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Ever Since '86

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Everything posted by Ever Since '86

  1. OMG he left out a letter!!!!! :wallbash: ... jesus christ do us a favor and don't even post your "thoughtlessness"... I'd rather read opinions on the team then stupid pointless comments about grammar and not having enough content for your liking
  2. I mean your definetley right something is up...but I think when your organization is associated with 10 years of losing and bad decision making not to mention the area they are in makes players wish to be elsewhere
  3. Did you not see the interview Haggan just had? He said when he was in buffalo all he cared about was getting high cause he had the money to do so so your point is irrelevant.
  4. Link Next time check before starting a new thread man
  5. He's not a center???
  6. I've always thought Bell would develop into an excellent tackle whether it be on the Left or right... he has too much athletic ability to not succeed. Karl Malone's son has what 1 penalty this year so far compared to averaging 5 a game like last season and I haven't noticed him get blown up yet so I feel good about him.
  7. so what happens in an injury settlement??? does he just get more guaranteed money, or is he given guaranteed money and then released?
  8. The stadium may be in jersey but the Giants are the Jersey team
  9. That's what I'm hoping for too...Bell has been pretty good so far
  10. I dont get this thread
  11. it is possible that this will save the organization money by spreading it out... but that's just wishful thinking... anyone confirm the 24 mil yet? way too much for a 2nd stringer/special teams player
  12. I love you and your opinions ice but I really really think we need to get you some prozac or something to turn that frown upside down
  13. LMAO... thank you for this one sir
  14. I agree but Levi already knows the system better then any FA we would have brought in and I see more potential in him then I do in a available vets
  15. Only good thing I see about it is depth..but thats a pretty moot point right now so I'd like to see what the extension is worth and all that...def doesn't deserve a raise imo
  16. We're talking about a 3rd string QB here people... how in the heck is a 3rd stringer going to help us get wins? and what were the better options culpeper and garcia? please
  17. WTF are you talking about??? Have you even watched him play this year? Can't run unless he has holes you can drive a truck through??? If that were true he wouldnt be starting nor would he be getting the yards after contact.... before you start calling out people to get a clue you need to get one yourself there smokey
  18. Yeah since polian was such a joke right??? Give it a rest ice
  19. since trent was putting such a major dent in salary... your on crack
  20. Depends on the age of the fans IMO...but the space to tailgate is so large I don't think it's too hard to avoid most of it if you have kids.
  21. Bobby is scared of needles so maybe if its in the pill form... last time I talked to him he said the colts were going to release him due to injuries.. loved watching him play growing up hope the best for him Now Jevon Walker on the other hand lollll...miss that dude
  22. I'm all for the heckling, but if you were there with me you would understand just how pathetic the comments were... and wtf is a beiber cut?? I'm assuming long hair right?? both my buddies heads are shaved so I still don't see the connection... some of you hardasses need to chill lol
  23. Went to the game Sunday with a few of my friends from school who are Dolphins fans. Was not their first time at The Ralph so they were prepaired for the abuse and they got it... I'm all for my buddies getting bagged on but cheesus rice the bills fans who made comments to my buddies were pathetic...they did not get one original or funny comment all day...**** some of the drunk hardasses were just trying to pick fights with them for wearing their teams jersey... worst comment of the day "hey the justin beiber concert is down the street"... I felt obligated to turn around and tell the toolbag with no bills appearal on whatsoever just how big of a tool he was... I'm all for my bills fans beiong rowdy and mouthy..but yesterdays trash talking performance was nothing more then pathetic... Get original you dumb drunk fawks
  24. I love how Spiller is focused on helping this team reach a SB and not just the playoffs... it isn't possible till you billlllevveee!!
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