This move is so gutsy, so surprising, so un-Bills like!
1. This team will be sold in the next 10 years. Signing TO will sell tickets and merchandise. We may get more opportunities to be seen on a national level. If we do, in fact, start winning some games and get to the playoffs, the chances of the Bills staying in Buffalo get better. It shows a team with incredible community support. It shows that even though we are a small market, we can sell some merchandise and sell out games.
2. No other NFL city has the die hard adoration for their team like Buffalo. TO is a star, and performs on the field. In a city like Dallas, the rich and famous are a dime a dozen. In Buffalo, for TO to come in and perform on the field will make him the star he feels he should be. He'll be as popular as Miley Cyrus at a Junior High school.
It will be interesting to see what happens. With TO, if he and Evans can work together, if Edwards gets some confidence and starts throwing that football, we can win some games.