he is on every play. It's simple really.
  11. Totally agreed. I would love to hear the logic behind that statement.
  12. Just saw that as well. Dude is a fighter regardless of what people want to assume.
  13. I wish the best for Marcus and hope to see him performing well in a Bills uniform next season!
  14. That little metal piece that holds the gas pump handle for me. Man that thing is so nice.
  15. Who's wants to start the "Drew Brees to Buffalo?" thread
  16. Yeah that was an obnoxious segment from Merrill. Chris McKendry and Bucci I believe were the other 2 in the segment and looked shocked at the idea.
  17. Apparently a sense of perspective is pretty rare...
  18. What I find absurd is the assumption that the "waddle" took focus away from preparing for the game. Stevie is a creative guy and I find it hard to believe that he spends any more time than a few minutes on thinking of celebrations. It's not about getting all the attention, it's about having fun. I don't see how that is a negative in the least.
  19. For the love of God get over it. It was a lateral. End of story.
  20. If you guys have such a problem with these threads, you can just make the choice of not clicking on them. I mean seriously, do you really feel that it is necessary to B word and moan in every thread on this board? If people want to point out that a player did well, what is the problem with that? You guys are pathetic....
  21. The article you quoted contains comments from a former Redskins cheerleading director and all she said was, "I would worry she would lose her job." Then they go on to list the rules and none of them cover anything close to this situation. Clearly that is all rampant speculation meant to drive traffic to the site. There is probably about a .01% chance that she would get fired over this. Dropping the game ball that her long-time boyfriend gave her and playfully kicking it? Are you kidding me?!?
  22. Uh oh, Sage is gonna be after you for this one
  23. You make no sense.
  24. :wallbash: Here come all the I told you so's from the all-knowing DreReed83. Good thing for everyone that he is here to enlighten us all!
  25. Speaking of using your head and eyes, I never said anything about "betting on crazy things." I said, "there is nothing to say it cannot turn around in the final 7 games," and "crazy things happen in the NFL." Reading comprehension doesn't appear to be your strong suit. If you want to go ahead and give up on the season, go ahead, that is your prerogative. I'm going to let the next few weeks play out and see what happens.
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