I wish people would stop making the assertion that Wilson will (or should) sell any portion of the team- it makes no financial sense to do so.
Keepthefaith, your initial comment is simply wrong. Philster is correct, Wilson will NEVER sell the team prior to death. If Wilson sells the team while alive he must pay the capital gains tax, then at death (unless he dies in '11) the estate tax will also be assessed.
However, if he does not sell the team and passes away, he will not pay capital gains tax, rather, only the estate tax will be applied. In essence if he sells he will be taxed twice, rather than once if he does not sell.
By holding the team until death he will avoid the capital gains tax, which will be astronomical given the fact the team has increased in value by some $700-800 million.
That is why he wont sell the team or any portion of the team, as even if he sold a minority share, it would trigger capital gains tax.