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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. I'm in, the only issue is that I'm currently recovering from two broken toes (done while working at a golf course actually) and the 6 week point is the Friday before the game. I'll make sure I update my status in here as I know more, but for now, count me in.
  2. Just stopped by Dunn tire a little bit ago and they were all out. Is there anyone here that has 2, maybe 3 extra tickets? Thanks guys!
  3. Just stopped by Dunn tire a little bit ago and they were all out. Is there anyone here that has 2, maybe 3 extra tickets? Thanks guys! Mods: please delete, my iPhone posted this thread twice for whatever reason.
  4. Wow. What an episode. We are now all set up for massive amounts of cooking, money, and trouble. Gillian has definitely set up the remainder of the series to be very, very interesting.
  5. Using Tapatalk as we speak. It is a really nice app for those on the fence about getting it. It is $3 but is very smooth and feature filled. Thanks SDS!
  6. It's incredible that Opportunity was only designed to last one Martian summer and has made it this long. NASA has done some pretty amazing things recently.
  7. That's a really cool video, thanks for sharing it. I'll definitely try to be up to watch this tonight. Do you know what channel it's supposed to be on?
  8. Maybe you just don't understand the scoring diving uses. The Chinese are and have been the best divers in the world for a long time. I do agree that judging can become problematic but there is no way to remove the human element from scoring certain sports, especially diving.
  9. Thanks for that info. Gives me a little more to chew on til next Sunday.
  10. For me, I want to say that he was saying he forgives her for giving the money away while almost insinuating (my take only) that if he had to take care of the problem he would and could have like only Heisenberg can. The look on both of their faces showed to me that Walt is fully aware of the power he has now made available to himself and Skyler is understanding the same thing and is frankly scared of how deep she has gotten into this herself now. In other words, Skyler is now scared of Walt and Walt knows it.
  11. S5 episodes are available for free on AMC's website I believe. Anyways, you are only one behind as soon as you finish S4 (at least until tomorrow night). You'll be caught up with the rest of us in no time.
  12. I did not expect Gus to die the way that he did. I was really expecting a poisoning at some point, but what a brilliant way Walt devised to get rid of Gus. That was easily one of the best episodes I have ever seen of any show. It also left a lot of questions and possible outcomes to S5, which drove me nuts to think about sometimes, but was brilliantly done. Gilligan has done an incredible job with this show, and I'll definitely be watching for his other projects in the future. The evolution of the Walt-Jesse relationship is truly amazing to watch unfold, as I'm sure you are noticing. I heard somewhere (maybe in this thread even, not totally sure) that Jesse was originally supposed to be killed off in S1 but they noticed how good the chemistry was between Cranston and Paul and decided to run with it. What a great call that was
  13. Real late on the reply here, but I finished it before S5 debuted so it worked out perfectly for me. I absolutely loved S4 and the S5 premier was incredible. I cannot wait to see where Walt goes from here, I have a feeling it's gonna get crazy and that's saying a lot for what this show has already given us. I started watching some of the behind the scenes and interviews online and that has given me some really good insight into the characters and some of the deeper meanings/feelings in the show. Great stuff.
  14. I'm also too young to go back much farther than the 90's, and I'm going to stretch the term "sitcoms" a bit, but mine in no particular order goes: Seinfeld Fresh Prince of Bel Aire Friends The Office Breaking Bad (not a sitcom, but I love this show too much to not put it here) Trailer Park Boys Reno 911 is hysterical Workaholics
  15. The only thing that I have learned from this thread is that virtually no one reads all of the replies to the thread before replying, hence 2 pages of about 3 different total posts.
  16. I just started watching this series about 2 weeks ago on Netflix and got absolutely addicted to it. I flew through the first 3 seasons and had to go out and buy Season 4 so I could be all caught up for this fifth and final season. I haven't read any of the last half or so of this thread as to not spoil anything, but I just had to get involved in this thread. Can't wait for Season 5!
  17. I believe it was 10 sacks in that game, but I'm not really following what you meant with this post. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, I'm just confused as to what your point was. As for Florence being released, I have to say that I am not surprised but I was not expecting it to be this early. I thought he would at least make it into training camp. The only reason that I wish we kept him is because he is a very active player with regards to interacting with fans and he truly embraced Buffalo and the people of WNY. He did have some below average moments (the multiple PI's that others have mentioned) and was probably making more money than he was worth. If Buddy felt that we could get better with the cap money that we saved from this move then I am behind the move. I do wish Drayton the best of luck with the rest of his career. Truly a class player and it was nice to have him in Buffalo while we did.
  18. But everyone on here says that they chose Trent Edwards over VY If we can sign him, I say why not, it never hurts to add talent to the roster and he is clearly better than Thigpen.
  19. After reading that article and this thread, it is abundantly clear to me that the fans care much more about Mario's jersey number than Mario does himself. I could care less what number he wears as long as he is out there on the field going after the QB.
  20. Hold on a second while I pick my jaw up off of the ground... Good lord, she makes all other women look inferior. WOW!
  21. Thanks for a good laugh OP! The ONLY excusable reason for someone to stop being a Bills fan is if the team moves (let's hope it never does). To say you would quit being a "fan" if we signed a backup QB is downright ridiculous. At the very least you could defend your opinion, not just post a troll thread and leave
  22. That's awesome Mark! I really wish I could have made it out there with you this year. Hopefully the opportunity will arise again for me soon!
  23. Seeing this really reinforces how much better the new rookie cap is. Gone are the days where that 6.33 mil would only cover the first couple of rounds. Good info BTW!
  24. Shhhh, you're supposed to let him go so we can all enjoy the show!
  25. Buddy clearly said in a post-draft presser that they will use Graham as an outside receiver. Just because he is small like Roscoe doesn't mean they plan on using him like Roscoe. I am looking forward to seeing what this absolute burner can do in a Bills uni! First off, great post. It's nice to have a well thought out post regarding this draft as opposed to uninformed knee-jerk reactions. That said, I totally disagree with you here. Kickers almost always lead the team in scoring and hold nearly every teams scoring records. Having a great kicker can be the difference in close games. Kickers are extremely underrated IMO, we saw what happened with Rayner and Coutu
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