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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. I'm definitely intrigued by this show. I will be watching the premiere and I really do hope that I can get into this show. BTW, loved the Paranormal Activity movies as well. One of the few movies to actually scare the **** outta me
  2. Loved that Brady answer. "He can say what he wants, but I'll see him next year."
  3. No, he wasn't available, remember?
  4. You hate the team who's message board you have been a regular at for 5+ years?
  5. I'll bite. First off, if you think Clowney would even compete with Stevie for his job you need your head examined. Clowney was signed purely as a zero-risk training camp WR. Plus, signing him now enables him to attend all the offseason workouts. How this sends a message to Stevie I will never understand.
  6. If Denver can win with 0 points, then sure
  7. Who is serious here?
  8. but but but... I thought that they could only talk to one player at once. Clearly, signing Clowney took away all the focus from the other objectives of this offseason... right?
  9. Even though it was 18 years before my time, I would have just missed it at 202. I can't imagine what those who were waiting to hear their number called felt like.
  10. That is the only part that could be plausible.
  11. As per JW's twitter. Can't post the link as I'm on my phone, but I'm sure someone will post it soon. Superbowl 2013!! EDIT: here's the link
  12. Wow. Great story. That bastard got what was coming to him.
  13. I voted for Matt Flynn, but let me be clear as to why. I'm not saying I have given up on Fitz and demanding a change at the QB position, but I would like to bring in someone that shows some promise (aka Matt Flynn) to compete with him. If Flynn proves to be the better QB, let him play. Same goes for Fitz. Now, I do understand that Flynn would likely want to go to a team where he can be guaranteed to be the starter, but if we could get him here, we should do so.
  14. Before reading the article, I was sure that was a parody of the events. Now that I know that is actually what he said to her, that makes it even more hilarious! What an idiot that guy is
  15. It has to be fake. Based on this article, it takes a force equivalent to hitting a brick wall at 10-15 miles per hour for the airbags to be deployed. Plus, if an old lady swinging a purse at a bumper would set an airbag off, anything could set it off, including bumping a car while parking or possibly even hitting a shopping cart. Now that I've completely over-analyzed this, it's 100% fake.
  16. I agree with your sentiments. The guy was absolutely unlucky for events to unfold the way they did. I'm also sure that many more of us than would like to admit have been behind the wheel when we shouldn't have been. However, it is foreseeable that an accident could have happened, even if he was sober. Under the circumstances, you have to hold the guy responsible for what happened, even though I can't help feeling bad for him in a slight way. Ultimately, a life was unnecessarily lost and it is incredibly sad that the young lady lost her life so young. Lessons to be learned from this story, don't drive drunk, and pay attention to how you are driving regardless of the circumstances.
  17. I would just like to point out that he has taken only 2 personal fouls this year. Everyone is acting as if he takes one every other game. Please spare me the, "the coach said he would bench anyone who violated those rules" comments, I understand that. Is it really worth letting him walk?
  18. It's literally the first thread
  19. Lower my USGA handicap to single digits. Every other goal succeeds that one.
  20. Great read. Searched everywhere for that video and had no luck finding it. Would love to watch it!
  21. You read way too much into that comment. It was simply a comment of what the board would likely look like if we ended up with RG3 and Fitz was still starting. I made no suggestion that we should or shouldn't draft RG3, you just assumed something that I have made no comment on so far.
  22. This board would literally explode if Fitz was starting over RG3. I hate to even think of what the threads and posts would look like if that were to happen. Thankfully, RG3 will be gone long before the Bills are picking.
  23. That's COD for ya. Ever since the first MW the game has been ravaged with cheaters. I know I sound like a homer for BF3, but they deal with cheaters much quicker, so fast that you rarely ever encounter one. A good portion of the reason for that is the dedicated servers that BF3 runs. It is very hard (damn near impossible) to hack those servers without DICE knowing.
  24. I can't argue with the fact that Wood has been injury prone so far. I do have a tough time holding that against him though. Both times that his season was ended, he was rolled up on, which could easily happen to anyone regardless of their propensity to get injured. Wood has already proved that he has what it takes to be a dominant Center in this league, let's just hope that he can keep playing for another 8-10 years.
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