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Everything posted by mousetrap08

  1. What confidence? I am Starting to think he is to soft or injury prone to play the game. Injured at the beginning of the season then in the middle and now at the end.
  2. You can watch the game after it is over on nfl rewind for a fee.
  3. All I was looking for this season was steady progress but it looks like this team has regressed the last few weeks that is what disappoints me but maybe some of the young player hit that "wall" so to speak.
  4. Quit the dumpster diving from other teams junk piles and sign some good players.
  5. Where do you hide your crystal ball I would like to use it so I can get the winning numbers for the lotto.
  6. I had surgery back in September but that wasn't rocket surgery either.
  7. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is bottom line.
  8. I take all these so called experts with a grain of salt. If they know so much how come they are not coaches or scouts? I could go on the radio or write something that sounds good and say that I am an expert but that doesn't mean I know everything about football. Most of these guys are nothing but phonies or just plain con men who make a living selling snake oil.
  9. You are right the Bills are not going to the playoffs because no matter what. They will not win at New England and will probably stub their toes at Jacksonville ,Atlanta or Tampa. The Bills are known chokers in these kind of games and I need to be convinced other wise..
  10. Did you ever hear the expression that there is a sucker born every minute well that's me.
  11. He will never make the active roster with a name like that it would take up to much TV time just to pronouce his name. lol
  12. The problem is that we don't suck enough to make it worthwhile.We never end with a top 3 pick always around 10 or so. we just suck at sucking.
  13. Already beat you to this look at the thread entittled 'SAME OLD BILLS" and I very much agree with what you are saying
  14. The more disgusting thing that is already being discused is where the Bills will draft in next seasons draft. 6th is what I heard we should be talking playoffs not draft picks this time of year. What a disgrace
  15. Early in the season this team was given credit for scoring 20 points or more in it't first few games but their highest out put was around 23 points all it has proved to me that this is a bad offense that can't score in the 30 range.
  16. Another 1st ruond bust.
  17. I will believe in 10 - 6 right up to about the 4th quarter and then will start thinking about 9-7when the BIlls blow another winnable game this Sunday.
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