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  1. I understand that I don't have enough posts for my opinion to be taken seriously, BUT, I feel like we have a throw away culture in Buffalo. We run coaches, players, etc. Out of town. We are not going to the playoffs this year, but we are young, talented and exciting to watch. We probably get one more year with Roman. Maybe we see what an off season of certainty looks like for one year, solid at QB, RB, and WR's. If nothing else, it's something to build on. As long as Brady is at the helm we won't win the division, period. I think if we back off and quit being so dramatic, don't call for Rex, Tyrod's, who evers head and give plans an opportunity to work, players an opportunity to develop, we will end the streak of heart break. Except Whaley, he's ruing our team for sure...
  2. I live in Philadelphia and it is the worst sports town in the US. All their teams are horrific. They are marginally loyal at best, they are pundits to their teams and your odds of meeting a real bad fan are your odds in any major US city. That being said, I'll be watching the game at home.
  3. Ralph is so old, he actually sent this message week 1 by the pony express.
  4. Please leave these things off the wall...
  5. I the concern as we want a winning mentality, however name a person you know that doesn't describe their job, or some facet of it, as difficult. Couple that with the scrutiny an NFL quarterback who should be a back up receives. Had he called Cleveland or KC an easy win we'd of torn him to pieces also.
  6. I don't understand & cannot accept the loser mentality that we as fans have. New England has been a way better team than us since the beginning of the millennium. They are the premier dynasty of the past decade. That being said, I go into every week optimistic (albeit cautious optimism) that the Bills will win, Mario will get better, Fitz will remove his head from his... You get the picture. Make friends with a 49ers fan and talk some smack, be a fan. I feel bad for some of your kids as I feel their parents are quitters. I haven't lived in WNY in 11 years (born & raised in Rochester), but if this is the mentality of the region, no wonder we've been basement dwellers.
  7. WR Problem? Are you stupid? Too much talent is not a bad problem to have.
  8. Who gives a sh--? DWI's aren't a big deal anywhere but New York. He !@#$ed up, spent the night in jail, and will pay through the nose for it. I'm glad to see a bunch of bloggers are better than to ever have a drink and drive but most people really don't care. Why is this newsworthy? I thought this was a sports website, not US Weekly...
  9. I will renounce my Bills fanship and take my Bills tattoo off with a cheese grater if this powder puff makes the team.
  10. I want the itching and burning to stop
  11. Only problem is a competent left tackle on a winning team who is getting the job done for you soon thinks he is the best in the business. Enter the Peters problem. It's considered the most important position in football to protect the quarterbacks blind side. Left tackles rarely make much in endorsements. There's no way around this issue
  12. And if he doesn't my big brother is going to beat them up
  13. Baltimore sucks balls way worse than Buffalo. You get ten feet away from the Harbor and its crime ridden and nasty.
  14. No way T.O. would come to little Buffalo either. Anything is possible.
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