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  1. Looking for two tickets
  2. I don't necessarily mind the increase, but I am not impressed that I have to figure it out myself. When they freeze the price they are very quick to announce it in the media and in the info they send out. This time around, the package says nothing outside of "Pay Now" , "Contact us if you have questions". How about explaining it (it's been a few years, still one of the lowest in the league, etc) ?
  3. Per PFT Wimbley Get it done Buddy!
  4. Hoops on Yonge St is pretty good - lots of TVs, each booth has a screen and there is a wall-sized composite screen behind the bar. http://hoopssportsbarandgrill.com/location.asp http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=458+Yonge+Street,+Toronto&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.360684,93.076172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=458+Yonge+St,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario,+Canada&z=16
  5. That's correct - for now she can't pay the bills, so she lives in a darkhouse. She's following her dream of becoming an entertainer and an icon.
  6. Isn't discussing topics like this the reason for this board? Perhaps we should go back to discussing how cheap Ralph is, how badly the team suck or new uniforms. Take a second to think about it - how many people on here clamored that they didn't want Vick when he was available, that he was a bad player anyway and not worth the trouble? Yea, I pay attention to the NFL, second chances on the cheap with little to lose for the team that takes the risk seem to work out brilliantly from time to time.
  7. PFT just reporting that VY is to be traded (likely on the cheap) or released. Can Chan be the guy to be a proper mentor to him and help him be successful consistently in this league without losing it periodically? His talent and ability to win games are undeniable. PFT
  8. Short sighted post. Bashing Ralph is popular, bashing Toronto is popular, combining the two is pure genius right? Not exactly. We didn't lose because the game was in Toronto, we lost because we're not that good. Period. Now, think of the numbers and what they mean to the Bills. I've posted this before after the preseason game vs Cincy, here it is again: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What everyone seems to be missing right now but will become gradually more obvious as this deal enters its final two years is that this whole venture was excellent at least for the short to medium term viability of the Bills in BUFFALO. Regardless of whether the Rogers Center is half empty and Rogers is losing money hand over fist, the Bills are still getting paid the same. It's a fixed price per game agreement. Don't forget that the Bills are getting an estimated $9.75 Million per game, INCLUDING pre-season games. A REGULAR season game at the Ralph nets the Bills just under 5 million dollars, likely much less during the pre-season. "The $9.75 million figure for the average Bills game in Toronto represents a windfall profit for the team, or roughly twice what the Bills can gross even from a sold-out game. The team can realize about $3.8 million in gross ticket sales for an average home sellout in Orchard Park; additional game-day revenue increases that to about $5 million." (source: Rogers Center) I know there are a lot of Russ Brandon haters out there and he was terrible in a GM role, but this is an absolute slam dunk and he robbed Rogers silly. This ensure a steady stream of additional revenues that can only help stabilize the Bills' financial situation in the immediate term. in 4 games in Toronto (half of which are wasted pre-season games at the Ralph) you can essentially generate direct revenue equal to a full season in Buffalo. In other words, it represents a 20% increase in revenue just for holding two games in Toronto this year, and this does not account for the savings associated with not having to run the stadium (lights, staff, etc) on game day. Yea, as season ticket holders we lose one regular season game for a few years. Not a bad deal to help ensure the Bills stay in Buffalo. If only it wasn't so obvious that Rogers was hemorrhaging money, this could go on for a bit longer....... The real beauty in this lies in the unpredictable outcome that followed: The over inflated prices set by Rogers to make up for the price they paid (who thought that, as usual, they were the only show in town when 20+K Canadians happily make the drive to Buffalo every game day), ensure that the stands are less than full and in return Toronto looks like a poor choice for an NFL team, and therefore a poor location to move the Bills to. Gone will be the talks of moving the Bills to Toronto.
  9. No, we should focus hard on convincing ourselves that a Stanford QB is the answer since it's worked so well in the past for us.
  10. I have 4 tix I can't use in 127 row 22, aisle seats so easy exit to beer/food/washroom. It will be a beautiful day for football, maybe the last fair weather game this year. Make me a decent offer and they're yours, I'd hate for them to go to waste or worse, to have to sell them to the "I NEED TICKETS" guy so he can fleece someone later...... I can forward them to your email. jf211@hotmail.com
  11. Yea, that's never happened before. All first round draft picks have successful careers.
  12. Wow Alpha, you've just restored my faith in humanity (OK, perhaps just Bills fandom) with a single post. What are a lot of people going to do on here now that the facts were reasonably presented and there shouldn't be no reason to B word and moan and cry and feel sorry for themselves?? Answer: The exact same thing. Or better, they'll say "you can't tell me what to do", when all you've asked is for people to think rationally for a second, take a deep breath and look at things with some pragmatism. There are SOME of us who enjoy reading a well thought out post. And NO - it does NOT mean we accept or enjoy mediocrity.
  13. I think this is a good sign for Maybin........
  14. Overmatched for the job? I disagree. Today, the day after another loss, Buddy made me smile. He had the balls to do what no one in the Jauron- Levy/Brandon regimes ever could: he cut his losses, and he did it quickly. Nix and Gailey got fooled by Trent, but instead of sticking with it they admitted their mistake. He looks great in practice most of the time with his own teammates applying pressure, but in live action he just freezes over. Why carry this guy on the team even as a backup when a career backup just proved in one game that Trent WAS a big part of the problem. Sure, the O-line is not perfect, but it's better than last year. Yesterday's game made me wonder: What could we do with a just above average QB??? Let's look forward, let's ride Fitz for a bit and let's put Brohm in there before the draft and see what he can do. Nix is NOT the problem. Right now he's a HUGE part of the solution.
  15. Soooo..... Is there NOTHING we can do on this? Mass email the NFL and the Bills? I am really disappointed this is happenening. I have been coming down for every game for a relatively short time (6 years), but I feel proud of traditions like Kenny's Pinto tailgate party and I hate to see it go away to another lot. I know the vast majority of people I have introduced to Bills tailgaiting would gladly write a letter if there was a coordinated campaign...... I feel cheated now - I bought a parking pass for Lot 1 fully expecting this to be part of the game day experience. I am surprised the Bills didn't stand up to the NFL and told them they had the situation monitored and UNDER CONTROL FOR 20 YEARS. I doubt they can associate a single arrest or concrete problem associated with Kenny's bowling ball.
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