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Everything posted by oddoublee

  1. yup...in NYC you have no chance of not getting convicted on that. thats the mayors 'pet' law. i typically try to be opened minded about these issues...but he had an opportunity to get off easier if he took the deal that was offered initially. he screwed up
  2. My cousin was the Bills beat reporter for Shout and buffalobills.com during the Rob Johnson era. He said-as everyone I am sure is already aware of- that they are required to spin everything in a positive angle. After all-its the site owned by the team. All in all-you have to have a very PC personality to have that job. It is what it is
  3. absolutely correct. the bills didnt draft maybin bc of poz. and maybin holding out is not a sign of bad character. just a guy getting the most money he can in case he never gets another contract offer. questioning poz bc of this?? good god fans over think things
  4. Yeah...guessing he is not healthy. Cards showed a brief interest a few weeks ago by having him visit-then they backed off and didnt make an offer. If he is healthy, the bills would certainly bring him in for a look. to far into camp though to believe he is ok..
  5. I disagree. His players sincerely like him and play hard for him-that is a sign he manages Monday - Saturday very well. I agree with an earlier poster, his problem is managing critical game situations. he makes decisions slower when the clock is moving closer to zero. so can he change? dont think he has to. the no huddle shows he will be aggressive if he has the personel. he just needs to find someone to help manage game time decisions that are clock related a majority of the time. as i write this...i guess i dont dislike him as much as i thought i did...
  6. he showed you from his rookie year he is not an NFL receiver? if you can see that already, you need to quit your job and be an NFL scout. its not like WR is one of the most difficult positions in the league to learn or anything
  7. The best corners cover the best receivers, the best receivers get targeted by their QB the most. kind of a misleading stat
  8. I agree, you deserve your opinion. Its just that your opinion on this matter is stupid.
  9. bc people like to put themselves on pedastal
  10. everyone will forget about the holdout by the time the season begins. everyone is overreacting bc they need something to complain about. Bills usually do a decent job of signing picks in a timely manner, but no team is immune to a rookie holdout.
  11. it was a preseason game. hard to stay focused on it i am sure...i have heard him commentate for regular season games in the past, and he is very very good
  12. reading your posts make me think of random things like-houses, stones, glass, throwing things awfuly self-righteous today arent we?
  13. guy who is doing what i hope he would do for me if he were my agent. show me the money. might be these guys only chance to cash in...
  14. I dont think he really believes that is why they dont win the SB...he was using dramatics to make a point. If you worked somewhere where the cafeteria food sucked, you would say something too. And I bet everyone would say something stupid along the lines of, "I bet my work production would go up, or I would stop showing up late if the food were better". None of which is true, but we use dramatics none the less. dont mean to jump all over you...just sayin dont take all quotes to the bank as literal
  15. Beastmode...its hard not to notice(based on the second thread in 3 days about the same topic) that you are very concerned about the missed time for Maybin. If the last thread didnt relax you-here it goes again: 1. This is common. No players long-term career is ruined by a rookie holdout. 2. Bills started camp early this year. So technically-look at this hold out at day 2, not 11 or whatever it is actually at. 3. DE rookies typically take 2 yrs to develop anyway, so we are probably not missing all that much short term. I get your concern, dude. Trust me...it will happen. And when it does, Maybin and the team will be fine....relatively speaking.
  16. no, 11 is still a third unsigned, so that is significant-not low. so you were right. the learning curve for a d-lineman is pretty large...with that said, the learning curve is high enough where it takes two years anyway-with the rookie season usually being a wash if in camp on time or not. so 3-4 weeks of training camp his rookie year isnt make or break for the bills season or his long-term potential. lets all relax...if possible
  17. cant do one without the other. they didnt ruin sports. players hire them. owners listen to them. they all make eachother rich bc we pay for the merchandise. i have no issues with the money atheletes make...but if you want to blame someone, blame everyone who buys jerseys, goes to games, and watches games on tv.
  18. dead on. boggles me how one dimesional people are when it comes to judging others
  19. the fact you asked the very question insinuates too much thought on the topic
  20. that was a joke, right?
  21. uhh...maybe because for 13 out of 16 games he will be the starting running back. seems logical to me. no wait...this is tsw. we should give him shoddy practice reps because he will miss the first 3 games. our inability to see past week one makes this the logical thing to do. i apologize for questioning anyone on this issue stating otherwise
  22. I really dont get his complaint. He is the 6 highest rated receiver at 91-and he had a down year production wise. I just dont get what he is pissed about.
  23. im usually anti-"go out and get him" just bc we know the persons name-or we simply have a legit shot of getting them routine-alright, now that I have qualified myself.... At the very least with Franks-he is a solid receiving TE(used to be) who at the very least can be a good mentor for Nelson. If he gets cut before the season starts...that is fine. But I find it hard to believe Nelson would benefit learning from our current TE's more than he learning from Franks.
  24. why not? its not like the cfl and nfl europe. it will have nfl style rules with some old nfl players and nfl coaches with out the stupid hype of the last league that failed. if it sucks...i'll stop watching. but its worth a shot.
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