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Everything posted by Tbone

  1. I have been told that the problem has been experienced by many people in the area, and that it may also extend to other sports. A coworker of mine told me that Time Warner will not "escalate" (whatever that means) the issue even though they have had several calls about it. I would suggest that if your having issues you should call them as well. (716-558-TWC1)
  2. Is anyone else having problems with their Fox HD channel? Its only on fox, and it seems to happen only during NFL games. Its really annoying. I called and complained twice, they told me others were having the problem but have thus far refused to escalate the issue.
  3. You simply have no clue. Spewing more unfounded B.S. doesnt make you any more credible- the next time you get your weekly itch to post something about the team moving or Ralph selling, do us all a favor and dont.
  4. Wait a minute! I thought last week some guy in a fancy car told you that Ralph, in mourning, decided to sell the team this year, and some magical tax man was going to somehow get around the law so it would all make sense and the team would forever be in Buffalo. You should seriously stop posting.
  5. Sorry cpabob- he is wrong, his wife WOULD NOT get stepped up basis for an asset transferred via the marriage exemption. I am tired of part time "tax pros" explaining this issue! The operation of the marriage exemption merely DELAYS the application of the estate tax on the basis held by the acquiring spouse- and if your really a cpa you should know that- otherwise your committing mass malpractice. As for Skooby, as I have tried to explain this to you before he is not going to sell the team before he dies- so get over it, just because your buddy drives a BMW or Mercedes or Lamborghini doesn't mean he knows anything. While he might do some estate planning and condition his will- he isnt going to erase $100 million worth of wealth from his estate.
  6. Ray I am not sure where you get that there is "ZERO" tax if it is transferred to his wife. While you are correct there is no estate tax levied at his death on assets bequested to his wife she holds any assets with the same basis as he did if he was alive (meaning literally all of the teams value less 25k will be gain). BUT beyond his wife the estate will be taxed either when she dies, or in transfer taxes from her... the money WILL be taxed twice... I paraphrase a famous saying that you can delay the death tax but like death it will always apply (unless he dies in 2011). Clearly he wants to bequest portions of his estate to those other than his wife, in the vein your original statement that he should give her the team and then she can sell it after a year to avoid the estate tax wont work unless she keeps all the money associated with the sale- once it goes beyond her it is taxed at the same rate as the estate tax.
  7. First of all I think its presumptuous to assume that one of us knows more than Wilson's highly paid lawyers and accountants, but I will explain why I dont think that would work... The reason is that I don't think Wilson is intending on leaving the bulk of his estate to his wife. If they did as you suggest, she would be entitled to the entire estate (or the portion of it that the team makes up)... even if there was an agreement that she would, subsequent to the sale, give large portions of the proceeds away to those he wanted it to go to (assuming that such a plan would not violate the IRS's rules, which I think it would) there would be gift tax to pay on the transfer of assets from his wife to those other parties- this tax would roughly equal the estate tax and therefore his "estate" would be taxed twice. I believe the best solution for him is to die, while holding the team... the team gets sold, the estate pays the tax and transfers the assets as he directs, no capital gains tax would be paid.
  8. Guessing is really only haunting the town Skoob... I doubt his family is kept awake at night by his decision to hold the team and net them another 100 million.
  9. Skooby, if you honestly believe he hasn't done any estate planning you are naive. You just dont like his estate plan- in fact, taking the highest bidder for his team is estate planning, as he is attempting to ensure his estate garner the highest value possible. bladiebla, it would not be simple to leave the team to his daughter as estate tax would still be due, which in all likelihood would mean the team would have to be sold in order to pay the tax bill. The only way he can (temporarily) get around the estate tax would be to leave the team to his wife.
  10. I don't know why we have to continue to have this conversation. It won't happen! The way the tax code works Wilson will lose around 100million dollars in value if he sells before he dies. In fact he would lose money if he only sold a part of the team. So please- if your thinking about writing a cmment on ralph selling the team- don't. He is not (nor should he) foreit 100 million just because you don't like him.
  11. I love it. Next I will be demoted to Gammy
  12. I apologize for those who have heard this before but the fact is there is no way the Bills will be sold prior to Wilson's death. I urge anyone who thinks that they will to take the time to read the following: If Wilson were to sell the team he would be taxed on the appreciation that occurred during the time he has owned the team. His estate will then be taxed again at his death on the proceeds of the sale. However, if he does not sell the team and passes away, he will not pay capital gains tax, rather, only the estate tax will be applied. In essence if he sells he will be taxed twice, rather than once if he does not sell. The taxes by the way will be massive given the fact the asset we are talking about is worth between 7 and 800 million, and nearly every sent of that value has been appreciation.
  13. I wish people would stop making the assertion that Wilson will (or should) sell any portion of the team- it makes no financial sense to do so. Keepthefaith, your initial comment is simply wrong. Philster is correct, Wilson will NEVER sell the team prior to death. If Wilson sells the team while alive he must pay the capital gains tax, then at death (unless he dies in '11) the estate tax will also be assessed. However, if he does not sell the team and passes away, he will not pay capital gains tax, rather, only the estate tax will be applied. In essence if he sells he will be taxed twice, rather than once if he does not sell. By holding the team until death he will avoid the capital gains tax, which will be astronomical given the fact the team has increased in value by some $700-800 million. That is why he wont sell the team or any portion of the team, as even if he sold a minority share, it would trigger capital gains tax.
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