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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. Do you have any facts backing up your claim or are you just bitching because its fun?
  2. Let's also keep in mind that the general consensus was that Stevie wanted to test the FA market as well. It's not a foregone conclusion that both of these guys will hit FA. Don't be surprised if both are resigned before FA even is upon us.
  3. Strangest. Post. Ever.
  4. Whatever the Front Office did would have been perceived as terrible by a good portion of fans, unfortunately enough. At first we didn't want a retread, check. Second, we wanted someone new and fresh, check. Now apparently we were supposed to go get Belichick and Brady as a package or else the coaching search would be considered a failure. Bills fans, perennially pissed because they feel like that is the proper discourse.
  5. The issue is that you have already declared him as terrible and a failure (people were already calling him Doug Moron, not you) before we've even had a chance to see how he can do. I can understand not being on board with the hire, but to declare him a failure within an hour of him being our head coach is a bit ridiculous, no?
  6. Well considering how he was the most hotly pursue candidate, even over Chip Kelly, you should probably make sure your facts are straight.
  7. Could you imagine if he was playing a top tier D? Cause I sure cant...
  8. Agreed. I can't remember so many erroneous reports from the sports media at any time in recent memory. It seems like Twitter is batting around .175 right now.
  9. Even with misinformation so prevalent right now, you'd have to think this is looking better than last night for Buffalo to land Kelly. Also, I don't think we hear Kelly's decision til Monday now. Just my guess.
  10. Sorry, I couldn't post the actual tweet. This lady has been wrong quite often however..
  11. He tripped him but didn't necessarily get away with it. He was blocked to the ground and Webb happened to run into him. Now it did look like Clay went down pretty easily, but that's up for discussion.
  12. I would have quoted 26 too but my phone won't let me. Anyways, fair point. The way I look at it, Aaron is kind of like Peyton to their offense. But the same can be said about any elite QB/HC combo, the debate would never end.
  13. Is this advice to yourself? Don't start that argument if you don't want to hear counterpoints.
  14. I'm not saying McCarthy is not a good coach, because he is, but I believe it's more Rodgers keeping defenses off balance than McCarthy.
  15. Why is Ponder inactive?
  16. Problem is we need a head coach and Brian Kelly isn't leaving ND. So we either play at least a season without a head coach if you want to wait for Brian Kelly, or we hire someone else (hopefully Chip Kelly) and go with them for a while. Your choice.
  17. That was nasty.... Case and point why I don't work in the healthcare industry.
  18. Now THAT was funny Seriously though, I wonder what the situation was in the first place for that guy.
  19. Just wait until Buddy is no longer the GM. Things will surely change then
  20. Has he officially cancelled all other interviews? Sorry if I missed it somewhere
  21. Now that Kelly is out of the question, Lovie is my guy. Everyone here has stated all the reasons why. Hopefully this gets done soon!
  22. Looks like its time to give up this dream and change the avatar...
  23. A 1-point safety? I never heard of such a thing. Weird rule.
  24. There's a YouTube video a couple pages back that has Kelly saying something along the lines of needing to design the offense around the players you have. He said he would run a power I system if his players fit that. Kelly will adapt his system according to the roster by all indications.
  25. For me: 1-3 Chip Kelly 4 McCoy/Horton 5 Lovie
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